It went. I feel I had to lead them by the nose. The story above tells all . It all goes together. I am now working on moving to a different company.
Description of Work: I have CB FI-Optics service, but have had this service only for a few months. So they are new too me. This was a Friday evening, I was watching a movie, no problems. All of a sudden a picture pops up on my TV screen and states other devices are in conflict. I was stunned, just a bit...So I rebooted my set top box, just as the instruction booklet states. Rebooting did not work. I called tech support, and we went thru all the steps, and nothing worked. So now I am a little frustrated, no TV, over the weekend, yuk ! So CB sets up a service the next day , Saturday, between 12-4, they did not have any morning appointments. My Saturday plans are now ka-put.. Saturday , around 2:00, or so, a nice service tech comes to my home. Gets my information, and then tells me, my set top boxes have been completely removed my account... I just look at him. He states he hasn't come across this before, just out of the blue. He then proceeds to re-engage the boxes, 2 hours later, I am now saying good bye to the service tech. He was a professional guy. I am now a happy camper ! For about 10 minutes. I don't have the same channel package as before the "incident". I call customer service. They're closed. They are also closed all day on Sunday. Okay, no problem, I have other forms of entertainment....homework... So I call bright and early Monday morning and it takes 10 minutes , problem fixed. Woo Hoo ! Not so fast...because when I receive my bill on March 26th,2013. Lol....well let's say I was not, not happy, smiling, customer. I call. The rep that answered my call stated the reason my jumped $50 a month is because I called and changed my service. When I heard her say those words, I could feel this pulse on the side of my head start jumping. And I just got a little quiet,deathly quiet, my dog just looked up at me as though she knew a storm was brewing. I think it was partially the words the rep spoke, but mostly the tone at which she used. I truly believe in my heart of heart that I cured her of ever using that tone with a customer, ever, ever again ! I did not yell, I did not use foul language, I was strong, impenetrable, yeah, that' it ! My channels are back, my bill is fixed and I stand a little taller.