Person came out to see the job--remove trim spring growth while maintaining sculptured shapes. A job I did alone until turned 81 and thought would hire someone to do it. Showed 2 sets of landscape areas-several boxwoods and hillside of euonymous bushes that were shaped with pathways that made everything easily accessible. Gave and I accepted a bid FOR THE JOB HE SAW AND HEARD. Told workers I wanted the "skirt" branches to be even with the vertical shape. 1. Amazingly, they didn't use plastic or tarp to collect the cuttings. LEFT A LARGE AMOUNT IN THE BUSHES. USED A RAKE TO REMOVE SOME FROM BUSHES WHICH MEANT THE BACKLASH FLUNG CUTTINGS OVER THE PLACE. Removed a lot of mulch that otherwise would have remained if used a catch tarp. 2. Didn't trim many surface areas, mostly on top of the bushes and the bottom skirt pieces that protruded well onto the walking path. Didn't remove any dead areas on boxwoods. 3. Left without any communication. No "what do you think"? "everything done ok?" Just left! 4. When I told the person who saw and bid on the job that I didn't think the work justified the bill. Twice, over the next TWO weeks, he said he would be out to see the job. Never showed. Said I'd pay half the bid for the half-a_sed job. He said workers would come and finish the job. Then said they would only pick up the cuttings. HE IMPLIED THE JOB HE SAW AND BID ON WAS TOO DIFFICULT FOR THE THREE WORKERS HE SENT. Huh? AT 81, I'm doing it!! I gave them the full check amount and said "goodbye". RECO. Don't hire them for anything "difficult"!!
Description of Work: Trim spring growth from bushes.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
tree service
+ -1 more
They're very good and very knowledgeable about their work.
Description of Work: They trim trees, cut part of a tree.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
john H.
firewood, tree service
+ 0 more
Badly, They were told not to come if no one was at home Went to the store one day and came back after 2 hours to find out they had come over and took a lot of the tree that was supposedly trimmed cut off drastically. Called 3 times over 3 weeks before someone came out. What a surprise. Damage was done to the landscape and was told it would grow back. Wouldn't have them back.
Description of Work: Tree trimmed and one removed
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Steve B.
tree service
+ -1 more
My next door neighbor hired Hendel's to remove a large tree in their yard. At the end of the day when the crew was leaving, Hendel's driver made several failed attempts to back up a large truck and trailer past my property and onto the main road with each attempt resulting in the truck driving across my property frontage leaving the yard a mess . I will admit the street is narrow and is without curbs, but the driver did manage on the final attempt to back out without driving over my grass. I would have accepted any outcome if someone would have only grabbed a rake and at least made an effort to straighten out my yard. Instead, the foreman looked at the damage, turned and started to walk away. When I confronted him,, he called me an "*******" for complaining and proceeded to get into his truck and leave. I called the phone number on their trucks and the owner of the company answered. I believe as soon as he realized why I was calling, he interrupted to say he was with another customer and he would call back in 10 minutes. Never heard from him again. i can't speak to their work but in my opinion Hendel's is bad news and a company to avoid.
Description of Work: Repair damage to lawn
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
We did a very large job at the neighbors house and they were very happy with the job we did. While trying to leave the narrow road our drivers tire went into the gravel along the corner of the lot. The yard is not destroyed and you did not call my office for us to try and rectify the issue. We would be happy to make this better if give nthe chance. Call the office so we can discuss in more detail.
