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King Green

Lawn Fertilization & Treatment, Lawn and Yard Work, Tree Service,

About us

We have been locally owned and operated since our inception in 1987. Our annual lawn care services include aeration, seeding, fertilization, and weed control. We also offer mosquito control during the summer. Our program is guaranteed. guaranteed. Service calls between regularly scheduled visits are no charge to you.

Business highlights

37 years of trusted experience

Services we offer

Lawn care, tree & shrub care, mosquito control, specialty services such as fire ant control, fungicide treatments, aeration and overseeding.

Services we don't offer

Mowing, pruning, planting, hard or soft scaping


Free Estimates
Senior Discount


Accepted payment methods

American Express

Photos of past projects


4.558 Reviews
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Rating CategoryRating out of 5
Showing 1-25 of 58 reviews

Brian K.
lawn service, lawn treatment
  + 0 more
Aeration didn't take. I question if they really seeded the aerated area at the time. Technician did not show up on two different occasions. I asked for a redo of the aeration (they claim they will touch up bare areas) but did not hear back about scheduling. Asked to speak to a manager about this but only received a response after I said I would prefer cancelling my service. Manager called three times while I was in work meetings and I guess I responded one hour too late for them to take care of this. Would not recommend to fellow Angie's list folks.
Description of Work: aeration and seeding plus lawn treatment

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


William F.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
Excellent service so far with competitive pricing.
Description of Work: Lawn Fertilization and Weed Control

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Andrea H.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
I started using King Green in 2013. The first two years was okay. In 2016 I began to develop a lot of weeds throughout my lawn. I contacted King Green and they sent out a technician. The technician left a note stating we waited to late to control the weeds. King Green treated my lawn for over 2 years so the weeds should have never developed if the technician would have used the correct product in the beginning of the growing season. I also was at home during one application and my truck was in the garage. The technician covers less than 25% of my front lawn and made one pass with a broadcast spreader in the back lawn. He was there less than 10 minutes. I couldn't believe what I witnessed. I was billed 129.00 for 10 minutes lador and approximately 3 dollars of product. What a rip off. I suggest to stay far away from companies like this and go with an independent company. Thanks for reading my post.
Description of Work: Lawn maintenance limited to fertilization, areation and seeding

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from King Green
We are always sad to see a disappointed client. A lot of the time people just have the wrong idea about what our company provides and is able to do. In this case their weed control applications were all done at same times they were done in the past so I am not sure where they got the idea there was a delay. I do not see that our manager suggested that. The big problem here was not the weeds themselves but the conditions that led to the weeds. Simply put, the first step in weed control is Always, Always a full, thick and healthy lawn. Everything else comes in a distant second with the actual weed control products being not nearly as important. To get that full, thick lawn we fertilize well and encourage our clients to water and mow regularly and also to re-seed each year to fill in gaps left by the inevitable summer heat issues. If these steps are not taken by the homeowners the lawns will begin to thin out and invite weed pressure. Nature does not like bare spots! She will fill them in with something and it is not usually fescue! Despite our communicating this via email, phone and flyers, and trying to get them to do the re-seeding each year, it does not look as if this was ever done. The result was a slow thinning of the lawn which, in turn, allowed the weeds space to grow. I am sorry that it appeared we were rushing over the lawn. I do hear that from time to time but I point out that we are professionals with the best equipment available. Of course we do it faster than the average homeowner. We can never be sure how long our tech/s were out there but the actual treatment time for 1000 square feet is about 30 seconds! With an average lawn it takes just a few minutes to receive all the product it needs. Even less if it is being serviced by a two-person crew. Again, we hate it when someone misunderstands what our company can and cannot do. If this lawn had been re-seeded properly I am sure it would have looked great and there would have been very little weed pressure. We can only do what we get asked to do! And I would like to point out that we are locally owned and operated.

