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McEwen Construction

Homebuilders, General Remodeling


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Mary J.
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A similar report is being filed against the roofer, Neemann and Son's On 2/28/2006 we (I and my daughter and her then fiancé) contracted with Ryan McEwen of McEwen Construction to be the general contractor in charge of constructing two homes who’s frames were constructed by Yankee Barn Homes who designed and built the shell components of two post and beam homes. I paid for the construction of both homes. The kits were delivered late in May 2006 and early June 2006 and a Yankee Barn Home supervisor stayed to oversee the raising of the frames. All interior and roofing was the contractor’s responsibility. We took possession of the houses in April (for my daughter and her husband) and May (for me) of 2007. The homes were finished with standing seam metal roofs. From the first time it rained in April 2007, we realized there was a problem with the roof of Jennifer and Greg’s home. It was leaking in around a skylight. And unknown to us at that time, it was leaking in several other spots. We immediately contacted McEwen Construction who contacted Neemann and Son’s. Apparently they subcontracted the roofing job out to and yet another roofer. JRS Roofing. JRS Roofing came out and “repaired” it. It leaked even worse than before. We contacted McEwen a total of 5 more times and 5 more times Neemann and Son’s had JRS Roofing come out. Each time there was no relief. Each time it took longer for anyone to come out and we were getting the distinct feeling that no one even cared. Finally after numerous complaints and appeals and turning to the Better Business Bureau, McEwen Construction had Weathercraft come out and look at Jennifer and Greg’s roof. This was in August of 2007 (report is included). They didn’t look at the whole roof at that time, just at the places where there were leaks. They said that this entire portion of the roof needed replacing. A report was sent to McEwen Construction. We heard nothing. It continued to leak. It became apparent that the entire utility room was affected, stains and obvious water damage was appearing in the roof, walls and the beams. We continued to complain. In May 2008 we had A1 Mold Testing and & Remediation come out and check the damage in the utility room of Jennifer and Greg’s home. The report showed there was substantial damage. This report is also included. Then in June 2008, a roofer from Sprague Roofing (Lincoln Nebraska) came out to look at the roof. Apparently he was asked to do this by Neemann & sons who didn’t believe the extent of the problem. The roofer from Sprague roofing not only said that the entire roof was installed incorrectly but that all the skylights were damaged beyond repair and would need replacing. He also said that he suspected that even though my house was not leaking, that the roof was done incorrectly as well. Somewhere in here we contacted an attorney. However since Nebraska is a state where legal fees cannot be recouped, we could not move forward. We finally had McEwen Construction and Neemann & sons come out in July 2008. Neemann & Sons agreed that it had to be fixed. We requested that WeatherCraft do the re-roofing, as they are known for their competence with metal roofs. I personally contacted WeatherCraft and asked if they would look at my roof when they came out to do the estimate on Jennifer and Greg’s. They did, it needed replacing. We were told that Neemann & Sons agreed to have WeatherCraft replace the roofs. Then McEwen Construction contacted us again in late July 2008. They said that Neemann & sons agreed to do the re-roofing if they were the ones doing the roofing. I was a bit taken back by this, they had originally said that WeatherCraft would do it as we requested. And I contacted WeatherCraft and asked about the advisability of having Neemann & Sons do the roofing. They said that Neemann & Sons do not have the expertise to do metal roofs. We said no, Neeman & Son’s had tried before, the obviously did not have the expertise, we wanted it done right. McEwen Construction did have WeatherCraft come out to put a temporary fix in place so that there is no more water damage in Jennifer and Greg’s home. 9/12/2008 we were informed by McEwen that Lohmeir Metal Roofs was to do the repairs. We met on 9/25/2008 and again McEwen claimed that the roofs were to be repaired as soon as possible and then the interior damage would be repaired. Sometime in December, Lohmeir came out to look at the roofs, but due to weather, they could do nothing on that day. They have never come back. In 2009 we asked for the Nebraska Attorney Generals assistance with this. They are continuing to mediate. McEwen continues to dodge us.
Description of Work: The overseeing of the construction of two Yankee Barn Homes.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


    Contact information

    5034 Old Cheney Rd, Lincoln, NE 68516


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    Service Categories

    General Remodeling


    McEwen Construction is currently rated 1 overall out of 5.
    No, McEwen Construction does not offer free project estimates.
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    No, McEwen Construction does not offer emergency services.
    No, McEwen Construction does not offer warranties.

    Contact information

    5034 Old Cheney Rd, Lincoln, NE 68516