Gibson's Grading And Construction

Basement Waterproofing, Stone and Gravel, Excavating,

This pro has maintained an average of 4.5+ stars throughout their time with Angi.

About us

Gibson's Construction has been established since 1996 we are family owned and operated and we offer full range of construction services and grading from small jobs to large jobs. We are a father and son team and use the best people and materials that we can find. We do not hire subcontractors because we do the work ourselves on-site to make sure they job is done right! we do contract price only. We will give a 10% discount for Angie's List members. we do not offer paving service or tank removal,pavers. We do the highest quality of work and services and do not take short cuts or bandaid fixes. With decades of experience and continued top service we are here to help, you are not just a customer but become family with us.

Business highlights

28 years of trusted experience
Minority Owned & Operated
Veteran Owned & Operated
LGBTQ+ Friendly
Se Habla Español
Family Owned & Operated
Emergency Services Offered
Eco Friendly

Services we offer

Grading. Excavation. Basements. Driveways. Lot Clearing. Erosion Control. Drainage Control. Demolition. Septic Systems. Water & Sewer Lines. Tractor Work. Carpentry. Decks. Framing. Concrete Work. Retaining Walls. Foundations. Weather Proofing. New Construction. Landscaping. Sidewalks. Patios. Hardscaping. New Yard Preparation. Rock Work. Hauling. Gravel. Sand. Mulch. Dirt. Trash & Brush Removal, Mold Remediation, hazardous material removal, Mold testing, electrical construction consultation and management, we also do remodeling, plumbing, electrical and other Construction services. We have a full outfit to handle all construction needs

Services we don't offer

Asphalt, pavers, hardscaping,landscaping,


Free Estimates
Senior Discount


Emergency Services

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4.9297 Reviews
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Showing 251-297 of 297 reviews

Brian S.
ceramic tile, decks
  + 0 more
On the positive side, David did a good job with the grout work and laying the tiles with a slight incline to divert water away from my house. But on the negative side, David used a different kind of tile from the one we had selected, and did so without getting our prior approval (we would not have given it). We had gone to WNC Tile Center, David Gibson's tile vendor, and brought home 6 or 8 different tile samples. We chose the one we liked and told David. Many of the tiles at WNC Tile Center are very smooth, and since our porch is uncovered, I was worried these would be too slippery. So we intentionally chose a tile that was a little rougher. I called David the day he was installing the tiles (I was at work) and he informed me that WNC Tile Center had sold out of my tiles and so he had gotten a "similar" tile. By this time he had already installed the tiles. While the new tiles were in the same color family as the tile we chose, they were not all that close of a match, and more importantly, they were the smooth type of tile. I told David our concern, but of course by that time it was too late. The tiles look nice, but my pregnant wife has almost fallen on the tiles several times during the rain. It ought to be common sense that if a customer chooses a tile and that sells out, you have to get customer approval before you just pick and install a different tile. Very unprofessional.
Description of Work: The tiles on my porch were crumbling. David Gibson replaced them with new tiles.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
This customer is trying his best to discredit my company! In all my 20 years in construction i have never seen anybody that is going to such lengths to cause issues.This customer has not only tried to extort $1000 by using angie's list a tool to try to extort money by telling me if i pay him $1000.00 he will not publish anything negative. he has made vial threats, called me names! If the truth to be known what has happened he bought a house that neede alot of repairs, and when i met him i could tell he was overwhelmed! i have done everything i could do to help him, He was happy with everything until i refused to do work for free and i would not give in to his demands of paying him $1000.00.

Barbara L.
excavators, hauling services
  + 0 more
Fabulous. David showed up on time to talk about what I hoped I could do as far as widening the parking area at my house. Walked the entire driveway and asked questions and made sure we were on the same page. Did all the clearing etc by himself. Brought equipment in for excavation and stump removal. Hauled all the debris off. His Dad came on the 3rd day to help with the gravel spreading and finishing touches. Both are very personable and professional.
Description of Work: 1) Widened existing driveway from the street to end of property. Excavated area adjacent to drivewy in order to expand parking area. Huge stump had to be removed. Leveled area and hauled several loads of debris off the premises. Put gravel on new parking area and regraveled the old existing drive. Took 3 days exactly as promised.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
It was a joy to work with this member on her project! her driveway was narrow and needed more room as well as parking. the drivway widen and a parking area made it easy for her and i was happy to be able to do this project for her. I look forward to working with her in the future.