Matthew R.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
Their consistent, reliable, seem to get a good result and their good at communicating what service they are providing and what to expect.
Description of Work: I used King Green for Lawn Fertilization & Treatment.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

lawn treatment
  + -1 more
I am not pleased with the situation or the company
Description of Work: I hired them to come out and airrate my lawn. As we agreed my lawn needed some work . So he said that he would send some people out. I told him twice that I did not want him to seed my lawn as I can do that. I only use rebel two lawn seed, anything else just wont work. So of course he brought a whole lot of seeds and airrated my lawn. It did not work. So I called, Young man said. Mrs Collins if you are dissatisfied we wont charge you. So I get a bill now saying that I'm 30 days behind on paying my $88.00 invoice. What he did was say one thing, and then went and did another. This is just not good business.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from King Green
We are always sorry when people are disappointed with our work. We tried very hard to give this client what she wanted despite the fact that we would normally not have accepted doing the partial job that she requested. She called the day we did the service to say she was not happy with the job. The crew chief said that the lawn was very dry and hard packed despite us mailing her preparation instructions which said that, for best results, the lawn must be watered well before aeration. Our manager told her to water heavily that weekend (the original job was done on Friday October 21st ) and we would send another crew out on Monday or Tuesday to re-do the job. This we did on Tuesday October 24th but the ground had obviously not been watered and was still very hard making it difficult to pull plugs. Even with the hard lawn the aeration would have worked if it had been watered afterwards according to the directions we left with her. The original price she agreed to was $199 but we changed that price to $88 for her as she was unhappy. We then heard nothing from the client until we called her 45 days later to see why she had not paid the $88. We have no record of anyone saying there would be no charge. I did call the customer recently to see what we could do to make her happy but she, while courteous, did not want to discuss the matter. She had paid the $88 before we talked. I am not sure what else we could have done here. We did as good a job as the soil would allow the first time. We, again, instructed her to water before we came out a few days later to re-do the entire job. And then we cut her price by more than half to try and satisfy her. We do all that we can to please all our customers and are sorry that we could not do any more this time.

Andy B.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
I am VERY disappointed in my experience with King Green. After evaluating several providers via Angies List, I chose them due to the reviews and compelling pricepoint. The intention was to improve the condition of my lawn, which was very thin and weedy last fall. Initial work was good - aeration and seeding was done with no problem and spring treatment resulted in good quality grass and coverage. However, starting in early June I noticed that the lawn was getting patchy again with brown spots. I reached out to King Green on 3 occasions to ask about what should be done - each time I was told they would send someone and each time they simply left a brochure about brown patch disease and attributed it to over-watering. I know for a fact that isn't accurate since I don't water any more or less than my neighbors, whose lawn is in much better shape even in the hot weather of summer. I finally had Ricky come out who gave me the truth - basically they have lost a lot of their senior techs and replaced them with junior people who don't know what they are doing. As a result, they basically dumped chemicals on my lawn, left me brochures and did nothing to prevent my lawn from now looking WORSE than it did last year! I will not be using King Green again and would recommend against anyone using them.
Description of Work: Monthly lawn treatment (including weed control) and fall aeration and seeding.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Response from King Green
We are always sorry to disappoint and lose a client. We appreciate the client reaching out to us and giving us feedback regarding their lawn. The history of this case is essentially that which is laid out in the client's letter but there are issues that are misconstrued. While we did, indeed, lose two experienced techs during this summer (One of which just came back to us. I guess the "grass wasn't greener" after all. :-) ) we will NEVER put a tech on a lawn who does not know what the products are and how to correctly apply them. The senior folks tend to know a little more as to the "whys and wherefores'" and they are undoubtedly better at communicating issues to the client. King GREEN has some of the best initial and ongoing training in the industry and we pride ourselves having the best employees. We boast some of the best retention numbers in the field. The average length of service for our techs is over eight years! In this case, the lawn looked great in the spring but then started to suffer in the summer as fescue, a cool-season grass, will. The problem is that if you give the turf enough water to avoid the heat/drought stress you tend to run into the Brown Patch Fungus. Brown Patch cannot be caused by improper use of chemicals. We always leave a brown patch flyer prior to the heat kicking in (April/May) that explains the disease and what can be done about it. We put notes in our newsletters as well. Fungicides are offered but most people do not get them. Beginning in June every invoice we print has a large box printed right in the center whose heading is "Brown Patch is now Active!" advising our clients to call us if they suspect a problem. (There is a box there for the tech to check if they notice active disease but I cannot say for certain it was checked in this case as it is left with the client.) When we get a call about problems a technician, or manager, will go out to investigate and either call the client or leave information about what is going on. The system does work. We are not a full-service landscaper that is out there every week so we communicate using flyers, pre-printed and handwritten notes and phone calls. The customer called with a concern and we told them what the issue was and left information about it. This is exactly what we did in this case on more than one occasion. In late July, well into brown patch season, the client called about the issue and our service manager (19 years in the green industry) went out and diagnosed the problem and said he saw definite signs of there being too much moisture present. The presence of black algae on the ground, certain aquatic weeds and brown patch clearly indicated that there was water on the blades and ground for extended periods. He mentioned this in a note and gave them our watering guide and brown patch information. None of us can say what the neighbor's soil is like nor what they do, or do not, do with their lawn. The simple truth was that this client's lawn was not being watered properly. They called again two weeks later and our service manager went out again diagnosing the same issue and offering the same information and advice talking directly to the client on two occasions. It is absolutely possible that the watering times for the neighbors and our client were the same but their irrigation systems, water pressure, topography (shade, low spots) and/or soil composition, etc. were vastly different. The evidence was undeniable and the results of not listening to our advice was that the lawn suffered greatly. King GREEN and our clients are on the same side. We both want the lawns to look good and the clients to be happy! We should also point out that lawn care is a process and the first year is always the toughest. That makes it doubly disturbing to lose a client in that first year when there was really no reason for the lawn to have suffered and our client to have to been disappointed.

