At Re-bath of New Jersey we believe in a different concept; we believe in a quiet, clean, fast remodeling experience at a low cost. We offer a variety of services to make your bathroom an inviting retreat from life's daily stresses, give a call today and let's talk about the perfect bathroom at a low cost. Our products are guaranteed for life, made to last, made to be easy to clean and perfect for your home. We want the best bathroom for your home, and will work to ensure that dream, that idea you have is made a reality. Waiting for tomorrow means another day of your tired bathroom, another embarrassment with a guest instead of a highlight to your home. Make your home your getaway, personalized to your character and needs. Refreshed, renewed, simply and easily with Re-Bath. Why settle for weeks of workers, dust and materials dominating your home. At Re-Bath, our quiet, clean, quick and affordable bathroom remodeling solutions allow you to quickly and efficiently remodel your bathroom with minimum disruption to you and your home. Re-Bath invites you to explore the alternatives to your current worn out bathtub, outdated tile walls and tired shower base and instead enjoy a long soak or refreshing shower in an entirely new environment. If you're thinking to yourself, "I want to update my bathroom", Re-Bath of New Jersey is here to transform your old bathroom into an inviting retreat from life's daily stresses. So don't Re-Model, Re-Bath. Additional email - Additional DBAs - Shower Transformation LLC, Re-Bath of Northern Delaware. Additional address - 243 Quigley Blvd Ste J New Castle, De 19720. Additional phones - (732) 638-0799, (800) 228-4282.
Also serving Salem County.