Brian S.
basement waterproofing, drain pipe
  + 0 more
David Gibson is a dishonest contractor who lied to me. More on that below. David finished the work in February and when the next round of heavy rain came in mid-April, it was clear that David's work had not fixed the problem, or even lessened it. There is just as much rain in my basement now as in the past. (See before and after photos.) I exchanged numerous emails with David trying to figure out why the drain hadn't fixed the problem. David stood by his work and proposed alternate explanations: maybe an underground spring or a stormwater drain or a water main. At his suggestion, I called the city, which has a great online map tool for looking up the location of water pipes, stormwater drains, etc. The head of stormwater helped me interpret it over the phone. There are no stormwater drains within 3 blocks of my house, and the water main is below the elevation of my basement and on the opposite side from where water gets in. As far as springs, I live in an old neighborhood near downtown and the map shows no natural sources of water near my house, so that seems unlikely. I was a little put off by how eager David seemed to divert any and all hint of blame away from himself, despite there being no compelling alternative explanations. David proposed that the best solution might be to cut a channel in the floor of my basement to help the water get to the drain, and just let the water come in and go down the drain. When another round of heavy rain came a couple months later, and I was once again sweeping water out of my basement, I contacted David and asked if he would be willing to refund half of my money ($1000). The way I see it, David either installed the drain incorrectly, or misdiagnosed the source of the water and thus sold me the wrong solution. One way or another, I hired him to prevent water from getting in my basement, I paid him $2000, and I still have water getting in my basement. $1000 was roughly the amount of money he had to put in the job, so I was basically asking him to do the job at cost, so that it wouldn't be such a total waste of money for me. David was not willing to refund any money, insisting that he'd done everything right. Instead, he offered me a 25% discount if I would hire him to cut a channel in the basement and do additional sealing. I was not sure I wanted to hire him again and I persisted in my request for him to refund some of my money, but he stood his ground. I was disappointed that David did not take more responsibility for the fact that his drain had not made any difference, but by itself that would not have caused me to give him an F, more like a C. He earned an F by lying to me, then lying to cover his lie, then persisting in his lie despite my providing him with proof that he was lying. It started when I informed David of my intention to post a review on Angie's List. I told him the review would be fair and factual, but that I thought other members should understand the risk that, like me, they will shell out money to fix a problem and the problem may not get fixed. David tried to dissuade me from posting to Angie's List by telling me that, when a client calls a contractor about a job, the contractor can look up the reports that the client has posted about other contractors on Angie's List, and if the contractor sees a negative review about another contractor, they will often not agree to work for the client, fearing a negative review for themselves. I contacted Angie's List customer support and they assured me that is misinformation: a contractor can only see contact info, on request, for reviews written about themselves, not about other contractors. I confronted David with this information and he told me that he had not been talking about his contractor account but about his own consumer account. As every Angie's List member knows, that is also a lie: we cannot see other reviewers' contact info. I confronted David again and sent him the link to the FAQ page that confirms members cannot see other reviewers' contact info. David responded by pasting a report into the body of an email which appeared to include contact info. I searched Angie's List and found the report and discovered that David had modified the company name in the report and had pasted the company's contact info into the report as if it were the reviewer's contact info. I confronted him again, sending him screenshots of the report he had doctored (it was getting laughable at this point) but even in the face of that much proof, he denied he was lying and just played dumb. David Gibson is seriously deficient in moral character. He is a liar. That is a strong claim which I don't take lightly, so below I have included the relevant excerpts from our email exchange. I have also attached a side-by-side screenshot showing how David doctored a report on Angie's List to support his lie. At the time of writing this, there are two other negative reviews about David Gibson on Angie's List. Based on those reviews, one thing I am sure of is that David will reply to this review with a lengthy comment denying wrongdoing. He will probably say I am lying and/or that I was trying to blackmail him with the threat of a negative Angie's List review as a way of trying to get him to give me money back. If the email exchange and the screenshots are not enough to convince you whether it is David or me who is lying, ask yourself how likely it is that 3 different reviewers on Angie's List would for some reason all want to sabotage David's career by telling lies about him. Bottom line: I think David is knowledgeable and plenty of people on Angie's List have had a good experience with him. But if anything about the project goes wrong or there are any disputes, know that you will be dealing with a lying, unethical contractor if you hire David Gibson. EMAIL EXCERPTS ME TO DAVID: (July 14, 2012, 8:58 AM) I will probably post a review on Angie's List but I will be fair and just tell what happened and let others form their own judgement. Other members should understand that there is a risk that they will spend money on a solution that doesn't help. DAVID TO ME: (July 14, 2012, 7:54 PM) It is your right to post your opinion on angies list, but you need to think about a few things first... when you post a bad review other contractors see at as well. and most contractors on angies list if they get a call from a angies list member, they will look and see if they posted a bad review, and most of the time if they see one bad review then the contractors will not take the job. When i get a angies list member i look into if they have posted a review, and if they post a bad review on a contractor then i do not take the job! ME TO DAVID: (July 16, 2012, 1:48 PM) David, I spoke with Angie's List customer support, and they said that the reviewer's name is only shared with the contractor whom the review is about. So a contractor cannot go in and see all of a member's past reviews about other contractors. Also, I posted a bad review in the past about a contractor, so if you were telling the truth, you would have seen that and not taken this job. Which means you're not telling the truth. Up until now, I've trusted everything you've said about how well the work was done, but now that you've lied about Angie's List, I don't know what to believe. DAVID TO ME: (July 16, 2012, 5:04 PM) I did not lie to you at all! Not only am i Angie's list contractor i am a member just like you are, because i use other services in Angie's list just like you! So i can see reviews just like you are anybody else as a consumer, now if i went under my account in business i cannot look at other postings, but under my consumer account, just like your account i can see ratings and comments just like you! so i use that on services i hire out plus when i get a call form a Angie's list member i will look and see if i see them commenting on other contractors in construction.if i get a call from a member, i will go under my consumer account to see what i can find out! if i see somebody that has a history of complaints then i will not work for them. other contractors does the same thing. we do this in order to be careful who we work for because people can use Angie's list to get unfair advantage or be very biased! I really resent the fact plus it is very insulting that you accuse me of lying!! You need to get your facts correct Before you make any accusations!! ME TO DAVID: (July 16, 2012, 6:04 PM) David, The Angie's List FAQ states that "*Members cannot see who submitted other reports. *We share only the member's name and address with the service provider if they request it." ( What you are claiming to do with your consumer account is impossible according to Angie's List....It looks like you are trying to cover a lie with another lie DAVID TO ME: (July 16, 2012, 7:01 PM) I sent you my membership information, here is something here is a member that had a kuchen remodeled, i juts pulled this up from my consumer account juts like yours [Here, David pasted a report from Angie's List into the email , having added the contractor's contact info as it were the reviewer's contact info. The full email is shown in the attached screenshot. I'm close to the character limit so I won't re-post it here] ME TO DAVID: (July 16, 2012, 7:33 PM) Nice try, David. You pulled up a report for Daniel Friday of Noble Carpentry, changed "Noble Construction" in the report to "David VanWyck", and then pasted Daniel Friday's contact info as if he wrote the report when in fact the report was written about him. All I had to do was search Angie's List for the keywords in order to figure out your lie. DAVID TO ME: (July 16, 2012, 7:49 PM) who is noble carpentry? i sent you a copy of what i pulled up on my consumer account. will you get serious!this nonsense you are creating does not help, lets focus on solutions!
Description of Work: I get water in my basement when it rains so I called David Gibson to devise a solution, based on positive reviews he had on Angie's List at the time (he has since received several negative reviews). He recommended installing a French drain and applying new waterproof sealing to the basement walls. The cost was $2000. David comes across as very knowledgeable so I hired him. David performed the work over several days in February. I was at work while he was at my house so I did not have a chance to examine any of the work. Note: Although the work David did for me was limited to basement waterproofing and French drain installation, I have assigned this report under all of Gibson Grading's categories because what I have learned about David Gibson's moral deficiency is relevant regardless of category.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
This is the response to the member, This customer called us to fix a foundation issue he was having, He send the pictures to me back in February as you can see below, he informed me that the pictures he took was back in 2010. At that time we was having a lot of rain, so when we meet . the issue he was having was above ground and coming thru the walls, I accessed a solution and fix. He was having a lot of moisture hitting the side of his house as well as a stopped gutter. He hired us to do the job, during this time I kept him informed of the process and involved him so he would be comfortable with the work being done. We excavated down approx2 1/2ft to 3ft. During that time I discovered a section of his foundation was very brittle and on the verge of failure, so I went ahead and fixed it, because I had the material already, and I did not charge him extra! Then we sealed the foundation, installed 4 mil plastic and French drain. After this was complete I started downstairs. right when I was removing the mold, we had a heavy rain come thru, it was about 2 inches in about 2 hours, not one drop in basement, so I went ahead and sealed the foundation. Tested the system before I finished. A day or so after we had another hard rain, I emailed brain to ask him if everything was good was the response he e mailed me A few months went by. I received a e mail from him about water in basement, now this was during a dry spell with no rain, which I thought was odd. So he sent me a picture of the leak, the leak was no where near where we done the work, infact it was on the opposite end of house. He asked me about it and I informed him that for being this dry there is a lot of pressure pushing water. I told him that check with city because they have a lot of issues on that street plus the storm water/sewer and water mains is within 25ft of his house approx location of new leak. I also asked him if I could come by and he said no he was busy. So a few weeks went buy, I was getting permits one day so I looked at his street to see approx location, and the utility’s was close to his house. Then I received another e mail from him that he wanted me to fix the new leak, and I responded I could and I need to come over and look at it, plus I would give him a discount. He responded that he thinks I should do the job for free because he is a paying angie’s list member and that his funds was limited! I told him no! I said that I cannot do work for free and that , but the best I could do is a 25% discount. I felt bad for him because he was having other house issues as well! Then I received a email that he wanted me to give him a $1000.00 cash, I asked why and he said that because of new basement leak and that I was responsible! I responded and told him that the work we done fixed his issues, not to mention saving him thousands on foundation repair! I told him the new issue he was having has nothing to do with the work we done because it was on opposite end of house where that part of his foundation is not protected nor does it have a drain, plus it is pushing water out of basement drain then it is dry! I again offered to come out to look at everything, again he said he was busy plus I also told him that if the work we done did not work I would have no issue about a refund plus fixing it, but with the information given to me by him there he was having a new leak on opposite end of house,non protect foundation wall, water seeping out when it is dry weather. A few days went buy, he emailed me again, this time with insults and name calling, I responded to him saying that I wanted to help him and that insults and name calling does not solve anything, I offered again to let me come by to look over his issue, he responded by saying that do not come by! I told him that we can fix his basement but I cannot do it for free plus I would not give him $1000.00 because the new problem he is having was on opposite end of house, plus was not even near where we done our work. Then he said I was a liar and a immoral person! I once again said I wanted to help him and that I wanted to come by and look at his new leak. Then e mail me saying that he wanted $500 cash, and said if I paid him $500 that he would not publish a bad review, but if I refused to pay him that he would give me a blistering bad review! My response was as followed, be my guest, if you want to do that go ahead, I would rather have a bad false review than pay $500.00, because I have high standards and ethics and I refuse to engage in nonsense like that, then I said he needed to get serious and focus on what is important rather than nonsense like this. Well he wrote a bad review, I went above and beyond for him, I fixed his issues on the project he hired us to do, plus fixed a foundation problem which if his foundation failed it would have cost thousands! I done everything I could do, but he would not let me come out to look at his new leak I do not know why he was acting in this manner, he was more interested wanting me to give him money , insulting me rather than fixing the new leak he was having! This response below about us e mailing, looks like he copied and pasted and changed most of the conversation between us as well as added new untrue portions to try to damage my reputation! I also see that he pasted about other construction companies mixing and matching postings from other companies which Has no bearing to my company. This makes no sense what he trying to do! I refuse to engage in insults and name calling like he has choose to do. In closing Gibson Construction has done over 300 foundation projects, with no issues! We keep all our customers involved in every aspect of each phase we do, we do a lot of volume and all our customer’s e have earned the trust of all our customers because we kept our word, worked hard,hoest, being fair and having high standards, We work very hard to earn the business and feel very fortunate that we have a excellent customer base And excellent reviews We will continue to build on our good reputation . It does bother me that him and 2 others has choose to give me bad reviews because they want something for nothing ! But I would rather get a few bad reviews, than choose a path of unethical practice which him and 2 other members has chosen.. I have been in construction for 20 years and I will keep on for another 20 years because of our good customers that had allowed us to earn their business! I look forward to too earning new customers business, and earning their trust! For this member’s actions toward me I would give him a F rating!