Ronald M.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
They come out 9 times a year. Right now my lawn looks like a carpet, perfect. The key will be what happens in the hot summer.
Description of Work: I used King Green.
Rating CategoryRating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from King Green
Thanks for the great review! There are eight applications in our yearly program.

Corey B.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
The application was fine. My problem was I had a prepay invoice that wasn't due until 3/1/16. I was under the impression that I had until then to decide if I wanted to continue with their service. So, it was a complete surprise when I had the invoice sitting in my mailbox for the early spring application. I called the office to try and understand why they did it and when I spoke with Christine lets just say it went from bad to worse. The attitude and snide remarks from this women pushed me over the edge. I regret the way I reacted, screamed cancel my account and hung up. I took a few deep breaths and called back. I apologized for my actions and just wanted clarification that my account was cancelled. She said it was and then in the most snide way possible, she says, "yah and you still owe us the $50". I think it is sneaky of the company to get an application in before the prepay invoice is due and they added an application to the invoice. Even though it was my incorrect assumption about the continuation of service, I did not need to be spoken to in that manner. The technicians have all been great and our lawn doesn't look bad, it is a shame that the actions of someone in their office has turned me away from the company.
Description of Work: On 2/9 they came out and did the early spring application.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from King Green
We are always sorry to lose a client, especially when it could have been so easily avoided! Normally we get nothing but praise for the professionalism and helpfulness of our office staff so this was a real shock to us! Upon learning about this I, immediately, called the client. We had a pleasant conversation and she was nice enough to admit that she may have contributed to the tension on the phone. But that is certainly no excuse for anyone at King GREEN to be rude to a customer! We have great office staff and I often feel sorry for them as they are the “first line of defense” for us. They are always the first to talk with clients who have problems and that can be trying. This client was surprised by an application in February. We have always done our first application of the year as early as late January or as late as mid-March. Though we have worked with this client for two years, both of her previous round #1’s had come in early March so it was logical for her to think that this is when we started. We have always had continual service and this is noted on all our literature. We did add one additional service to our program this year. This was to get us out on the lawns one more time during the summer to address stubborn weeds and add minerals during the hottest time of the year. Many of our clients felt having us out there then would be beneficial. Any client that does not want the extra visit is welcome to skip it and some have. This change was put out on our website, all the literature we use, all of the mailings we made to clients and on all our social media outlets so we really did not try to sneak anything in on anyone. I offered to credit this person's account for the amount in question and asked what else we could do to keep her as a client but she, politely, refused. I, again, apologized for the treatment she received and any confusion about the program telling her we would be happy to have her back and to contact me directly if she needed anything else. Dave

