Response from Above & Beyond Home Improvement Inc
Nothing could be further from the truth! I went by, inspected and measured the house after the deal was purchased. FACT:The house's exterior had been painted with latex paint. FACT: Traditional stucco would not adhere to the paint. FACT: synthetic stucco would adhere to the paint, but the cost would be significantly higher. I explained all this to the Owner. A synthetic re-stucco would be cost prohibitive, because they were trying to put the house on the market.. Patching the damaged stucco and re- painting the exterior would be the most sensible thing to do. It would have cost slightly more than the deal, due to the size and condition of the house, but FACT): I agreed to do it for the original deal price, so as to be helpful. The reward: This negative, ridiculous review. To the Owner: if you didn't like what I had to offer, you should have either cancelled your purchase, or bought a much more expensive synthetic job. Instead, you chose to get a paint job AND to complain about it. We will complete this project professionally despite the immature nature of your review, which I'm sure the other members reading this will recognize. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.