Purple Mountain Real Estate & Investments

Property Management, Real Estate Agents

Services we offer

Full Service Real Estate Office. We represent Buyers and Sellers. We also offer Property Management for Owners and Rentals for Tenants


3.02 Reviews
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Showing 1-2 of 2 reviews

Jody L.
property management, real estate agents
  + 0 more
Betty started out as just a business recommendation from a friend who was a Realtor and he also owned rental property. We contacted her and she was immediately available. She took care of our problem with bad tenants, evicted them, appeared in court on our behalf and collected late rent from them. For this past year we have had ideal tenants and Betty has promptly deposited our rent directly into our checking account. I no longer consider Betty a business contact; I think of her as a friend. Our son is getting married and moving into the property, so we no longer need her services, but I would HIGHLY recommend her to anyone needing property management.
Description of Work: Betty managed our rental property for more than a year. She was amazingly friendly and professional. She was able to help us legally with bad tenants, and is prompt to notify us when there are problems or repairs needed at our property. With our approval she arranges for repairs and maintenance. She deposits our rental funds in a timely fashion. I would highly recommend her as a property manager.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Sonda B.
property management
  + -1 more
No feedback. When you call to ask questions Betty (owner) is argumentative and hateful. No documentation provided to prove inspections were being done. No documentation for owner concerns and no follow up on concerns. She does not protect the interest of the owners. Property is being rented by 2, yet when concerns of 5 cars in front of home on several days for several months Betty did nothing. Home currently placed on the market, tenets unwilling to work with Realtor to show home. Betty unwilling to enforce agreements with tenets. Betty is anything but professional. I would not recommend to manage any property.
Description of Work: Property Management for one year - Collect monthly rent. Ensure tenets are following contract. Perform inspections of property to ensure property is being well maintained.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Purple Mountain Real Estate & Investments
The Member signed the Property Management agreement with her Ex-Husband to have their jointly owned home rented since it had not sold. The Ex-husband called her to make sure that she was in agreement with the rent that was to be charged. She agreed to the amount, however when she returned home from her European honeymoon with her new Doctor husband, she suddenly wanted to change everything. The Owners had agreed (in writing) to withdraw the house for sale if it was rented before it sold. Now, she wanted to put it back on the market for sale. When she was told that this was against the agreement and the reason that the tenants had rented was the fact that it was to be taken off the market while they had the one year lease, but she did not like that. Then, she didn't like the amount that the tenants were being charged even though she had approved the amount. Finally, she settled down until about three months before the tenant's lease expired. The tenants had put in an offer to buy, but the Owners wanted much more so the tenants gave their notice to vacate at the end of the lease. In the mean time, the Member put the property back on the market and the pictures taken were of the tenant's furniture and possessions. The tenant's took excellent care of the property, was never late with the rent and left the property immaculate when they left. These tenants actually bought a house from me in the same area at the end of their lease. In the mean time, the Member would drive by the house whenever she chose to and called me complaining about there being 4-5 cars parked on the street in front of the house. I would tell her that I had no control over who parked on the street and the fact that they were by her house did not mean they all belonged to the tenants. The tenants actually had 4 vehicles and often parked 2 of them on the street instead of inside the garage and this was what the Member was told. The only time that the tenants refused to allow an open house was when the agent had failed to notify them of the date and the tenants had family coming in from out of town that weekend. They told the Agent to let them know of any future "Open Houses" and they would make sure that the house was clean and that they would be gone. But the Agent would have to let them know of the plans. This was the reason that they did not want to rent a house that was on the market because they did not want strangers coming into a property that they were renting and seeing THEIR belongings. This Member totally ignored and attended the Open Houses to see the house. Rather than cause a problem, the tenants worked with the Agents and made the property available except for the one time. Needless to say, the tenants were not happy with the conduct of this woman who just wanted to have her way. As a professional I have been doing property management for over 25 years and I try to work not only with Owners, but also with the tenants. Each have rights by law and these are what I try to enforce. However, the Member was demanding and did not want to be told "NO" by anyone. I must say that the home still has not sold and has been on the market this last time for over 400 days.

    Contact information

    1014 S Main St Ste B, Las Cruces, NM 88005



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    All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

    *Contact business to see additional licenses.

    Service Categories

    Property Management,
    Real Estate Agents


    Purple Mountain Real Estate & Investments is currently rated 3 overall out of 5.
    No, Purple Mountain Real Estate & Investments does not offer free project estimates.
    No, Purple Mountain Real Estate & Investments does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, Purple Mountain Real Estate & Investments does not offer a senior discount.
    No, Purple Mountain Real Estate & Investments does not offer emergency services.
    No, Purple Mountain Real Estate & Investments does not offer warranties.
    Purple Mountain Real Estate & Investments offers the following services: Full Service Real Estate Office. We represent Buyers and Sellers. We also offer Property Management for Owners and Rentals for Tenants

    Contact information

    1014 S Main St Ste B, Las Cruces, NM 88005