Edward C.
excavators, pavers, gravel
  + 0 more
I called David to have him give me an estimate on repairing my gravel driveway, which is sloped and approximately 1100 ft. long.David came out that same day and gave me an estimate of $1,400.00 to bring in gravel and road bond and scrape the entire driveway.A week later I called him to schedule the work which he said he could do the following Thursday.David and his Dad showed up on Thursday and did exactly what we had agreed to in a prompt and professional manner.A week later we had a severe thunderstorm and my driveway held up pretty well for the severity of the storm.I am pleased with the work performed and I would recommend him.Ed Carroll46 Jones Rd.Leicester, win
Description of Work: Rescrape and bring in gravel & road bond for my 1000-1300ft driveway.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
This member's drive had a few bad areas and 2 culverts that was clogged, we went in and fixed those areas in driveway, cleaned out culverts. i enjoyed working on the driveway and i look forward to working with him in the future

Sheila W.
excavators, mulch, pavers, gravel
  + 1 more
Good excavator however I gave David Gibson an "F" because I found out he overcharged me $600 on the asphalt driveway price. David Gibson said that he had to pay everything so he could have it for taxes. I found out that was a lie. David Gibson gave me a price of $3,100 to have a paving company come in and asphalt my driveway. Something bothered me about this transactions and David Gibson not allowing me to use my credit card for the asphalt, dirt - 3 dump truck loads and straw. I called the paving company and I asked them how much I owed them. The person I was talking to said "I thought you were paying through David Gibson." I just asked again how much I owed them. She said hold on, let me check the computer. She came back and said your paving job is $2,500. I asked this person if there is any way that David Gibson could have misunderstood them and said $3,100. This lady said "No, he has the proposal and the receipt. I paid the paving company $2,500 personally with a check and then called David Gibson to confront him about attempting to steal $600 from me and to fire him. David Gibson to this day will not admit the $600.00 overcharge and blamed it on the paving company. There was no way the paving company was wrong because I saw all of the paperwork but he stuck with his story. David Gibson also hit on me by asking me to sit down and then he told me he developed feelings for me. We were interrupted by relatives stopping by. I didn't need or want a boyfriend I wanted a Professional Contractor which Gibson Grading and Construction. Two jobs were just left undone. David Gibson is a smooth talker. Do not let this fool you. Do not use this company. July 5, 2012 Now I am the one shocked on David Gibson, Gibson Construction and Grading, response. We can settle this with Big Foot Paving's input. David Gibson did not tell me after the asphalt was completed that the price had changed, I called the company since I was uncomfortable with Mr. Gibson's actions and I FOUND OUT that my paving only cost $2,500 from the start and the finish, not $3,100 like David Gibson told me. I am a retired Police Officer of 22 1/2 yrs from Maryland. Please believe that David Gibson is not a trustworthy person professionally and personally. Do as you wish but I sincerely DO NOT recommend the use of this company.
Description of Work: Excavate large hill, cut in a driveway with two parking areas, put up a large custom made fence and fill in a huge hole in my back yard. The original budget was $6,000.00 but David Gibson ended up with $4,000.00 since I had to fire him. Details below. The date listed above is approximate. I do not have the paperwork handy to give an exact date

