Being Dishonest and Abusing the working people does not make you a good person at all. You caused new damages (that's what we believe as no damages on before or after pictures, tech very experienced and would not only not drop table he was working on but even if such would of happen he would of repair it at once, not only that if we care and take care of for you why would we or tech lie. In fact you showed to the tech small chip on the corner when he was there and was next to him at all time. No matter what - I apologize and agreed to send tech back to repair even though we sure not related, so from your first email/call you were only being answered and agreed with respect and apologies no matter what, no matter that work was done, inspected, pictured, no issues were there - you should be honest, you not sure who caused damages but trying to blame someone who able to repair and they actually have proof they did not but you feel otherwise (you even called tech a liar, which is wrong that is one tech I can for sure vouch honest, he would work 10 times more on any job to make happy result, he is so honest that I can put so many customers that can give you stories and stories you will be in shock what kind of person and worker you tried to blackmail or hurt. And no matter what we simply agreed to make you even more happy and repair it for free just to have a happy customer, handled you the way that deserves thank you and appreciation. Trying to abuse and benefit - that's fraud and intentionally causing harm to business - such is illegal and not humanly right, and tech last time was copied by me as this may turn to legal case now, for intentional harm to the business and loss of revenue. I care for each customer way above and beyond anyone else I have seen in service industry, to the point that with all proof pictures, techs statements, signed inspected papers - I still put all aside and even agreed to do things your way to send different tech and repair what you said (which as per second tech and before after pictures never happened nor could happen), you showed tech other wear and tear and non related issues as well which happened recently - I gave tech an OK to repair those as well. None was enough for you, neither a thank you nor feeling wrong, not appreciation but attempts further to get something more and intentional abuse to the business (even called asking for some money not to do all this, which is also harassment) - I have a feeling you are related to either some competitor or have some different interest, or intentions, reason why this may turn to legal matter now as no customer that gets well taken care of, gets an apology even when they believe nothing wrong and have proof for it, and more take care of things not related and more things which were not even part of the conversation - does such wrongdoing as you do. We did cosmetic repairs for you while back, you called after some time saying tech may be caused corner damage, dropped the table - when you were there at all times and in fact pointed that dent even before work was started (when he was there to do cosmetic repair and we had all before after pictures), you refused the facts - even though we had all the proof and tech that does cosmetic repair does not drop tables or damage things and or if anything would of repair at once. You causing fraud, You caused new damage, wear and tear and tried to get repaired for free - not nice at all, could of being honest and I would of help anyway I could anyway. Not enough you refused same tech to come (person that you originally said were very happy with his work), someone that have official furniture expert qualification in US and one of the best furniture techs in the country - wood and finish expert with huge experience, absolutely nice and quite professional, which was another proof that you playing games and could not look into his eyes and tell him some new fresh damage have anything to do with him. We explained you it is rules and procedures to send same tech as he knows what he repaired and have access to his done work order and pictures which you refused to look by email, but you threatened and was difficult - not nice or good at all, so I simply approved to send another tech and as a courtesy ask tech even if not related to repair just to show you who I am under one term you acknowledge it and appreciate it, I kept my word tech came called and advised it is new not related to any tech but I ask to repair as a courtesy. Not enough you decided to take the abuse from you and courtesy from me to a different level and ask tech to do some other non related repairs - did not pay for those got them repaired for free, abuse after abuse. When I see techs report and pictures was in shock but let it go. Not enough, as shacking was to me you after some time you emailed trying to see what else you can get. - amazing, cant picture how can you sleep at night and how would you feel if the world be like that to you. We done so much to you and so much more and free that had nothing to do with anything you paid. I stand for work we do and for each word I say, I respect myself and respect others and help each and everyone we can! You, [Member Name Removed] not only not a good men or person that does not stand for his word but you dishonest and bad person. Yes I did email you few times to understand why after we agreed for me to send different tech and address whatever you claimed and tech did even more - we both end this as you being a happy customer, instead you did not keep your word. To understand why you doing this, and yes to advise you that intentional cause a harm and or lose of revenue to the business or fraud will be handled accordingly so advised to remove wrong, dishonest review. And Still do advise and suggest that. Do the right think no matter what your reasons are - piece and good always a better way in life. I kept every single word of mine to you, every single promise me and or my techs and or my company gave to you, we did not cause any issues and believe someone that being working, using, cleaning, or living in your place may did the corner damage - but even that we handled repaired on your terms sending different personnel and your request to them to repair even more things not related were OK'd by me to repair with no charge to you, on top of all everything was done with apologies to you and nicely - way that deserves A and Appreciation. You may have your way of looking or feeling or your motives that not clear to me - but sorry this is business and many people and families feed their families and kids from the hard work we do and Yes I cannot let dishonest and or intentional and or fraudulent review or person to cause loss of work revenue and or image. So Yes I do suggest you think well see all from right side and if dont wana be happy at least accept all of the above as all truth here and simple leave it at neutral by removing all this from any place you posted already and we will do same. We do care and want you and every customer to be happy and again apologize if we were not able to do so. Lets God be a judge to you. What goes around that comes around!