Chris M.
lawn service, lawn treatment
  + 0 more
Alway professional and responsive. They call each and every time they come out to the house. Never have an issue with the employees whether in the field or at the office. They are pricier than most but you get what you pay for.
Description of Work: Currently use King Green to handle all chemicals on the lawn and bushes. They were there when I needed them to pick up where another provider dropped the ball.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from King Green
Thank you for the kind review! We appreciate your business and we're glad to hear you're happy with the service!

Nancy C.
lawn service
  + -1 more
The grass is coming up. I think they are a little bit on the expensive side but they did fine in terms of the service. The service was very good. They worked with me in finding a good date to come and I appreciated that. Generally, I give them an A but in terms of price, I think they were a little bit high. We have used them for regular lawn service for quite a while.
Description of Work: They did aeration and overseeding.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from King Green
We appreciate your taking the time to post a review. Glad to hear that you're happy with our service!

Karen C.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
Scott was the technician and explained condition of the grass and what i could and could not do to improve my yard. He was great. So informative. Great service.
Description of Work: Sprayed yard for pests, fertilized and weed control

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from King Green
Thank you so much for taking the time to post a review. I will make sure Scott sees your message!

lawn treatment
  + -1 more
They have a quality product and are efficient. They have good service.
Description of Work: They put winter fertilizer down.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

lawn treatment
  + -1 more
They are not doing all the treatments and we are just not getting very good results off of the lawn. Their treatments seem to be relatively ineffective. They always seem fairly cordial and nice to deal with.
Description of Work: I currently use King Green for our lawn care. They do weed treatment and fertilization.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Response from King Green
Some confusion here…..:-) Immediately upon receiving this review I went to inspect the lawn and meet with (member name removed). The lawn looked very nice and (member name removed) said she was very pleased with what we had been able to do in less than a year. She also said that she had no memory of writing the review and had no intention of cancelling service. She is still a customer at this time, months later. She and I are both a bit confused as to how this review got posted!!

Ann G.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
I submitted an on-line request for an estimate, providing both my email and cell phone number as a contact. Rep rang the doorbell at 8:20 a.m., without ever contacting or scheduling via phone or email. Instead of providing the estimate, he argued on what type of service I wanted and when I wanted it done. No longer interested in an estimate from this company.
Description of Work: Was supposed to provide an estimate for services, per my request.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Response from King Green
We are always sorry when we disappoint someone but sometimes it cannot be avoided. The customer, in this instance, wanted some services that we do not provide. She did want some treatments that we could have helped her with but it was the wrong time of year, agronomically, for them to be done. The applications she requested would not have worked at this time of year and could have caused some damage. At best, they simply would not have done much of anything. At King GREEN we will not take someone's money just because they are willing to give it to us! :-) I do apologize if our representative appeared to be rude. He is the same one listed in all the past reports as wonderful and folks normally adore him. And, for the record, we did call the night before and leave a message though we do not always do this. If a meeting is requested we will always make arrangements for that.

lawn treatment
  + -1 more
The quality of the product is good. They are efficient and get the job done well. The product has been successful and we have grass again. Their price was comparable to others.
Description of Work: They put down lime and fertilization on the lawn. They do different things in each appointment.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

