Top Shelf Organizers is a Westchester-based leading home and commercial organizing service. We work throughout the tri-State area. We are also a designated Senior Move Manager, helping people of all ages including seniors (and their families) downsize and move to appropriate housing. Organization experts handle your clutter and provide organizing solutions, allowing you to improve management of life and business success. Upon completion of your projects, we guarantee an increase in productivity, along with peace of mind that will also save you time as you move forward. We offer tune-ups at your convenience!
TSO has a track record of solving many different kinds of clutter and organizational problems. We are known to have a special sensitivity to and success with identifying and gently exploring issues that keep people from maintaining organization and efficiency in their lives. This talent, gleaned from years of experience working with many people in numerous circumstances, makes Top Shelf Organizers unique.
In addition to helping you dispose of clutter and papers directly into garbage bags, we maintain a list of resources to help our clients. This includes organizations that pick up or receive donations, appraisers, antique and auction companies, and charities. We help you sell items at tag or estate sales and through the internet. We find just the right products to help you organize, companies to help you move, and many other services necessary to see your project to completion.
We offer a free 20 minute phone consultation and a $75 one hour home or office visit. We provide special packages to help you get going on your problem areas or issues.