Response from Simply Green Cleaning Crew
Hi Member, I do apologize that you never heard a response from your email about a quote inquiry. I certainly strive to maintain good communication among all of my clients and new inquiries. I have reviewed all emails over the past 3 weeks and cannot find any record of being contacted by you. There is a couple possibilities as to why your inquiry did not reach me. Due to a large volume of email messages that I receive, it is possible that it could have been mixed into my spam box which is automatically deleted. Another possibility is that I have had other client inquiries have emails not reach me since my email address was not inputed correctly. Please confirm the email address that you have for Simply Green Cleaning Crew based out of Cicero, NY is: If the email is also correct and perhaps you tried to contact me a couple times by email with none of them reaching my inbox, please feel free to contact me directly by phone at (315) 395-0176. I again apologize, as I was unaware of your inquiry. I look forward to resolving your complaint and discussing services further with you along with my current availability. Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from you. Jake Hibbert Simply Green Cleaning Crew