patrick C.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
The technician was very nice. We moved here from Wisconsin. We never had a fescue lawn. I am retired and thought I would have lots of time to maintain the yard. I was spending a lot of time and money on the yard and the weeds were taking over. The products I was buying at the local home improvement store were not working . I started asking around and getting mixed reviews on Scotts and Tru Green. I checked Angies list and King Green had the best ratings. The Lady I talked to when I first called was friendly and helpful. The man they sent over to give an estimate seemed honest and explained how things would work if I went with their service. No high pressure sales at all. I asked if I had to sign a contract. He said no . He said they would come seven times and year and assured me the lawn would look great. I dont like contracts because of past experiences with contracts for cable television , home security etc. Still being a little leary I asked how hard they are to get rid of if I dont want them anymore. He said just give us a call. I said o.k., thats it? He said yes, or dont pay your bill. I liked his candor. The estimate seemed fair to me. I was spending that much on my own supplies and not getting results. It took about two weeks to see any results after their first applications but now my lawn looks awesome. I highly recommend King Green t
Description of Work: fertilized. pre-emergent and emergent weed killer.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

lawn treatment
  + -1 more
The results are fantastic! 12 months ago, they told me that my lawn would look like the lawn across the street in 12 months and I did not believe it!! Turns out they were right!! I don't even water mich, except when they seeded last fall. I am sure it would look even better if I watered. But I have been extremely pleased and have recommended them to my neighbors. One criticism is that the reps never interact with me by giving me specific advice about my law (watering, etc.). Give how LITTLE I do with my lawn, I am sure there are areas of improvement that they could recommend. That's the reason i gave them B's in two areas.
Description of Work: King Green comes every couple months to spray my lawn with whatever it needs. That's all I know.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Katy B.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
King Green started treating our lawn in June of 2013 and the results have been very satisfying. Over the summer, they began conditioning our front yard and prepared it for re-seeding. It was in terrible shape when they first started coming and I was given the option of waiting and doing nothing until the fall when they would aerate and seed which would have saved us some money, but I chose to go ahead and get started even though the results would not be obvious yet. They aerated and seeded as scheduled in the fall and then have maintained a schedule of fertilization and weed control and the yard looks incredible now. We have now hired them to *fix* our backyard as well and I cannot wait until it looks as good as the front yard! Whenever I have had questions, our representative is extremely responsive and knowledgeable and answers all my questions thoroughly. Every experience I have had with the company is positive.
Description of Work: King Green applied pre-emergent, liquid fertilizer and weed control to our front and back yard the last time they came to our home last time. We live on almost half an acre.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Charled K.
lawn service, lawn treatment
  + 0 more
I recently fired Scott's lawn care due to poor quality service and lack of responsiveness. As a devout Angie's List member I went straight to the website to find a good replacement and was met with glowing reviews and reccomendatios for King Green. I called them immediately and the ladies on the phone were courteous, friendly and seemed quite knowledgeable about their service capabilities. We talked briefly about my past issues with the other provider and the prices that I had been paying. They used a satellite image of my property to calculate the square footage involved and quoted me a price that was a bit higher than I'd been paying but not excessively so. They told me that although they felt confident in their measurements, the price could vary slightly when their guy actually measured the yard but it shouldn't be much. I agreed to have a meeting with their guy who I think was named Ken. A couple of days afterward I recieved a voicemail from this person who started by saying that he was short staffed so it would be "while" before we could meet. He then proceeded to say that I shouldn't trust the quote that "the ladies in GA gave me" and that his satellite calculation showed that I had 43K sq. ft. of grass and that my price was likely to be substantially higher. He just wanted to "warn me" before we met. The strange thing about this is that my entire lot is only 44K sq. ft. in total and that includes the house, pool, patios, driveway, walkways, and natural areas! No possible way that his estimate was correct. I called them back immediately and cancelled my meeting and am planning on finding someone else. My advice, watch these guys closely as I suspect others have had problems as well!!!
Description of Work: Lawn Service Quotation

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Response from King Green
We are always sorry when people are upset with our service. Our goal is to provide quality service beginning with the free estimate. Our intention is not to provide an excuse, but this situation was a bit of a misunderstanding. I spoke to this customer to let them know I would not be able to be out there the next day because Dan, our sales person, was in the hospital. The homeowner asked about the price and I simply told him what I had seen on the computer without knowing about any other price quoted. This is surely not a case of "bait and switch", but just a nice person in our office responding to a client that inquired about a price for our service. This customer is unfortunately seeing bad intentions where really none existed. We wish him the best with another lawn care company, but would be happy to follow through with him. We would love the opportunity to provide service for [ member's name removed] and sincerely apologize for the confusion surrounding his estimate for King Green service.

