7 employees. No subs. Cost is determined by the job. Travel charges may apply. Extra charge for after hours service may apply. Additional DBAs - Dave Does Trees, D B Tree Service, The Great Tree Co.
Description of Work: Burning bush removal (7), stump grinding, and cleanup
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
William C.
tree service
+ -1 more
Description of Work: Fast high quality work. Got us on the schedule fast, arrived on time, completed the job in less time and for less money than estimated. Completely happy.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
David M.
tree service
+ -1 more
Dave promised to save Mulberry trees for the shade they would preserve. He also seemed respectful and agreed to try to avoid damaging Japanese maples and other plants in a large garden. I dug up everything within 30 feet of the trees to give them working room. He said they would lower limbs by crane to avoid damaging what was beyond. I came out after they had started, just as they happened to fell a large limb directly onto a Japanese maple tree. I reminded him that he had promised to lower them by crane to avoid damaging things. He responded by telling his workers in a loud insincere stage voice that they were supposed to keep from damaging things. I ended up having to sit and watch the entire job to minimize damage to my property. They did lower some limbs by crane after that, but continued to cut and topple most of the limbs. This included toppling one of the large limbs into a neighbor's yard after I had promised them that the limbs would be lowered by crane so as to protect their property. His workers are generally polite, although they clearly are caught between a boss on the one hand, who pays them to work as fast and dirty as possible, and customers on the other hand, who have been told that they will work with care. Dave bills himself as a preacher at a local church, and uses this image of a good guy with authority to put people on the defensive when he takes advantage of them. His prices are low, but if you use him keep an eye on the work as it goes along and take photos before and after as well as while the work is being done. And make sure you don't pay him anything until everything is settled in the end. I would not consider using him again. It is cheaper to pay more and lose less.
Description of Work: Removal of two Ash trees that were dying because of borers.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Rita V.
tree service
+ -1 more
I originally spoke with Dave Butler over the phone for an estimate, because I was out of town when the work needed to be done. I don't believe that he ever even oversaw the job and it's clear that the crew he hired was incompetent. They ended up butchering the trees that they didn't cut down and now limbs are falling all over the place. It is very dangerous. I found out that they went to the other side if my fence into my neighbors' yard and dragged a huge tree limb there which harmed part of their yard. Mr. Butler denied this at first since I was still out of town but I learned that the neighbor's had been trying to contact them about the situation without much luck. This caused a huge disturbance in my relationship with my neighbors but I've since paid to have the yard resown and our relationship has been repaired. I paid Dave immediately after returning from out of town, but now I have to pay to have another company fix the mistakes. When I called back about cleaning up the debris, Dave was very rude to me. I told him that I was dissapointed in the experience and he had the nerve to call me back and tell me about how inappropriate my tone was. I felt like he was bullying me, he was very demeaning. I was very shaken up about it. He promised to come and remove the debris for me in February but it was never done. He then said it would be March or April. He really went back on his word because at first he made it seem like it wouldn't be a problem. They are clearly not tree people. I don't want any further dealings with him and do not want to be contacted with them. RESPONSE: I would've contacted him directly instead of writing a complaint if he wasn't so rude to me the last time i talked with him. He talked down to me and it made me uncomfortable. This was because of his promise about clean-up for the leftover from grinding the stump that he never fulfilled; he promised he would be back in the first part of February to do this. I called around 15th of February because he still didn't show up and he proceeded to tell me that they were off til around April. He had the nerve to call me back and tell me he didn't like my tone (I was very calm when I spoke with him; I was more surprised), but he will come out anyway to fix it. Regarding the neighbor to the north of me that Butler claims damage wasn't merited, and it is. I know this because the same damage was done my yard because they dragged a tree limb through the yard it left a split/indentation in the yard. They weren't authorized and there was no reason because I have 1/2 acre to go into my neighbor's yard in the first place. I have plenty of room. If he was there over seeing things then he should have witnessed them in my neighbors yard. My bug guy came out on one of the same days, and saw them all in my neighbor's yard. He was shocked they were even cutting down trees in that state of weather. I didn't even ask for the money I had to pay out extra to fix the holes in the yard from my lawn care person. I trusted the professional to know the right time to come out because I wasn't here. It took me til about August for the work to become dangerous to say something about it. Regarding the maple, this is what became dangerous. This is the maple tree that prompted me to make the phone call for the review. After professional opinion and one of those opinions came from an arbor specialist of the city, and the other came from one of Angie's List top 3 tree specialist, the tree is not a damaged tree. I never had any huge tree limbs falling pryer to his company coming out and trimming the trees. I was advised that these limbs that were falling should have never been left untrimmed. Whatever trimming was done to that tree per professional opinion they should've been aware of these limbs because they were not new growth. Essentially, they shouldn't have left what they left, and I am not quite sure what they did, however they left 2 hug dangerous limbs that could've killed somebody, and most probably my dog would've been then the one hit. I am very disheartened by your response. Regarding my neighbor, who I have lived next to now for 3 years, and he knows me pretty well; if he were aware of what has really happened he would not recommend your company, and as far as i know he didn't have any trees cut down by Butler, but just did trimming. This is why I made this complaint because it became dangerous around the tree and I want to warn others less is not always best. I got a good deal, but I had to pay to fix everything and he created havoc in my life. You mentioned motives and understandings are not clear; my motives are clear and pure and are under one person. They are justified and the understanding should be very clear about what happened here with what I have stated. If my motives weren't pure I would've been asking for a full refund and more for all the damages caused.
