Kaltech Environmental Services LLC is a multi-faceted certified, licensed and insured environmental testing and consulting firm specializing in Indoor Air Quality (“IAQ”), Mold Hazard Assessments and Testing, Lead-Based Paint Hazard Assessments and Testing, Asbestos Hazard Testing & Air Monitoring, and Non-Destructive Qualitative and Quantitative infrared imaging. Kaltech offers environmental testing and consulting services primarily to private homeowners, Cooperative and Condominium unit owners, residential apartment building owners, commercial office owners, medical centers, public & private schools and government & private institutions. Kaltech’s service areas include the boroughs of New York City, Long Island, Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties. Kaltech is an independent and client-focused environmental services firm, and therefore, Kaltech does not contract for or undertake any construction or remediation activities - choosing instead to concentrate all of its efforts on unbiased and accurate testing and reporting for the benefit of its clients. Where testing results indicate remediation, Kaltech will act in the best interests of its clients, will obtain independent third-party remediation proposal, and advocate for comprehensive and government and/or professionally standardized remediation protocols. Kaltech is issued and maintains the following government issued licenses and trade certifications: NYSDOL Mold Assessor Company License No. 01327 NYSDOL Mold Remediator Company License No. 01323 US EPA Lead-Based Paint All Activities License No LBP-F202618-1 US EPA Lead-Based Paint Risk Assessor License No. LBP-R-I202084-1 US EPA LRRP & Lead Supervisor License No. LBP-R-647158 NYSDOL Asbestos Handling License No. 171276 NYSDOL Asbestos Air & Project Monitor No. 19-097 MICRO Certified Mold Assessor & Industrial Hygienist IAQA Certified Indoor Air Quality Investigator FLIR® Certified Infrared Level II Thermography & Roof Inspector.