Description of Work: Tom Treanor is, without question, Long Island's baby safety Yoda (though he doesn't resemble Yoda in the slightest, don't let his hefty appearance deceive you: this guy knows his stuff). All-Star Baby Safety is the savvy parent's one-stop go-to company for everything baby safety related. They're the company dads initially don't think they need, but then when they wind up trying to install store-bought, non-custom configured gates themselves, that wind up not holding up (either because of quality or something they didn't know installation-wise, like how to find a stud in a wall), they inevitably wind up spending MORE money repairing or replacing their gates than they would have had they hired Tom in the first place. Tom did a comprehensive assessment for us a month after we moved into a rather large house, containing multiple hazards for our two little ones (most of which weren't visible or apparent, at first). He installed everything from drawer locks, to door locks, to window safety devices, to furniture straps, to fireplace name it, Tom covered it. He has certified and comprehensive knowledge of his field (a priceless, but perhaps underappreciated one for the protection and peace of mind it gives a supervisory parent), and his custom configured (angled) gates are some of the best devices I've seen. His products give your kids their first symbolic "boundaries" that, when reinforced properly throughout their development, will help them throughout life, as well as provide them with a peaceful, contained area to play safely. And they give the kids' parents sanity. If any service is worth the investment, it is, specifically, Tom's baby-proofing services. His products are top quality, his technical installation skills (and his staff's) bar-none. His professionalism, courteous, friendly nature, and reasonable prices make hiring him a no-brainer for parents in-the-know. Highly recommended without the slightest hesitation. Dads--take the leap of faith with Tom for your kids: you and your spouse will ultimately be very happy you did.