Small shop available for any type of electrical work and service. Small shop prices too. NC licensed #31530 and Insured, COI available at request. Very easy to work with. Open to business deals as well.
We would love to be of service to you or your business if needed. All usual perks apply as your phone book ad guys - free estimates, professional vetted employees, drug testing and safety program. I am an OSHA and CPR instructor so this is part of every day safety for us. I have been in the business for 24 years and owned my own company since 2015.
Here is a sample of our work:
- Residential and commercial service in homes, condos, factories, commercial businesses, etc.
- FREE 'water in power' test. ESD (electric shock drowning) is a very real danger. No strings attached.
- F45 fitness
- Modern Pet Spa
- Rock Box
- Pet supplies Plus
- Apartments
- Lighting plans and footcandle CAD drawings
- Duke energy rebates
- Hundreds of others and references available.
One of our BEST jobs recently: I was able to work a duke rebates program with the right light and the right facility and managed to get the cost of each light, labor and materials, down to $2.00 a fixture for the customer. That is how hard we work for each and every customer.
Thank you for visiting! Hope we can be of assistance.
Jeff, Zenith Electric 910-789-3144