Your hometown Apple computer shop. Conveniently located inside the Wooden Stone Gallery in downtown Davidson, we offer the kind of personalized attention to your computing needs that other shops can't.
Even though we're a small shop, we still offer the newest technology direct from Apple (we're an Apple Authorized Retailer), as well as a small selection of used equipment that can make owning the legendary performance of Apple an affordable option for any budget.
Our service department is focused on providing an outstanding service experience to all of our customers, striving for transparency in pricing, fast turn-around times, and friendly service. We're an Apple Authorized Service Provider, so you know that your repairs are being done to Apple specifications, and will keep your computer under warranty.
Our training department offers group classes, individual classes, and even on-site training to meet your needs to the best of our ability. We offer classes ranging from basic computer use to home networking, and even on the latest software being produced.
For LightSpeed support or quick questions, contact LS Pro Support at (855)979-LSPS(5777) or
For LightSpeed technical support, please call (866) 932-1801.
For Mac support, contact our Asheville office at (855) 979-LSPS(5777) or