Description of Work: They cut down three trees and had them trimmed. He said he'd grind the stumps down, remove the debris and prune the other bushes.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Dave Butler
My name is Dave Butler. I am the 65 year old, bi-vocational pastor of Old Oak Bible Church, Middleburg Hts. Ohio. I have served in that position since 1977. To relieve the church of my full support. I began a community re-entry program known as Dave Butler: Out-Of-The-Woods Ministries wherein my staff and I teach at risk men the trade of forestry. Angie’s List is important! 55% of our work are repeat customers. 25% are referrals, 15% SUN NEWS and 10% Angie’s List. Our philosophy is: “The Customer Is Right!” That works 99.5% of the time. But once or twice each year we must deal with a very special customer whose motives or understanding are not clear, and whom we cannot satisfy. Concerning the Member, dated 8/21/12. I am glad to reply. We do not want a bad report in Angie’s file, and the Member knows that. The allegations and the judgments the Member makes in her report simply are not true, and God will have to protect us should you choose to publish her report. We will continue to love her and Angie’s List. It would be fair for me to offer the following: Because we are non-profit, we were able to cut down 4 large trees for the Member, we dead-wooded and trimmed a very large maple next to her house and rear patio, as well as trimmed 5 trees along the rear of her property, hauled the branches and the wood to the front curb where the brush was chipped and the logs hauled away. We ground here stumps, hauled the stump mulch away. We did $3,000 worth of work for her for $1,500. We did this while water stood everywhere. We exhibited great sill and care. The Member lived in Maryland, when we did her work, but a girlfriend we never met would drive by, then call in report. The claims made against us were so off-base that I call in our Councilman-At-Large to compare the allegations to the reality of our work. Contiguous to the Member’s backyard is Mid-Park High School. We worked on more than 120 trees on that campus in 2010. In less than 1/2 mile from the Member’s are more than 600 of our customers including 5 associations, our mayor, and 40 customers on her street, alone. Following her call in response to her friend’s report, to reassure her. I referred her to the Ohio Highway Patrolman who lives next door to her in the house to the south. I had never met him, though my son is a patrolman. He watched our work carefully, because it was within 15’ of his house. *Because he like what he saw, he hired us to work on his trees when finished with the Member’s, and two months later he had us do work for a family member, then recommended us to a friend. The Member has a real problem with 2 large soft maple trees close to her house. They will continue to shed dangerous dead limbs until they are removed. However, we are not responsible for limbs that die and fall after we are gone. Until I received your report, I had no knowledge of a $350 claim against me. If she had asked me about $50 for the neighbor to the north, I would have given it to her, though it was not merited. I would have honored the Member’s concern for her relationship with a volatile neighbor, not the neighbor’s claim. That she, eight months later, went straight to Angie’s List is odd. Claims that I was not on the job site, that my team was incompetent and unprofessional, and that we left damage and danger in our wake are not valid. How could that judgment be made, given that she was out-of-state, given that I was there, and give the end result of a finished task? We did all that she contracted, and more. We damaged nothing. To suggest she deserves a “full refund” requires some kind of substantial loss,---as would $350. The only concern mentioned to me was of the branch pulled through the north neighbor’s grass mention above. In her report she says she gave her neighbor $50 for that. Once the water receded we found nothing but water damage. People can claim anything. Our specialty is senior citizens. Community leaders recommend us to their seniors, because we can be trusted not to gouge, do shoddy work. Or take 50% down and run. We accept no money in advance, leaving the customer in the driver’s seat. The Member was in the driver’s seat, yet she paid us in full, as she should have. Eight months later when no defense can be made, she files. I remain grateful for all that you do! Dave Butler
Sal C.
tree service
+ -1 more
We called Dave Butler Tree Service on Friday, 2/17/2012 in the morning. His secretary said he would be at our house within 48 hours. Around two hours later, Dave Bulter showed up and gave us two estimates. One estimate was for trimming a 40-foot maple tree in our yard and the other was an estimate on cutting down and removing the whole tree. A few days later, on the 22nd of February, his crew showed up at 8:30 a.m. They got started immediately upon arrival and never stopped until the tree was cut down and hauled away. This was all accomplished with (4) four men. After the tree was down, they all went to work cleaning up all the debris including sawdust from the tree. The yard was raked and what the rake couldn't get, a leaf blower was used for the final touch up. All of our sidewalks and the driveway were swept and blown clean with a leaf blower. These men did a professional job and were very courteous to us and our neighbors and we would highly reccommended the services of Dave Bulter Tree Service and his employees.
