The members, along with their neighbor had decided to purchase a fence together. Originally, they requested a quote for installing chain link fence. In considering their options, they then joined in with their neighbor and decided to install a vinyl fence, except for a small section of chain link, behind their garage. In comparing costs, time differences to complete, and ability to complete a small section or gap, there is a big difference in all three when comparing chain link to vinyl fence. The time frame to complete a pvc fence is much longer than chain link. First we order the posts, install the posts, order the panels and gates, and then install the panels and gates. This process for vinyl, on average, can take 4-5 weeks to complete, as opposed to chain link, that can be completed in days. In changing from one fence style to another, they also changed their time for completion and the process in which it is completed. Another reason that this was delayed, is because we did not receive everyone's paperwork to proceed. In trying to save them money, we agreed to complete their fence and their neighbor's fence at the same time. If not done at the same time, we couldn't save them any additional costs. Unfortunately, the neighbor did not turn in all of their paperwork required for us to proceed. We made numerous requests, but received nothing. Once all paperwork was received, we proceeded to install the posts. Unfortunately, at time of installation, we became aware that the fabrication company did not send us all posts. This is not an issue, as we could install the last remaining post, when the panels and gates for delivered. The member also states her frustration with our inability to complete what the salesman told them and this was to fill in a small section of fence that was missing. The salesman stated that we could easily accomplish this, however, he made that statement when we were offering only chain link fence. When they decided to change to vinyl, this small task, became much more difficult. In order to complete this with vinyl, we would have to set another post to fill in the gap. With chain link, we wouldn't have needed to set this post. Once we offered to provide a post at our cost, we then dug to install the post, and realized that concrete was directly under the dirt. Again, this wouldn't have been an issue using chain link. The member also states that they provided us with a property survey, which is incorrect. We didn't receive any property layout. Instead, we helped search for property pins to see if we could find their property lines. As it states in our contract, multiple times, if you don't order a property survey, then we can't be held liable if our staking is incorrect. More importantly, once we staked their yard, we gave the customer time to review and make corrections if needed. We didn't receive a request for a change and we proceeded to set their posts. Once posts were installed, they made us aware that one post was incorrect. According to our contract, if this situation occurs, we are not responsible for additional costs in making the changes. However, we did not ask for the additional costs to be paid. In the end, I understand the member's frustration, however, all of her frustration is due to the fact that their was another party, her neighbor, that controlled the process of installation and completion; and that they decided to change their request to vinyl fence, which takes much longer to complete than chain link.