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
I am very shocked about the customer's comments stated on this report! I will set the record straight both true an accurate. The customer called me to do work around her place, this included grading on hillside, hauling in dirt,roadbond for a extended parking area. Plus cutoff a patio and haul off all debris, plus build a privacy fence along top of hill. So bid $5000.00 for the project. The customer agreed to price, she asked me if I took credit card I said no because the cost of fees being able to accept credit card, but I accepted regular check, cash or those checks supplied with credit card. She said that was fine. About ¾ way thru project she wanted to have her drive paved, I measured and called the paving company I use, they gave me a price of $3100.00 so I told the customer it was $3100.00 She said that was fine and go ahead the next day she wanted to hold off doing the privacy fence due to her budget, I said that will be ok. The pavers came out and started working, when finished they said it would be $2500.00. So I told the customer they was only going to charge $2500.00, she asked why and I told her they did not have to any prep work, that I had already done the prep work so she was saving $600.00. She was excited. I told her I do not mark up material or services because I do my best to make everything affordable as possible! She was excited. We finished the job and the bill was $4000.00 instead of $5000.00 because I did not build the privacy fence and the paving was $600 less because they did not have to do any prep work. Se was happy and told me she would call me and recommend me. I asked her how she found me she said thru word of mouth thru a friend. Back in February the customer called me and asked me if I would remodel her basement like apartment, I told her that I could not at that time due to I was very busy with larger projects. She did not sound happy but she said she understood, she asked me about angies list and I told her they have contractors that could be of help to you, she said she will look into it. Today I come into my office and read this report which shocks me! The customer never fired me, and I did not overcharge her $600.00, I saved her $600.00 because the paving company did not have to do any prep work. Plus I did not ay that I had feelings for her! It is Gibson’s Construction’s policy To act professional and keep all work business which we have done for 20 years and will continue to do! We performed all services promised to the customer and we saved her on the paving cost! She was satisfied with all services involved paid in full! In My Opinion, Ms Weling was not a angies list member when worked was performed, I Feel that she was mad at me because I could not stop my larger projects in February to redo her basement. It is very unprofessional of the customer to make untrue accusations and statements toward me and my company, Especially since she is a sworn officer of the law! I do a lot of work for several officers of the law And the customer should be very ashamed of herself for her conduct! I Give the customer a F in my review as a customer due to untrue accusations and statements. It is disturbing when a person will try to harm a company’s reputation because they was mad because would could not pull off other jobs. In conclusion, Gibson Construction is a professional contractor that does professional work and provides The highest quality service to all of our customers! As stated in other reports we have All A ratings. We are honest, straightforward, do what we will say ,deliver high quality and strive to make all of our customers comfortable and happy .We are the #1 residential contractor in Asheville because of all of our good customers allowing me to work on the projects they have! I feel very blessed to have a good customer base! The customer will not detour the excellent service and work we perform.

Wendy M.
basement waterproofing, excavators
  + 0 more
The job is still in progress. So far, we've created a multi-phase plan, beginning with grading and excavation and removal of the old, compacted drainage pipes. Mr. Gibson has successfully completed the grading. Next will be a more specific excavation around the problem area against the foundation, with the likely application of a French-style drain for that area. At that point, we will also remediate the malfunctioning gutter/drainpipes on both sides of the home. If additional remediation is necessary, we may add an interior french-style system with a sump pump. Mr Gibson is willing to take this project phase by phase so we can determine the best combination of solutions will ultimately dry out the basement. Again, I am fully satisfied with work completed thus far, and pending Mr. Gibson's availability and my observation of the basement when the next series of rains have fallen, I will invite him back to tackle the next phase.
Description of Work: Due to technical issues, my first report for Gibson's Grading and Construction was submitted incomplete and before proofreading. Please take this as the intended report. Of the bids that I received on my basement work, Mr. Gibson's was very competitive but not so low as to be suspect. His first visit to the site showed that he understood the factors that might be causing my basement leaks and also that he was very hands on - moving through the crawlspace to assess moisture entry points, other foundation concerns, and to review leak points. Outside, he identified the likely area of water seepage then dug two feet down by hand into the area near the foundation to assess moisture level of the soil there - it was very saturated. He took time throughout this visit to explain his findings and to talk me through options. As Mr. Gibson is in high demand, we foresaw a few weeks wait before he could begin this project. In the meantime, he was very responsive both by email and phone, as I had questions or ideas about how to proceed. When a current project just ahead of mine turned out to be more complex than first expected, Mr. Gibson was quick to get back in touch with me and discuss a reschedule. Even with his out-of-town commitment, he took a free morning to travel back to town and do a morning's worth of work to jump start the project. He brought in specialized equipment and did the work himself. The fee for his services was very reasonable. I have every intention to bring David Gibson back on this job when it is time to complete the next phase. He is competent, communicative, and willing to work with his clients to create a step-by-step plan that is effective and affordable.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
I am happy that i was able to help this client, and I will help here thru the next phases of her project. She is easy to work with and understanding. I was working for anotther angie's list member and i told them about her issue and they let me pull piece of equipment off the job long enough to help her out with her grading beside the house.

Michael H.
drain pipe, excavators, landscaping, pavers, gravel
  + 2 more
Gibson Grading has done road work for our community before with good results. A picture is included to depict the level of skill and attention to detail. The new culvert was installed and stone set in place at both ends.
Description of Work: Replaced old culvert under gravel road. Old culvert was removed from the property. New culvert was smooth bore, triple wall, and 20' in length. Road bond put down to repair road.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
When i redone the road i cleaned out the old culvert 2 times, it was in rough shape. This client contacted me and told me it clogged again, so i met him and looked at it and it colapsed. when i excavated old culvert it was colapsed in 3 places, so i replaced with heavy duty triple wall culvert,smooth bore installed rip rap silt trap plus installed rip rap around mouth of culvert to keep watershed from erosion. i enjoy working on log gap road, He and everybody is really nice

Annette R.
basement waterproofing, excavators
  + 0 more
David is a very thoughtful solutions kind of person. His expertise and desire to create smart and successful solutions are wonderful. David is also very willing to spend time with the customer to ensure the fully understand the problem and solution. He kept us in the loop as he discovered and solved the underlying issues of our water issues in the basement.His pricing was fair and his work ethic impeccable.
Description of Work: Services performed:1) Dug down 3 ft resealed exterior walls, relaid drain and drain beds, improved slope for run-off water -- completely refilled and left area clean2) after quaratining area and utilities housed in the area, removed/scraped mold spores from exterior Storage/utility closet, cleaned, and resealed with anti-moisture sealer

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
I enjoyed working with this member and her mom and dad.The problem they was having started creating a mold issue in basement. i removed the mold and sealed block in the inside of basement. then on outside i installed a french drain and fied a clogged gutterline which i found while i was excavating for french drain. She and her mom and dad allowed me plenty of time to do project, they understood that i had to drive 2 1/2-3 hours per day going from my house to their house. i enjoyed working out in lake toxaway. i look forward to working on other projects in that area.

Michael H.
excavators, pavers, gravel
  + 0 more
David Gibson is straight forward, honest and a hard worker. If he said he would do something he did so in a timely fashion. He is reliable and capable.
Description of Work: Gibson Grading repaired our gravel road (more than 1/2 mile with a good incline to it). It was in rough shape. More than 200 tons of gravel/road bond spread building up the road, culverts were cleaned out and proper drainage/ditches enhanced.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
The road was a wreck, most ditches were clogged and most culverts was clogged. What made matters worse it rained everyday. I went in clenaed all ditches out,cleaned out culverts,smoothed road an crowned road to divert watershed. then hauled in roadbond. the process took 3 weeks to complete, mostly because of the rain. Micheal and the residents of log gap road was very patient and alowed me take my time to insure everything was like it should be. I look forward to working with this member in the future.

