They did some decent work, but they go overboard with services they want to perform, or say they performed, whether you agree to it or not. At one point, one of the bosses told me that felt they had to do what they felt needed doing at the time they saw a need. My answer was that it was up to me, not them, and I was told they don't work that way. At one point, I came outside to find their men "cleaning out" an area of branches and vines which shield my property from the property next door, and which had deliberately been left overgrown to provide privacy. When I asked them why they were doing it, I was told they had been "told to do some cleaning up". I stopped them cold, and I was told I would not be charged, but I think they padded a later bill, in order to make up for the work the men had already done before being stopped. Their charges are ludicrous. I believe they do a lot of commercial work, as well, so perhaps it is not worth it to them to do mundane residential work without getting massive amounts of money. The bottom line is - if you want to spend a fortune, have work done which you specifically tell them not to do, get charged for work which was not done ( all I can prove is the liming of the lawn), then use them. Otherwise, steer clear. BTW, they are notoriously unreliable when you call them because you NEED something done, and three or four calls are often necessary before you even get a response. If there's no immediate promise of big bucks, they are very lax.
Description of Work: The date of service and the amount spent are not really accurate, since Santelli had worked for me for a number of years. I basically stuck with them, because the one time I tried using someone else, the company I hired was even worse. Santelli is an "all service" outfit, and they do everything from lawn maintenance to spraying of trees and lawns, tree pruning, tree removal, etc. The problem is that they take it upon themselves to do what they label as "selective pruning" practically every time they come to mow the lawn, and then charge outrageous prices. On more than one occasion, I was charged for pruning which one of the Santelli brothers told me his men had done, and I knew it to be a lie. since I was home on those occasions, and I saw what the men were, and were not doing. They never picked up a pruning shears On other occasions, they prune what doesn't need pruning, and on a couple of occasions, they have cut what I precisely told them NOT to touch. That's the straw that broke the camel's back this last time, December 2012. They cut down all my pampas grasses, which they know I leave all Winter, for effect, they cut my hydrangeas, which they have been told never to touch after the end of the Summer, and they lopped off several branches of trees which they had also been told to leave the way they were. I was charged on several occasions for lawn treatments, ranging from insect control to weed control, and yet the lawn was brown and patchy all Spring and Summer, a lot worse than anyone else's lawn in the area. I have to question whether the lawn treatments were ever done, as well as questioning whether they ever "deep fed" my trees, or sprayed those trees which they said required treatment. They are, without question, very good at charging exorbitant amounts. I think I must have averaged about $1000 a month, if you spread out their charges for the calendar year. That is ludicrous, and my fault for not firing them sooner. It would seem that in the last two years, I have been charged for more and more "services", and I don't think there's a date of service when they just performed maintenance. There was always an extra charge or two for treatment, spraying, pruning, etc. , and I am not even sure any of it was done. When I called up, on at least two occasions, to complain about work they charged for which was not done, or to complain about work they did which they were specifically told not to do, I was treated with condescension and they were patronizing, to say the least. I was asked if I was calling their men "liars", since their men told the bosses they were here working for several hours ( which they were not). When I stated that they had decimated all the bushes I wanted left alone, the response was "Every time you call, we have the same conversation". Yes, that's true. If they didn't do things they were told not to do, we would not have had to have the same conversation. When I received my last bill, which was for December 2012, I was charged $90.00 plus tax for "liming" the lawn, which I can guarantee was not done. Lime can not be missed, since it is white. I have always steered my dog clear of my lawn, and anyone else's lawn which were limed, and there was no lime on my lawn, at all. When I paid the final bill, I deducted the amount for the lime, and said that there was no way it had ever been done. This is why I question how many other "services" were never performed, but charged for.