For over 20 years Critter Control of Santa Fe has been serving Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe, San Miguel, and Taos counties by providing integrated animal and wildlife control management solutions, as well as providing an environmentally friendly approach to solving insect problems, which are environmentally sound and ecologically responsible for Santa Fe area. Our Certified Wildlife Specialists are also certified pest operators licensed by the New Mexico department of Agriculture. We have years of experience in the field of animal control, pest control and termite control and we protect people property and wildlife by sealing openings to prevent animals and insects from entering walls and ceilings of your home or business. Whether it's bats in the belfry, pigeons and birds making a mess on your patio, raccoons in the chimney, noises in your ceiling keeping you awake at night, gophers wreaking havoc in your lawn or those creepy crawling bugs in or around your home or business, Critter Control of Santa Fe has the experience to handle any animal or insect situation. Critter Control of Santa Fe, New Mexico, offers animal control and animal removal services for the following animals: Bats, Mice, Pigeons, Pocket Gophers, Raccoons, Snakes, Skunks, and Squirrels. We also offer pest control services for the following pests: Ants, Roaches, Centipedes and Spiders. Our additional services include: Eco-Wise Pest Management, Wildlife, Critter Safe.