Tom K.
concrete driveways, landscaping, pavers, gravel
  + 1 more
David was one of two people I interviewed to handle work on a house I bought on a short sale that I'm rehabbing for my daughter and her family. He handled the entire process professionally and responded quickly and clearly to phone and email messages. He will certainily be the first person I call if and when I need similar help in the future. He provides other construction-related services and I would be more than willing to see how he does with those.
Description of Work: David and his dad repaired a heavily rutted 250 foot gravel driveway, laying down and compacting 60 yards of road bond. His price included materials and labor. They also bush hogged 2.5 acres of yard that had not been maintained for seven months.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
I enjoyed helping with his project. The drive in front was steep and the underlaying gravel was gone. We smoothed everything out and put down heavy layer of roadbond and compacted. We also mowed his field. i look froward to working with the customer in future

Christopher H.
hauling services, pavers, gravel
  + 0 more
My 500 ft gravel driveway needed to be regraded and repaired. Called Gibson Construction and he promptly called back. I believe he came out the next morning(friday?) to give me an estimate. He came out the following Monday I believe to start work , we had agreed on $1500 for a driveway good as new and I would say I got almost that. Most importantly he did properly fix my drainage issues as the rain recently has shown. A driveway " good as new" has an ascetic of clean lines and a smooth appearance and that I didn't get. All in all though, I am pleased. The price seemed a bit steep for the hours involved but honestly I have no real idea, it certainly seemed fair especially given the short notice. The price went to $1700 because I had him haul some dirt for a new lawn. That was definitely pricey as he did it for $50 a load and I now know The Longest Yard will do it for $35. Honestly it was pretty bad dirt too. I don't think he knew that so I blame myself for not checking first. I must say that I asked him about his pricing and he said most of his jobs were 50/50 materials and labor, which seems an unusual way to price a job, but hey what do I know? I would absolutely use him again if needed but the whole experience simply convinced me I need a tractor not a contractor.
Description of Work: Regraded 500 ft gravel driveway, added road bond and fixed drainage ditches Hauled two loads of dirt for new lawn

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
The driveway was a mess, it was really soft going up hill and the water did not drain correctly which was causing bad erosion. i did not want to use my heavy equipment so i used my tractor and spent 1 day prepping the drive, cleaning ditches, make sure all waterflow went to ditches. the second day he wanted me to haul topsoil, so i hauled 2 loads of soil. he did not like the soil which i thought was odd because i have hauled 100's of yards of this topsoil to build new yards and the soil worked great! the 3rd day i hauled gravel and we spread the gravel and made sure he was happy with the results which he was. i went ahead and fixed the steps that was loose on his house and cleaned out a area where he wanted to make a yard! As far as the time spent versus cost the amount of work and material involved i gave him a accurate price as well as the labor,hauling and tractor work.Most of the time when i bid a job half the cost of the job is material.I m upfront with my cost with materials and labor so all my customers know what they pay for! i enjoyed working with him and i look forward to working with him in the future.

Glenda S.
  + -1 more
We needed a retaining wall rebuilt below the pool, where small landscape timbers had rotted away below a fence. David offered to come out and take a look - it was very quick, either that day or the next. I appreciated that he offered two different options for the repair - a cheaper fix, and a more expensive/higher quality fix. We opted for the higher quality version, but it was nice to have that less costly option. I got a couple of estimates on this work - the other individual I checked with said it would take three days. David finished the job in one, and we were very pleased with the final result.
Description of Work: tore out a weathered and rotting retaining wall and rebuilt it from scratch

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
The old wall was in very bad shape and really rotten. we tore it out and installed 6x6 timbers. this more sturdy than the old landscape wall. i enjoyed orking with her on her project and i look forward to doing more projects for her in the future

deborah H.
basement waterproofing
  + -1 more
I will be taking the to small claims court if the job doesn't get fixed or I get my money back.
Description of Work: We have had nothing but problems with Gibson’s. When choosing him over the others he seems to be more knowledgeable and trustworthy. We has some water problems with water backing up in our basement. He told us by putting in the French drain that would take care of problems. It did not and when asked how the system worked he got very defensive. He said that he did all the proper things and that the water seeping into the basement was not his fault. I have tried talking to him a few times to come back and fill in the ditch where the dirt has settled (causing more water to fill into next to the basement wall) and also replace the stairs to the back deck that we had to remove. He told me that if he had to come back out to replace the dirt that he would have to charge me for this. Basically, I paid him $6,000 For nothing because the basement is leaking worse since he has done the work that before he has started.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
First of all this client never hired us to do any sewer work or any work related to city sewer or water. The scope of work we done was foundation repair. Here is what we done, she was having foundation issues with here house, I meet her and came up with a solution, she hired us right away. I came out and excavated the entire front side of foundation down to footer level. Right away I seen a lot of problems including holes in the foundation block and I noticed a in her front yard toward the main part of road the ground was really soggy. Plus it was really soggy at edge of road. This was approx 75ft where we was working. I told her that she may have a issue and I think a water main/or sewer main may be leaking from the city. We started by fixing the foundation, the first step we done was fill in those holes and cracks. Then applied 2 heavy coats of foundation coating. Once it was dry I tested to make sure no water was going through. Then we installed a drain at bottom of foundation. I tested it to make sure water flow go going through system. We installed a 6 mil vapor barrio and started back filing with clean wash stone and dirt compacting in 6 inch lifts at 100% compaction. Then we installed the second drain system. We tested it and the water flow was excellent. Then we installed a gutter drain, we tested it and it worked flawlessly. I tested this system 3 times before we finished to insure everything is on working order. Note: during this time I had, the client was involved through the entire process showing her every step we took and explained why, and she was a pleasure to work with. Even her neighbor was impressed by the scope of work we done. So when we was finished the client was really happy I was wanting to hire us to build a new deck and fence for and she wrote this on Angie's List on October 4th Categories: Basement Waterproofing Carpentry - Unfinished Excavating Services Performed: Yes * More Weight is given to a report where work has been completed. Work Completed Date: October 04, 2011 Hire Again: Yes Approximate Cost: $6,000.00 Home Build Year: 1946 Description Of Work: He installed a double drainage system in my front yard. He repaired some stairs for me on the exterior of my home. He regraded the front of my yard. He also is patching some holes on the interior of my basement to address a leakage problem. Member Comments: It went very, very well. I would recommend him in a heartbeat. He is very trustworthy and made me feel very comfortable. I will also be using him in the future. Overall A Price A Quality A Responsiveness A Punctuality A Professionalism This work we done it was very dry outside and we did not have rain for a few weeks she called me about a month later when it was still dry and told me she was having a big problem in her front yard near the main road, she said to me that it was really muddy near the main road. Then she told me she had sewage coming up from under the slab of basement. In her basement in the middle part there is several cracks where slab has settled over the years, this was no where near the foundation wall where we worked. I told her that from what I seen that the city water and sewer main was leaking really bad and she needed to call the city to have it fixed before it became a huge issue. She wanted me to fix the city water/sewer main. I told her I could not do that because that is city property. She was irritated at me but she aid she would call the city of Asheville. Another month went buy she called me again about the drain system, and when I could build the deck and fence. I asked her about the drain, she said when it was raining at the exit part below the house water was coming out. I said good, then it was working good. But she said her brother pulled loose the pipe from gutter to see how it was working. I told her that she would void the warranty tampering with the drain system. I asked her brother why he was messing with it, he started cussing at me. I told the client that I am canceling doing the deck and fence because of her brother verbal disrespect. Well this made her brother madder at me, then he started making threats to me because I would not build the deck or fence. I wanted no part of this so I refused to do any work fro her anymore. A few months went buy I received all cal from her daughter and the client she said she wanted me to bring a load of dirt and fix where the city was working. Both of them told me they wanted me to do it for free, I said no. I already said that I will not do anymore more because of her brother and his threats against me. Then her daughter told me if I did not do this work that her husband would take care of me and teach me a lesson. So now I have her making new threats against my life! Then the client told me if I did not bring the dirt she would deliberately put a bad report on Angie's List. So she is trying to commit black mail and fraud against me and my company. I have been doing contraction for 20 years and I have never had a issue till this. This member has communicated life threats, trying to commit fraud and black mail.