Description of Work: We had a large maple tree cut down in our backyard. .
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Karen D.
tree service
+ -1 more
After we called Dave Butler on it and told him he was not permitted on our property, he sent his crew to trespass again to clean things up and then they proceeded to cut the wood and steal it. Four came; two became combative and verbally abusive, calling my husband a MF after my husband told them to leave. When my husband tried to tell Dave Butler of his crews’ offensive behavior, he abruptly hung up the phone after telling my husband that he did not want to hear it. We are seeking reasonable damages; rather than working with us to achieve resolution, Dave Butler responded that he is broke and abruptly hung up the phone. He is putting the blame on the neighbor for commissioning him to cut down our tree and also for instructing him to return to our property to clean up and remove the remains. It would be my recommendation that you check out the Cuyahoga County civil court docket on Dave Butler of Fowles Road or Old Oak Boulevard before you hire him.
Description of Work: We did not hire Dave Butler, but a neighboring housing development did to perform tree trimming and tree removal after a storm. His crew entered our fenced property through a narrow gate with a private property/no trespassing sign posted at eye level, cut down our entire tree and left it as it fell.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
tree service
+ -1 more
The price was reasonable. The only problem we had was that the guys had left some stuff. He didn't know that the workers had left some mess, but he learned of it nearly a year later and sent those workers back to take care of it free of charge.
Description of Work: He had to cut down 2 trees.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
chiara L.
tree service
+ -1 more
doesn't apply I was referred to him: I just found the work done, he came to collect the money personally
Description of Work: Took care of a tree in the backyard
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
tree service
+ -1 more
The work on my property was very satisfactory, however, Dave's employes tore up my neighbor's lawn and yard with their equipment. Dave had a landscaping company deliver 2 truckloads of topsoil and level and reseed the neighbor's yard. It is unfortunate this happened and the neighbor is extremely unhappy and cannot be satisfied. It is important in the future that Dave have his workers supervised and not trespass on adjoining properties. I felt bad for both my neighbor because they were damaged and for Dave who attempted to satisfy them but to no avail. I paid Dave and extra $200 to cover part of the cost to satisfy my neighbor since I have to live with them and wanted them taken care of.
Description of Work: Cleared out brush and small trees in an area approximately 60' x 100'. Chipped or shredded small branches and bush and cut small trees into manageable sizes. Dave had two young fellows doing the work. Prior to starting the job I showed Dave the property lines so my neighbor would not be infringed upon.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
tree service
+ -1 more
Pastor Dave owns and runs the company. He is a pastor in his church and runs the tree service business. He is licensed and insured to do tree removal. He came out right when he told me he would. He made sure to clean up after himself and was able to get me other people that I needed. He did the job well and used all of the right equipment. Pastor Dave was the overseer and he watched his employees closely which I liked. I think that his price is good and he offers a senior discount which is nice.
Description of Work: Out-Of-The-Woods Ministries came out to remove a tree and he arranged for the stump grinder, found someone who wanted the wood and found someone who could come out and remove the dead dirt, replace it and plant grass.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Andrea P.
tree service
+ -1 more
Punctual/Professional in giving estimate. Took a while to come back and finish grinding stump, his machine broke down in the middle the first time, then he was injured, but they made good and had another company come out and finish the grinding. In the end I was satisfied.
Description of Work: Removed a large maple tree from the back yard. Came back three times to get all the stump and offshoots.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
tree service
+ -1 more
Started in mid morning and completed by mid afternoon. Work seemed satisfactory. Their price was 30% less than other contractors who were also on Angies's list.
Description of Work: Removed 40' Silver maple with stump.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
tree service
+ -1 more
They were about an hour late but called to advise me they would be. All the workers were polite and well versed in their respective jobs. Cost was about 20% less than other providers that quoted the job. Should I ever have the need, I will use them again.
Description of Work: Removed dead cottonwood tree from backyard. Ground stump and roots. Hauled away all wood and cleaned up afterward.
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*Contact business to see additional licenses.
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Tree Service,
Dave Butler is currently rated 3.8 overall out of 5.
Sunday: Open All Day
Monday: Open All Day
Tuesday: Open All Day
Wednesday: Open All Day
Thursday: Open All Day
Friday: Open All Day
Saturday: Open All Day
Dave Butler accepts the following forms of payment: American Express,Check,Discover,MasterCard,Visa
Yes, Dave Butler offers free project estimates.
No, Dave Butler does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
No, Dave Butler does not offer a senior discount.
Yes, Dave Butler offers emergency services.
Yes, Dave Butler offers warranties.
Dave Butler offers the following services: Tree care.