Services we offer
Chimney sweeping, level 2 internal camera inspections with a written report and photos, dryer vent cleaning, consulting services, insurance evaluations with full reports, fire investigations, second opinions. We restore historic chimneys, repair any type of masonry chimney, do relining with Guardian ceramic flue systems, stainless steel flue liners, and repair chimney flues with Fireguard. We build new custom fireplaces, chimneys, brick ovens, and masonry heaters and do fireplace remodeling in brick, stone, or tile. By Gene Padgitt, State Certified Private Fire Investigator, CSIA Certifed Chimney Sweep, NFI Certified Gas Specialist, Degree in HVACR Technology, Certified Heater Mason, and our expert crew.
Services we don't offer
No parts or installation of appliances we do not sell. No sales of appliances out of our service area.