basement waterproofing
  + -1 more
He is amazing. They are like wonder people. They are very honest. They gave a great estimate and they are hard working.
Description of Work: I had a leak into my basement. He was meticulous as to where in the foundation the leak was coming from. They put a french drain into shunt the water away from my house, took all the dry wall off where the water was getting in and dug down the side of the foundation of my house and water proofed that edge that was getting wet.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
we enjoyed working with the member on her project. the foundation was in good shape but we found a few issues that we fixed and installed a new drain so water can go away from house. i look forward to working with her in the future

Delores P.
basement waterproofing, woodworking
  + 0 more
David arrived on time and went to work immediately. He installed the boards needed to raise the door so that there was no gap at the top. He had to rework all three doors because they were so out of line and could not be adjusted by simply turning the adjustment screws. He work constantly and consistantly until he had each one level. He showed me with the level that each door was squared and had me try out each door to be sure I was satisfied. He also checked all the doors in the house to make sure they were level and adjusted correctly. David is a very reliable, honest and knowledgeable person. He works on a problem until he gets it fixed. I highly recommend David for any work. His assessment of problems will be accurate, honest and reliable. His bill for repairs is very reasonable and fair. He always goes beyond his work order to make sure other repairs are done. His integrity and honesty make working with him a pleasure.
Description of Work: We had 3 sliding glass door connected to the back deck that were installed incorrectly years ago. They had gotten to the point that they would not open--one even had a gap at the top. David had to relevel and fix each door to factory specs. He even checked out the kind of door and what was needed to repair them before he came back to do the job. David removed door frames at the bottom of the doors and had to install another baseboard to level the doors. He made sure all doors were squared and opened properly. He checked all the doors in our house to make sure they were squared.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
the sliding glass doors was not working due to being installed wrong. i went in and resquared all the doors and fixed them so they would work like they should. it was a pleasure working with the member and i look forward to working for her again in the future

Leslie E.
pavers, gravel
  + -1 more
Do hire this fellow...he is very honest and gives a fair price. I had been quoted similar driveway repairs prices last summer and David Gibson's price was $800 dollars cheaper than that other guy. I have no doubt that David and crew did a much better job. Plus, you know you can trust this man. He knows construction, he knows the area. He gives exactly what he promises and more. We got a bigger, better driveway with lots of gravel. It looks fabulous and it was a very good price. I am very pleased at David's work and will definitely use his company again.
Description of Work: This is the first time I've used Angie's List to contact a local company and it has proven to be a reliable resource. David Gibson returned my call promply, showed up when expected and did the work he said he would do and more. Our gravel driveway was a muddy mess and David and crew repaired it beautifully. He graded and widened the driveway, and the area of the yard where we had been parking. Plus, he noticed that our culvert was clogged and worked diligently to clean it out. He brought straw and seed to reseed the muddy areas along the road and along the bank where he'd widened our drive. He sloped the bank expertly with no need for a retaining wall. Plus, he noticed our roof was missing several shingles due to recent wind damage and volunteered at no additional cost to replace the shingles and repair those areas. While up on the roof, he noticed the chimney vent was loose and he reattached it. Plus, he caulked several areas around flashing where water could settle. He knew we would have to save money for a new roof, and the repairs he made will give us at least one more season with our aged roof. He gave an reasonable and fair quote on the total roof replacement cost so we would know how much to save. All in all, this has been a delightful experience. David is a hardworking young man who is honest and reliable. He did more than was expected. He did it thoroughly and completely. His crew is very sharp and very knowledgeable. They worked from the moment they arrived and until the job was completed. I will use Gibson's Grading and Construction in the future and highly recommend this young man and his company.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
I really Enjoyed Working With the members. The driveway really needed to be fixed and it was muddy. It needed to be wider in order to fit 2 cars in the drive,we went in and made the drive wider in order to be able to park two cars. I noticed the roof had a issue and i had extra material onhand to fix this so i got on the roof and fix the reas, caulked around the vent boots, and reattached the loose smokestack. I did not mind fixing this for them because i did not want them have a leaking issue. I look forward to working with the members on future projects thank you for letting us do this work for you.

Brian P.
basement waterproofing, decks
  + 0 more
I am pleased to be able to highly recommend Gibson's Grading. I contacted the company for a free estimate to repair a basement leak. David Gibson returned my call promptly and came out to my home to check out the leak. He quickly diagnosed the problem and recommended a french drain. It so happened that the french drain would run underneath our front porch, which we have wanted to replace since we bought our house. David said he could also do the porch and quoted us $2,000 for both projects. I can tell you that it was money well spent. David spent three days on the two projects and his work is top notch. I felt comfortable asking him questions about how to install a flagstone sidewalk as a do-it-yourself project, and he gave me a lot of helpful tips. Our house needs other work done and I plan on calling on David.
Description of Work: Repair basement leak (install a french drain) and build a new front porch.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
I enjoyed working with these customers. I found the source of the leak,where the foundation stepped down,water had been leaking in that area so we sealed the area and applied foundation coating and installed new drain system. The small landing they had was not working to well so i know they wanted a new porch, so i did a combo price on both projects because i know they really wanted a new porch. i look forward to working with them in the future on other projects

drain pipe, excavators, landscaping
  + 1 more
I can already tell that the drainage system is working. The whole project went very well and all of the work was very high quality.
Description of Work: The bottom of our driveway was almost always damp/wet. He figured out that there was a spring nearby and designed an extensive drainage system to catch all gutter, runoff and ground water on the high side of the driveway. He also graded and extended our driveway at the other end, giving us more room to turn around.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
the water that was coming out of the ground and going on his drive was a lot. This was creating a dangerous icy condition when the temp was at freezing.I found the location and it was a spring that had a lot of water coming out and causing the issue.we regraded the side of the drive and installed a french drain to divert water flow. The whole project worked well and i enjoyed working with the member on his project and i look forward to working with him on future projects.