Amy F.
tree service
+ -1 more
Was one of the worst experiences that I have ever had with a company. Even though they are 'supposedly' done, I still have debris to remove from roofs, limbs stuck in other trees and clean up that they were supposed to do left to do. The owner, Jarrod, has no people skills but tons of excuses. Even after repeatedly asking to be made aware of their arrival times and given them 3 contact numbers, they repeatedly showed up unannounced. Blocked our driveway for 4.5 hours when a truck broke down. Another contractor that we HAD scheduled had to risk his machinery getting in and out. Letting us know ahead of time to them meant 45 minutes as 'They are on their way'. Totally destroyed sections of our yard with equipment and when brought to their attention was told: "Well, it's not like you live in Indian Hill". Because I called the office to get a tax code for why we were being charged sales tax we were then labeled 'difficult' customers. The code they did not know. but did look up and forward to me. Let a tree fall on my fence because the worker said " I can't get my truck back here and I don't climb trees anymore, so I don't know how we are going to do this". Obviously this had all been seen by the owner during his estimate visit. The only positive to this whole experience was the final employee that we had contact with, Steve. He was the stump removal guy and went out of his way to actually try and repair some of the damage after he took out the stumps. They also got the good wood they took down and all the mulch. The workers, except for Steve were very unfriendly and actually surly to us.
Description of Work: Removal of several trees, either dead or damaged in storms.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Renee K.
tree service
+ -1 more
I signed and returned the agreement for work on March 31st and asked that I be contacted so that I could arrange to be home. Two or three weeks later, a man arrived on a Saturday morning and started the Imicide injection and liquid root feeding without announcing that he was at my home (my neighbor texted me to let me know he was out there). He asked for payment, so I had to show him the agreement that says payment is due upon completion and explained that I'll make payment after the deadwooding and mulch ring was complete. He left before removing the injection tubes. Before he left, I asked to make sure that someone calls me before they come out to reduce the dead wood. Two weeks later, late in the afternoon, my neighbor again texted me to notify me that the tree trimmers were at my house. This time I was at work. When I got home, two workers were sitting on my porch while one or two were working on the tree. I had to let my dogs out in my back yard. When I returned, the workers were gone. No communication and no tree mulch ring. Within a few days, I called the office to make payment. I explained that the mulch ring was not done and asked that it be removed from the total cost. She removed it and said she'd send the workers back out to complete the mulch ring. I gave her my credit card information. She said that since they close at 4:00 (it was 3:45) she would process the payment the next day. Several weeks later, I received a bill for the tree mulch ring. I called and explained that I wasn't paying for it because it wasn't done. She said she put it back on the work order list. I again received a bill for the mulch ring. This time, I sent a picture showing that there was no mulch ring and stated that I didn't want the work performed because it was well into the summer at this point. She said she'd take care of it. About a month later, I received a bill for tree spray that was supposedly done in June. I have no evidence that it was done (no one called me to say they were coming and no one left a bill or notice that they were at my home). More importantly, I didn't request this service. I sent an email that included the signed showed that I did not request this service. A few days later, I had a voicemail message stating that she was looking at the signed agreement and that it shows I did request the service and notified me that my payment was past due. I called and talked to someone else at length. I had her open the email and asked if she saw the sentence that stated "Items that I would like to have performed are highlighted in yellow"? She confirmed that the email did state that. Then I asked her to open the attachment and asked her if she saw items highlighted in yellow. She confirmed that she saw the yellow highlight. Then I asked her if tree spray was highlighted in yellow. She acknowledged that it wasn't. She apologized for the mix up and said she would speak to the woman that I had spoken to previously to have this charge removed. She also said that I would receive a call the next day. I didn't receive the call. Instead, several weeks later, I got another voicemail message stating that I had requested tree spray and that my payment was past due. I have again forwarded to them the original email, with the signed agreement attached, that I sent requesting the service; again showing that it says I only wanted the services highlighted in yellow performed, and that tree spray is not highlighted in yellow on the agreement. The fact that it's been five months since I requested services, more than three months since services were completed, and I'm still having to deal with invoices for services not received and/or requested is all you need to know to stay away from contracting with this company for services.