Gigi H.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
We signed a contract to have King Green treat our lawn beginning last summer (2012). When I first called, they came out promptly and explained exactly what the lawn needed and what the price would be for treatment throughout the year. I have to admit, although a little pricey, the lawn is more lush and green this year than it ever has been. They are very professional and do a great job.
Description of Work: Treatment throughout the year for weeds, fertilization and seeding.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from King Green
Thank you! I'm so glad to hear that you're happy with our service. If you ever need anything, please let us know. Best Regards, Tabitha

Fred C.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
A rep promptly returned my call and arranged a mutually convenient time for an estimate on yard/lawn services. He left, at my request, an estimate and followed that up with a phone call. The price was very reasonable (plus an Angie's List discount on the first service). I was growing very dissatisfied with my former lawn service and saw the great reviews on Angie's List. So far, so good.
Description of Work: Lawn fertilization and weed control services.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

raymond T.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
The man was very honest and said that he couldn't really do much to help my lawn. He did, however, advise me on what I could do for the lawn. I appreciated his honesty and that he didn't take advantage of the situation.
Description of Work: I had him inspect my lawn and possibly treat it.
Rating CategoryRating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from King Green
We appreciate the kind words and are always sorry when we can't do just what a client wants done. But, when you have been in the Green Industry long enough you learn that certain plants just won't grow in certain areas and turf is simply a plant like any other. You can fight Mother Nature but you seldom will win! :-) This poor gentleman had been through several other companies that had all failed trying to do something that just wasn't possible agronomically. He was understandably frustrated after many years. Rather than lead him on suggesting we could succeed here, I suggested he take a different landscaping path that would work with the unique circumstances of his property. As we have always said, "We would rather have no client than an unhappy one!" While he may not get the lawn he was hoping for, he should soon have a beautiful landscape that works with its surroundings.

lawn service, lawn treatment
  + 0 more
We are very happy with them. They were recommended by a friend. I would use them again.
Description of Work: I use King Green for lawn care. They do pesticides and herbicides as part of the treatment.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from King Green
Thank you! We definitely appreciate the feedback and look forward to continuing our relationship with you.

Mariann S.
lawn treatment
  + -1 more
They came out and did lawn fertilization. Our lawn looks like a green carpet. It really looks wonderful.
Description of Work: Sprayed the lawn

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from King Green
Great to Hear!! It really all boils down to having the best people put down the best product. We are glad that you all are pleased with the lawn!

Ron R.
lawn service
  + -1 more
They call before they come and take care of the lawn.
Description of Work: I used the services of King Green for lawn care.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from King Green
Always good to hear feedback, especially positive feedback:-)! We have enjoyed working with this client since 2006 and making his lawn the best in the neighborhood! He has been kind enough to refer us to neighbors and friends which is the ultimate compliment! We look forward to many more years working these nice folks!
    • 1(current)
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Contact information

11145 Metromont Parkway Suite A, Charlotte, NC 28269




Eco-friendly Accreditations

LEED Accredited Professional
Energy Star Partner
EPA Lead-Safe Certified
Use Green Products or Work Practices
State Contractor License Requirements

All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

*Contact business to see additional licenses.

Service Categories

Lawn Fertilization & Treatment,
Lawn and Yard Work,
Tree Service,


King Green is currently rated 4.5 overall out of 5.
King Green accepts the following forms of payment: American Express,Check,Discover,MasterCard,Visa
Yes, King Green offers free project estimates.
Yes, King Green offers eco-friendly accreditations.
Yes, King Green offers a 3% senior discount.
No, King Green does not offer emergency services.
Yes, King Green offers warranties.
King Green offers the following services: Lawn care, tree & shrub care, mosquito control, specialty services such as fire ant control, fungicide treatments, aeration and overseeding.
Mowing, pruning, planting, hard or soft scaping

Contact information

11145 Metromont Parkway Suite A, Charlotte, NC 28269