Delores P.
basement waterproofing, excavators, foundation repair
  + 1 more
David arrived promptly on the day scheduled for work. He had schuled a 3 day completion of project. He arrived early and completed each phase everyday . He competed the project in 3 days(He worked long hours and didnot ever stop for breaks. David went beyond the job description. He cleaned up completely,replanted the shrubbery, bought mulch and spread around the entire area. He repaired all the gutters around the house (they had pulled apart and we didn't know it.) He brought his chainsaw and removed a tree that had fallen on our shrubbery .
Description of Work: David Gibson owner of Gibson's Grading and Construction returned my call immediately when I notified him concerning our foundation problem. David came to our house , examined the problem, explained the situation and gave us a written estimate of cost and time completion of work. His expertize and knowledge of engineering provided us the necessary information for understanding the problem. Work order the following: Repair crack in the basement foundation. Excavate 5-6 feet in front of wall. Create three concrete buttresses in front of wall, attach to wall and ground. Put gravel over buttress for drainage. Waterproof foundation, installvapor barrier and foundation drain. Fill cracks in basement with hydro cement. Haul off debris.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
The foundation needed attention pretty quickly. inside the basement wall there was 2 cracks and this was going to be a issue. One thing alarmed me was the fact that there was cracks when the cores was filled and everything was solid. I told the customer that i worked in the development 9-10 years ago when the houses was being built and all the foundations was above code even to todays standard. once we got started the rea was so wet and muddy it was putting huge pressure on the foundation. we sealed the cracks in the basement and built 3 piers and bolted them to foundation for extra support. we seal coated the foundation, installed new drain and compacted. The job went well, the first 2 days was cold,but it did not effect the job. I enjoyed working with her on her project and i will be going back the first part of February and paint the outside of her house and paint her kitchen.

Clarissa S.
basement waterproofing
  + -1 more
David Gibson returned my call and came out the next day to look at what needed to be done. He was willing to look at and discuss different possibilities. The job was done over two days. He was always punctual and professional and kept me informed about the process. He cleaned up as he went along and took pride in his work, his tools and equipment. Even though the weather was cold, he had to kill two poisonous snakes that tried to strike him as he dug the drain. After David's work, the difference in the experience of being in that part of the basement was like night and day. For the first time it felt dry and the dehumidifiers were mostly quiet. He was a pleasure to work with.
Description of Work: Part of our basement is below a flagstone patio. It was damp inside and water often seeped in during torrential downpours. Dehumidifiers ran constantly and were emptied at least twice a day during the summer. David Gibson installed a six to eight foot French Drain around that side of the basement, sealed seams inside the basement, caulked under the patio sliding glass door and sealed the patio with tile sealants. A few days later, it rained heavily for 3 1/2 days resulting in a very small amount of leakage in that part of the basement. When I called David, he came over during a very heavy part of the downpour so that he could see what was happening. He said he would return to add more sealant and caulking, which he did when the weather dried out. While examining the water leakage, he could see that water was pouring down over a recently installed new window. He suggested that we get a gutter placed in that area so that the new window would not be destroyed and said he could refer us to someone who could take care of it.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
I enjoyed working with this customer, i was very surprised when i was was digging out for the french drain i ran into 2 cooperhead snakes. they was mad and striking at me but i took care of them because it posed a danger to her. She was getting minor water leak in her basement, i found the location and installed a new drain system and went inside the basement and sealed the cracks. I look forward to working with her in the future.

Lillian K.
foundation repair, gutter cleaning
  + 0 more
David came out and assessed what needed to be done in order to fix the immediate problem of the fallen wall; in addition, he suggested regrading as a solution to carry the water away from the house. Building the new foundation was done by 2 members of David's crew, who were both extremely capable and experienced. The grading was done by David and his father -- again, both very capable and experienced in their work. David has a wonderful attitude and he takes his work very seriously. The work was done in a very timely and professional manner, and the jobsite was actually cleaner at the end of the job than at the beginning!
Description of Work: Two failing basement foundation walls were rebuilt with 8-in concrete blocks and rebar; the front area of the house behind the longer wall was graded and a ditch/gravel drain system was put in; gutters were cleaned and diversion hoses were attached.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
I enjoyed working with Member on her project. When I meet with her to go over the scope of the project the foundation of her house inside the basement was not in good shape. The retaining wall was 4 inch block and was holding back the earth. But there was a major issue the main foundation and footer of the house was setting close to the retaining wall and was on the verge of collapsing. Thus would have caused the main frame of the house to shift and cause major frame damage to the house. We both talked about what needed to be done. Member was really concerned because of the time frame so I coordinated part of my crew to her job to address this. My crew installed 5/8 rebar then laid 8 inch block. Then once done they filled cores with high strength concrete with fiber mesh for increased strength. Once that part was completed me and my dad worked in the front. We found at one corner of the house where water had went under the footer of the house . We fixed that issue then installed a French drain around the front and one side of the house. The there was 2 exposed gutters so we attached pipe to the gutter down spouts and rerouted them away from house. Then the last part we regarded a small section of the front to divert any water shed away from house. This was a expensive job to do, but the foundation of the house was at a critical stage and we had to act quick and I had to use the best and strongest material. Member was understanding to this even thou I was not the lowest bid she got. But even thou I was not the lowest bidder we made sure to deliver the highest quality of work and highest quality of material and to quickly resolve her foundation problem before it reached critical mass. I wanted to make sure Member would never have to worry about her foundation giving her a issue again. I look forward to working with her in the future on her future projects

Dylan L.
foundation repair, masonry
  + 0 more
It went very well and I'm extremely pleased with the results. I got about 5 bids for the job and David's was the lowest. I'm sometimes nervous about taking the lowest bid but after David and I talked over the scope of the project, and what I needed to have done, I felt like he was the right guy to hire. David's crew was headed by Derek, who was very considerate and took the time to explain what the crew was doing and make sure it met my expectations for the job. Scott and Dave were the other two who worked on the house and they were all very nice guys. It took the guys a little over a week to complete the job and the results are excellent. My floors are level and feel very solid. I'm really glad I hired David and I feel like I got a great deal for the money.
Description of Work: My house was built on cinder blocks which were basically thrown under the house here and there to support it. Some of them had settled and others had cracked, leaving my house with uneven floors and cracked sheetrock. David's crew removed the old blocks, leveled the house and poured a series of concrete footings which supported two headers running the length of my house. In addition, they poured some new piers in the corners of the house to support settling and completed a masonry block wall along one side of my basement.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
His floor was really bowing pretty bad, me and my crew came up with a plan to fix this issue.They installed beams plus piers to shore up and level the floor.Plus we had extra block left over so i had my crew build small wall in the basement. I enjoyed working with Member and i look forward to working with him in the future