Description of Work: On a large oak tree in my front yard: 1) Imicide Injection 2) Tree Mulch Rings 3) Reduce deadwood 4) Liquid Root Feeding Plus Iron
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
carl R.
tree service
+ -1 more
I have a very expensive new driveway that I upgraded to city grade Class C concrete and had fibers added for additional strength and poured an extra inch deep. Typical is 4” in the driveway so we did 5”. Typical is 6 or 7” in sidewalk and apron so we added an inch there as well. Do it once, over do it, never do it again. I hired Hendel's Affordable Tree Service to remove two large oak trees from my front yard, one of them had large limbs over the driveway. We discussed at length that I didn't want heavy vehicles on the driveway as it was expensive and I didn't want it cracked. They listened well and came up with a strategy to do it all from the street. I went to great lengths to secure 4 parking spots in front of my house to make it easier for them. When I was told the trucks were on their way to my house to get started I went outside and took a very detailed and methodical video of the front of my house and the first 50 feet of my driveway, sidewalk and apron not missing a square foot to show the concrete and house in perfect condition. At noon, I was sitting on the opposite side of my house eating lunch when I heard and literally felt the thump of these 150 - 200 lb chunks of wood dropping 30-40 feet into the lawn leaving lawn craters. They were dropping 4 foot sections of limbs allowing to fall into lawn. Not a big deal as dirt can fill the holes. They used Bobcat like equipment to pick up the logs of wood as they were too heavy for a person. I am sure they were doing their best to keep this from happening over the driveway as the result would be busted concrete everywhere one landed. Apparently one got away from them while working over the drive way as I came to find at the end of the job there was an impact point in the sidewalk where a small chunk of concrete was busted out with spider web like cracks 6 feet long emanating out from this point in all directions and circular crack about 3 foot in diameter. All pointing toward an impact from something heavy dropped from above. Additionally, while they were doing the work I called to have some limbs trimmed from a tree that overhung my driveway behind my house. I was told to talk to the supervisor that was working at the house. I discussed it with him and asked if they could do it that day. He said they could not as they only have the 'big' bucket truck and it would be too heavy for the driveway. He said they would come back tomorrow with a smaller bucket truck to do the job in back. I thought that was prudent and thinking ahead by choosing a truck they must have been sure would not harm the driveway. I didn't hear anything more about what bucket truck, the size of the truck, weight or anything else that would give me an opportunity to say I personally think it would be too heavy or conversely that I would be willing to accept the risk of this 'smaller' bucket truck on my driveway after being given the details or at least permitted to see it prior to it being on the concrete. I was aware of the size of this truck when I heard work taking place behind my home and came out to find a smaller bucket truck and crew removing the limbs I had requested. At no point prior was I shown the truck or given an opportunity to weigh in on whether or not I was willing to take on the liability of this size truck in my driveway. When the job was finished and crew was leaving they knocked on the door and asked me to fill out a survey. I asked if they were coming back to remove the stumps as promised and to fill in the lawn craters. I was told they would so I signed that they did a great job but refused to check mark that they left the premises undamaged as I did not want to be rushed in looking around and the supervisor seemed eager to get going after a hard day’s work. I did state that other than the yard divots the yard looked fine as it didn't take any time to notice I still had a lawn and other than divots it looked fine. I believe he was just tired from a hard day’s work and not trying to leave quickly before I found an issue. I would like to believe he truly was unaware of the damage. When I noticed the cracks I texted photos of the issue and asked if they would like to come out to see for themselves. No one contacted me back. A couple of weeks passed and a lady called asking if they could stop by and pick up the check. I said that would be fine but it would be with a reduction equal to the quote I received to repair the concrete damage and I gave her the amount. Immediately I received a phone call and several texts suggesting the small bucket truck that pulled in the driveway did the damage and that they are not liable if their truck damages a driveway (read the fine print). I was also told the concrete repair bill was higher than normal and unacceptable. I've not been contacted to come up with a resolution to solve the problem. I've not been given a cost estimate by their concrete repair contractor to show that the current estimate is high. The current estimate if from the company that did my entire driveway. I believe the impact point with cracks emanating out from it and the circular crack all point to a heavy limb accidentally dropped on the driveway. Even if it were a crack from the truck, as suggested by Affordable Tree Service in an attempt to get around being held accountable for dropping the limb, I'd have to say we were crystal clear that nothing heavy was to enter onto the concrete. This is why they didn't use the boom truck already on the job but instead took the time/expense to bring another. The supervisor selected the vehicle he felt confident would not harm the concrete and I was never given an opportunity to weigh in on his decision as to the type of truck, size, weight, load per tire, pounds per square inch, etc as this was not shared with me prior to it being driven onto my concrete. They refuse to recognize they caused the problem or to assist in any way with covering even a partial amount of my cost to have the damaged concrete repaired stating they will sue me if not paid in full rather than working on a reasonable solution. BUYER BEWARE!!!
Description of Work: Two oak trees removed without damaging my property.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Donald K.
tree service
+ -1 more
Work not completed. Hendel's reaction has been and continues to be very unprofessional, and at times, frightening. Damaged yard, incomplete stump removal 2 months after the cutting. Damage to the fence. A terrible mess left. No prior notification of work starting - simply came home to damage and debris worse than a hurricane would have left. Please review the BBB complaints.
Description of Work: Trees cut and removed. Stumps ground.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Joan B.
tree service
+ -1 more
When the gentleman came out to do the estimate, he didn't seem knowledgeable, and the job wasn't completed. I asked him twice to come back out. complete the job, and cut another tree. I haven't heard from him since.
Description of Work: Hendel's Affordable Tree Service trimmed the trees.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
tim H.
+ -1 more
Many calls for a service never provided. Hired new people who were also clueless
Description of Work: Never delivered firewood and then kept calling for payment. The worst ever!!!
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Michael B.
tree service
+ -1 more
Called and was told an arborist would come out to give an estimate. Called again two weeks later and was told arborist would be out within a week. Two weeks after the second call and still no response.
Description of Work: Tree Trimming
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Anthony H.
tree service
+ -1 more
They took everything away. They are very good and efficient. I had no problems in scheduling.
Description of Work: They cut out the dead wood of my purple ash tree. They did a feeding first.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
Thank you for your response! We look forward to working with you in the future. We appreciate you taking the time out and writing a review on us!
Barbara S.
tree service
+ -1 more
Tree removal went well, but they took a long time to come back and grind out the stump. And they left my yard a mess. They finally came back and filled up the largest hole with dirt and cheap grass seed that didn't even grow. The dirt settled a lot over the winter, but they wouldn't come back and fill it with more dirt. I even told them I would seed it myself. And there were lots of medium sized areas where falling branches had wrecked the lawn, but they didn't bother to repair those
Description of Work: Cut down and removed large oak tree from front yard
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
We removed the tree from the customers property. It takes 7-10 business days after tree work, to finish stumps. We appreciate patient customers that understand tree work and all that is involved, is very dangerous and weather permitting work. We can not ground stumps and/or roots if the ground is soft or on a rainy day because of dangerous for all involved. We have had a wet year and we did the best we could on time. We asked for the customer to please be patient, that we did not forget about them. We planted seed and straw. We cannot be responsible if the grass don't grow in the area or ground settling a year later. Many customers choose to have seed and straw the next season for this reason and it works out well for growing and settling issues that are inevitable. We worked with the customers in solving there issues and hope in the future, we can have another opportunity to work with them again without weather or settlement issues. Thank you for your feedback, questions, and concerns.
Chris C.
firewood, tree service
+ 0 more
I called on Monday to complain about the 'light' delivery. I was told that the delivery man on my job had been fired after he returned from my job. They didn't sound surprised at my complaint and said they would send someone to check out the situation. Well, that happened today (11/23/13) and I am not pleased. Jerrod (name tag on jacked) had several reasons why they would not give me the full half cord that I order and paid in advance with credit card. First, he said that he sells stacks or truck loads and that is what I got. A truck load. Then H showed me their firewood order form and it seemed to state that I was due only one third of a cord. He claimed that they sell one third cords but not half cords so this proves that I never ordered a half cord. I wish they had explained that when they were taking my telephone order for one half cord. I gave him a copy of the Ohio state law regulating firewood sales. He didn't seem to care. "This is what we do regardless of state law" he responded. He insisted that, regardless of my discussion the their receptionist, I was only entitled to less than half of what I had paid for. Finally, he insisted that, since I hadn't complained to the delivery man at the time, I can't raise the issue of being cheated after the fact. Too bad I didn't complain earlier. By now, I felt that Angies List was my best leverage. I stated my intention to take this issue there as well as Cincinnati Consumer Protection Office, the BBB and others. At this point, Jerrod got up in my face and began berating me. I remember the word "anal" being used but the F-bomb really got my attention. I looked back thru the front door to see if my wife was watching this. She was and heard his entire rant. When he stopped yelling, I asked him if he realized that he had used the F-word on a customer. He was, in fact aware and used it again. I suggested that that we just undo the sale. He can take back the wood and credit my card for the full amount or he can finish delivering the remaining 43 cubic feet of wood that he owes us. Given the average length of 14 inches per log, he would need to leave a stack 4 feet high and nine feet long (1.2 x 4 x 9 = 43 cubic feet). I called to report the behavior of the representative they send. But it was Jerrod who responded. He didn't say if they were going to deliver what I paid for but they threatened a law suit if I reported this to anyone. Thanks goodness for security cams and cell phone cams. Update; The following Monday, Hendels delivered a second stack of wood (2.1 x 1.25 x 7.5 feet) equaling just under 20 cubic feet of wood. Out of the 74 cubic feet of wood (1/2 cord) that I ordered, 51 cubic feet have now been delivered. I will see if Angies List can intervene. As always, I am happy to return the wood and undo the deal.
Description of Work: I contracted, by telephone, with Hendel Tree Service to deliver and stack one half cord of firewood on my front porch. I explained to the receptionist that Ohio law requires that firewood be sold by the cord or fraction of a cord. It further defines a cord as a stack measuring 4x4x8 feet or 128 cubic feet. I explained that I was expecting 74 cubic feet (128/2) for the price I was quoted. They assured me that they always brought extra wood to make sure I got the full measure. Wood was delivered on Saturday, 11/16/13). I thought the stack looked quite small but the delivery man assured me that it was in fact a half cord and promptly left. It took me until Sunday to measure the stack. I was horrified to find less than 31 cubic feet. I measured the stack as 2 x 2.8 x 5.5 feet = 30.8 cubic feet)....less than half of what I ordered.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
We apologize for the misunderstanding. We would like to offer coupons for mulch purchase or discount for any tree care needs. Customer needs to call office to redeem coupon(s). We sincerely appreciate everything that our customers do for us. Please accept this as a thank you. Customer paid the full for his delivery. And we accept his payment.
Christa M.
tree service
+ -1 more
I requested an estimate to be done on a couple of stumps in my backyard. The estimate was completed within a week's time, but I hadn't told them which stumps I was requesting. They quoted the wrong ones, so that took a week to fix. Then, when they came to do the work without informing me, they left all of the debris behind because they couldn't finish the job. They claimed they could fit their stump grinder through a 36" in gate, however, my gate is 39" and they couldn't fit through it. So, after I complained again about the debris and them claiming they could fit through my gate, the debris was finally removed, but the only option I had to finish the job was if they broke my fence and they would charge me $200. I refused.
Description of Work: Bush and stump removal
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
We quoted the customer for removal of stumps. We try to work with the surroundings and what needs to be done in order for the work to be done satisfactory and safely. Sometimes with properties and how they are situated have to be accounted for in doing any type of tree or stump removal. Our machines have to be able to get into front, side and back yards. We inform property owners of options in which we are able to do to remove stumps. If they don't work for all parties involved then the customer has every right to refuse service if they don't feel comfortable moving forward with the work. This is why we do estimates on site to see what is needed to do the job. I'm not sure why this is a complaint. if we cant do the work because of obstructions on the property, we simply can't do it.
Michele M.
tree service
+ -1 more
Don't hire them. Job was suppose to be done when I was home. Message left on my answering machine after I left for work for the day that they were coming that day. Severely damaged my driveway. Would not return phone calls after complaint to owner. Owner finally showed up one day and explained the type of driveway I had would not support their equipment and the damage was covered in the contract I signed stating they were not responsible for the damage. . Then told me in the future if anyone trimmed my trees they should but ply boards down so to protect the integrity of my drive. Unfortunately the person they had sent that day had not the experience with the older homes/driveways so he did not know to do it. Said I should understand because in my profession it would be comparable to a new x-technologist having the same experience as myself of 25 years. They had many complaints with the better business bureau and my one fault was to have not checked out the company ahead of time with them. Cannot really define the correct dates as it was some time ago but I would never suggest any one hire them as their integrity is very questionable.
Description of Work: Trimmed tree located in neighbors yard overhanging my property.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
I would like to apologize for the short notice of work being done. Sometimes when we have someone reschedule we will go ahead and go to the next job for the day. This could be because of the weather or our customer's requests. I do want to address the matter regarding the miscommunication. We take every stride to get in touch with our customers especially if they are not happy. We want to fix what ever issue it is so that we and the customer feels appreciated. We want all our customer's to be happy with us. I apologize for the inconvenience and hope to work with you in the future.
tree service
+ -1 more
They were terrible. They were supposed to take a tree out, and then plant another tree. A couple weeks later, a guy came out and at 8 p.m. and just planted some kind of a tree. He dug a hole and left it there. I told them to come and fill the hole. They were very difficult to work with. The quality was poor. I haven't paid them yet.
Description of Work: Hendel's Affordable tree service did some tree removal and planted some trees.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
Thank you for your feedback on this matter. After the customer's trouble we made a discount of $525.00and the customer accepted after the work was complete. The work was completed on 4/19/2013. The customer failed to pay the remaining portion of the bill until 02/28/2014 almost a year later. The issue was accepted and solved with both parties.
Penny P.
tree service
+ -1 more
They came and cut down the tree and cleaned up the mess, looked great. Said that they would be back to grind up the stump and they never came back. It will be 8 weeks this week. We got the bill for 425 dollars and the bill said complete. We have called numerous times, they take messages and we never get a call back about getting rid of the stump. The price, 425 included the stump removal. My husband finally told them last week that if the stump wasn't gone by this past Monday (8th) that we were going to call someone else in to do the job and deduct the cost from the original price of 425 and mail them the rest. STILL NO RESPONSE FROM THESE PEOPLE!! We would never use them again and there is no way that we would recommend them to anyone.
Description of Work: cut down a 50 foot dead tree in our front yard.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
gwenn L.
tree service
+ -1 more
good. access was difficult and they let us know beforehand there would be damage to yard before they began. up front info and what kind of tree we should replant
Description of Work: cut tree very carefully.tree location a problem. removed stump and clean up all debris .
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
Thank you for your great review. We look forward to working with you in the future!!
Gail Y.
landscaping, tree service
+ 0 more
Came to estimate the next day after I called, and was back with in one week to do the job. 4 man came with a lot of trucks, worked very hard for 7 hours, one guy do the cutting and 3 people follow him around to clean. They were very careful around my landscapes but I still suffer damage to one bush and some holes in my grass. But looking at all the machines and the scope of work. I don't think can be help. All the stuffs who came was professional and caring, a lot of pride in their work. I will hire them again.
Description of Work: Removed a big Ash tree, trim 4 Maple trees one cherry tree around the property. grind the stump.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
Thank you for your great response to our arborists. They are very hard working and enjoy working with home owners. Our goal is to make everyone happy! Again, Thank you for your comments and look forward to working with you again!
Greg E.
firewood, tree service, wrought iron
+ 1 more
Very nice phone person, prompt delivery. Unfortunately the wood was very wet. I found out from one of the employees and also the owner that their wood sits outside UNCOVERED. So if it has been raining you will get wet wood. I called to register a complaint and the owner returned my call a day later. I requested a refund and asked that they come and pick up the wood. He proceeded to call me every name in the book, told me I was stupid and didn't know how to start a fire. He refused to pick up the wood and threatened to take me to small claims court. I reluctantly decided to keep the wood knowing it will dry out eventually. Very unsatisfactory experience.
Description of Work: Requested a cord of DRY, seasoned wood delivered to be used in a wood fireplace insert.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
timothy M.
tree service
+ -1 more
In and out efficiently. They cleaned up after the job and did not leave a trace. Well have them out in the spring for more work!
Description of Work: 1 large tree limb removed, 2 trees pruned and shaped.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
Thank you. We enjoy knowing our customers are satisfied with the work. We would also like to work with you in the next seasons! Great to work with and kind people. Thanks again!
tree service
+ -1 more
When I came home, I found that they had left wood chips all over my back yard. I couldn't even cut my grass until I had it cleaned up. That is how bad it was. They also drug my log holder and drug it along my driveway and nothing was put back. They damaged the driveway and left my place a mess. There is a big hole in my yard where they drove through. I called him 4 times to have him come out and fix things. I told him to call me first so I would be there. He ended coming out when I wasn't there and moved the concrete blocks over but not the way they were. He then collected the check from my neighbors and I have never heard from him since. I want him to come back and clean things up.
Description of Work: They drove into my driveway as they were working on my neighbor's trees. I gave them permission to come onto my property.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
We received the letter concerning the member on October 27, 2009. I was very surprised and ashamed that this matter had not been taken care of yet. I immediately called the member and explained that I thought the matter had been taken care of and how sorry I was that it wasn't. She was very kind and is now at the top of our "re-do" list. This problem will be handled in a week or two. Due to the economy we've had to lay off some of our people and we are trying to get everyone as soon as we can. If there are any questions please feel free to contact me at 513-485-9694. Sincerely, Jacque Beiting - Office Manager
+ -1 more
We saw a sign for "Seasoned Firewood" so I called the company when I didn't hear from them for a week, my husband called them. A few days later they responded and said they could come that day with the firewood and they would bill us. They didn't show up. They said the wood was seasoned, they brought it when we weren't home. Now I know why they want to bring it when you're not there because you can tell by a quick look that the wood is freshly cut, especially when you compare it to the few pieces of wood that we knew were seasoned. They sent us an invoice and we promptly paid it but it took them 3 weeks to cash our check. After they cashed the check they sent us another invoice (dated 10 days after the date of the cashed check) billing us for $110.
Description of Work: Firewood. they do not stack it. just unloaded.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
I would like to thank you for your business. We do offer seasoned firewood all year round. We do tarp our wood that is for sale. This year we were selling wood as fast as we were cutting it. We had a long and bad winter and all the surrounding areas ran out. We ordinarily keep our wood dry. We had no time to dry it out after cutting because customer's wanted it now rather than later. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will find our wood in the future dry and seasoned. Thank you for your feedback on this matter.
Donna R.
tree service
+ -1 more
It went very well they put in a long day, they worked until you almost could not see. They removed bush honey suckle and Ivy out of a tree for us also. Overall it went very well. There were some groves left from their bobcat but it was not a big problem.
Description of Work: They removed seven large trees and one small one. They removed a large shrub, also they ground up all the stump and took it all away.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Hendel's Affordable Tree Service
Thank you for your kind feedback and compliments for our arborists and tree crews. We look forward working with you in the future for your tree and landscaping needs!
All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.
*Contact business to see additional licenses.
Service Categories
Tree Service,
Wrought Iron,
Pavers and Hardscaping,
Mulch and Topsoil
Hendel's Affordable Tree Service is currently rated 2.4 overall out of 5.
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Hendel's Affordable Tree Service accepts the following forms of payment: Check,Discover,Financing Available,MasterCard,Visa
No, Hendel's Affordable Tree Service does not offer free project estimates.
No, Hendel's Affordable Tree Service does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
No, Hendel's Affordable Tree Service does not offer a senior discount.
No, Hendel's Affordable Tree Service does not offer emergency services.
No, Hendel's Affordable Tree Service does not offer warranties.