Vanessa R.
decks, foundation repair, contractors, woodworking
  + 2 more
The job took longer than David estimated, in part because he originally thought the entire rear deck could just be re-planked, but when he started removing the floor planks, it became apparent that there half the rear deck needed total rebuilding. This and the extra foundation work did make our final price about $1000 higher than the original estimate, but it was well worth having quality work and resolution to the basement moisture issue. The only small complaint is that I'd asked for the decent quality 4x4 treated lumber "waste" to be left behind so that I could rebuild a flowerbed box and only four 3ft pieces were left when a lot more could have been salvaged, which i could have really used for the 5x12x3ft project. Though, I suspect it was just a misunderstanding since David's been really great about working with us for two fair-sized projects so far. I look forward to having him do more work in the future!!
Description of Work: David rebuilt the deck on the front of our house, closely matching the original, which had a built-in bench the length of the front sides. He also rebuilt half our back deck that had rotted beyond repair and re-planked the other half that was still structurally sound. He will return in October to stain the decks to give the wood a chance to dry/cure so that it will accept the stain better. While working on the front deck, he noticed a problem with the foundation under the deck where the cement was cracking and there was also a drainage issue. We had him do some foundation and drainage work earlier in the summer that resolved most of our problems, but this area had not been accessible earlier, so we took the opportunity of having the deck stripped away to address it. This plus some caulking around our furnace chimney seems to have done the trick and stopped the last of our basement leakage.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Gibson's Grading And Construction
The reason it took longer is the fact i found major issues that needed to be resolved, plus i spent 2 hours in the morning running down material.then approx 6 hours on the jobsite. Some of the 4x4s wa really bad rotten and i di not think she wanted them. it was probley a misunderstanding. Even thou it took me longer to complete i wanted to make sure everything was correct and up to code. I do my best to make sure i fit all my client's budget, the extra cost to do this project covered the extra materials. i enjoy working with vanessa and ronnie, it is a real pleasure to work with them on projects

Vanessa R.
basement waterproofing, foundation repair, home remodeling
  + 1 more
We are very, very pleased not only with the affordability of Gibson Grading and Construction's services but also with the quality of the work and David Gibson's attentiveness, promptness, and flexibility at handling the unavoidable unknowns that tend to come up when working on an older home such as ours. You could not go wrong hiring him!!!
Description of Work: David Gibson gave us a free estimate in early May for foundation repair and grading/drainage work to resolve issues of water getting into our basement. He came to assess our needs the day after my first contact and provided a written estimate within two days of his visit. He kept in contact via email and phone to answer any questions and then to arrange the work schedule. From the beginning and throughout the work process, he was very professional, punctual, and responsive. We obtained three estimates before choosing Gibson, and Gibson was by far the most affordable, in large measure because he took the time to understand our needs and expectations and did not try to sell us on work that went beyond this. And, when we did ask for additional work to be done, he seamlessly added those tasks into the existing schedule. In all, our project took 6.5 days with Gibson and an employee doing the work. First the bathroom floor and sub-floor was replaced due to a plumbing leak which had rotted the sub-floor and destroyed the floor treatment. Then, they rebuilt two footers that had been undercut, removed a partition between the finished basement and the crawl space that was close to falling down on its own and replaced it with a half-wall of concrete block. David re-set a support beam that had shifted, added supports in several other areas that were unstable, and even secured a lot of the plumbing that was not sufficiently braced along the basement ceiling. He brought his excavator to dig trenches on both sides and behind the house, where he installed a french drain that connects to our gutters. He noticed another area under the porch from which he suspected some of our basement water issues might be coming from and added that to the drainage work with no additional charge. The debris from all of these projects was cleaned up thoroughly and promptly. The only piece of our project left is the floor molding in the bathroom. The former floor treatment was ceramic tile and the new covering is a vinyl laminate, so there is a bit more of a gap between the floor and wall than the original molding would cover. David is custom-making new molding that he will install tomorrow.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Jason C.
basement waterproofing, garage builders
  + 0 more
Great! You can read the details above.
Description of Work: We bought a 97-year-old house with an unstable garage foundation. David Gibson recommended a solution to the problem that was not only affordable but better suited to our needs. He removed concrete blocks that were not supporting the garage, replaced them with 6x6 supports, patched holes in the rest of the foundation, and installed drains on both sides of the garage to prevent any further water erosion. Just before he began this project, I noticed that the basement of the house was leaking after rainstorms. He quickly came out to assess the situation, and he, again, provided an effective and affordable solution (regrading and installing drains along the sides of the house). David worked quickly and even saved some plants along the sides of the house that I was worried would have to be removed during the project. Halfway through his work, my husband and I decided we wanted to add a parking area behind the house, directly on top of the area where the two drain systems were to meet. David didn't hesitate to add this job to his project, and he offered us a great price. Additionally, at no extra charge, David offered to use his equipment to dig post holes for us, since we were building a fence. What a lifesaver! I highly recommend David to anyone! He is honest, professional, and committed to quality.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Contact information

po box 358, Candler, NC 28715

Service hours

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM





Trade License Number
Trade License Locale
North Carolina

Eco-friendly Accreditations

LEED Accredited Professional
Energy Star Partner
EPA Lead-Safe Certified
Use Green Products or Work Practices
State Contractor License Requirements

All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

*Contact business to see additional licenses.

Service Categories

Basement Waterproofing,
Stone and Gravel,
Drain Pipe Installation,
Foundation Repair,
Pavers and Hardscaping,
Asphalt Driveways,
Concrete Driveways,
Decks and Porches,
Finished Carpentry and Woodworking


Gibson's Grading And Construction is currently rated 4.9 overall out of 5.

Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Thursday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Gibson's Grading And Construction accepts the following forms of payment: Check
Yes, Gibson's Grading And Construction offers free project estimates.
Yes, Gibson's Grading And Construction offers eco-friendly accreditations.
No, Gibson's Grading And Construction does not offer a senior discount.
Yes, Gibson's Grading And Construction offers emergency services.
Yes, Gibson's Grading And Construction offers warranties.
Gibson's Grading And Construction offers the following services: Grading. Excavation. Basements. Driveways. Lot Clearing. Erosion Control. Drainage Control. Demolition. Septic Systems. Water & Sewer Lines. Tractor Work. Carpentry. Decks. Framing. Concrete Work. Retaining Walls. Foundations. Weather Proofing. New Construction. Landscaping. Sidewalks. Patios. Hardscaping. New Yard Preparation. Rock Work. Hauling. Gravel. Sand. Mulch. Dirt. Trash & Brush Removal, Mold Remediation, hazardous material removal, Mold testing, electrical construction consultation and management, we also do remodeling, plumbing, electrical and other Construction services. We have a full outfit to handle all construction needs
Asphalt, pavers, hardscaping,landscaping,

Contact information

po box 358, Candler, NC 28715

Service hours

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM