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Glenn Construction Inc

Doors, Garage and Shed Building, Siding,


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Kathy S.
gutter repair, remodeling, roofing, siding, garage builders, doors
  + 4 more
September 10, 2013 Part one letter On June 12, 2013, the City of Wells, MN was hit with high winds and hail. This caused extensive damage to many homes and ours was one. The next day after the storm the town was flooded by contractors and scammers. After talking to some of them I decided on Glenn Roofing and Construction (MN State License BC578115) of Ellendale, MN because he was local on June 24, 2013. The individual we spoke with was Mike Benzinger, who informed us he was Vice-President of the company and that they had been in business for 15 plus years. While talking to him we informed him that we were ready to close on our refinance when the damage occurred and the finance company gave until July 18th to get this done in order to keep the interest rate. This was a requirement because we had already had the home appraised and it would have to be re-appraised to make sure the home was at the same or better than the first appraisal. Mike stated that this would not be a problem and that he had several crews and that he could have a crew start on the following Tuesday (July 2nd) on the roof and that it would only take them at the most 1 week to complete all the damages. My insurance adjuster gave us the estimate and he stated that the estimate was right on target with the exception on the siding if it could be matched or not. Mike said he would send it in to see if he could get a match. And he would know the answer by the time they started on the roof. On July 2, 2013, they started on the roof and had it done in one day, which was great. He then informed us that they would start back up on July 5th because of the July 4th holiday. We said that was fine because we were going to be gone on vacation to return on July 7th. Upon returning on Sunday we were surprised to see that no work had been done on the house. I called Mike right away on Monday, July 8th, and he had excuse after excuse of why they did not show up on July 5th but that he would have a crew out there on Tuesday, July 9th. We explained to Mike that the finance company was sending out someone on Wednesday, July 10th and she would be there at the end of the day for her last appointment. Mike promised that it would all be completed by that time. The items listed below is what they had yet to repair in order to have the job complete. Front Storm Door (steel core) Back Storm Door (wood core) Fascia Window wraps on 7 regular windows Window wrap on 1 picture window Rain gutter, downspout Vinyl siding on front had a hole Vinyl siding on back had a hole 10 x 12 shed remove and replace The siding could not be matched so the insurance adjuster (Trent Hollerich) and I along with Mike (contractor) agreed to take some siding off the upper part of the back of our house to use for repairs and replace that siding with a shake. This way the holes in the back and front could be matched. A crew did show up on July 9th and when my wife got home from work at about 6:15 pm they were just finishing up on the shake and had done the fascia and the window wraps. The doors and siding were still not done when she noticed that they were packing up all their stuff. She approached a young girl who was with them that could speak and understand English and asked her that since there was still things to be done if they were coming back to finish tomorrow. My wife explained to the girl that Mike (contractor) had told us that all this work would be completed before the individual showed up for our re-appraisal on the next day. The young girl relayed this to them in Spanish and then told us that Yes, they would be back and have everything done by 3:00 pm. When my wife returned home from work on July 10th, she called me right away to tell me that no one had showed up and that nothing else was repaired on the house. The appraiser had shown up but could only re-appraise the roof and the windows, since this was the only things repaired. I called Mike and he acted surprised that no one showed up but he promised me that he would have a crew out there on Thursday, July 11th and everything would get repaired. Later that evening my wife came to me and said that she felt all the siding that they had taken off the house to be used to repair the 2 holes was in the dumpster, bent and folded up. I told her not to worry that they probably set aside all the siding that they needed to fix the 2 holes and that the siding that was in the dumpster was probably left over. She was not convinced but left it at that. When my wife talked to Nicole she stated to her that we would be deducting $400.00 from the bill because the appraiser showed up as scheduled but because no one had showed up to finish the job she could not do the re-appraisal for our home refinance. Nicole said nothing in response to my wife?s statement. On Thursday, my wife called her brother (who lives in Wells) and asked him to drive by our home to see if they had finished. He called her back and said that no one had showed up because the siding was not fixed and we still did not have storm doors on the house. She in turn called me and when I got home I called her and also told her not only did they not show up but that the dumpster was also gone along with all the siding that they had put in it. I called Mike (contractor) and told him we were not happy that yet again no one showed up and that unless they had saved enough siding to fix the 2 holes, then we had another LARGE problem since the dumpster and siding were GONE. And yes they did put all the siding in the dumpster and did not save any to replace the siding with the holes. His reply was that he sent his guys to the landfill to retrieve the siding. They never found it and yet again he promised me that he would have a crew there on Friday and it would be completed. On Friday, July 12th, once again my wife asked her brother to check on the status of the repairs. This time he did it mid-morning and called her back to tell her that still no one had showed up. This time I called Nicole (one of the owners of the company) and she told me that since the siding was gone that they would have to take the siding off the North and South sides and put shakes up and then use that siding to replace the 2 holes. That night when we were outside looking at the shake and noticed that all of our window s were wrapped in a cream color but yet they had wrapped the board underneath the shake in a bright white which stood out like a sore thumb and did not match the rest of the house and then the guy who was in charge of the crews pulled up and we started to ask him. He stated that even thou Mike was told by Nicole to do the North and South side with shakes he was not going to do it. Instead he said he was going to take down some extra boards off of the back shake and then it would not look like a triangle but like crap. I told this individual that we would not accept that and have our house look like crap because of their mistake of throwing away the siding. Just then Mike called and I told him that we would not accept the idea of pulling more boards off the back. So then he said that he would put up a shake on the North side of our house. I told him that we would not accept that either because it would make our house look odd with a shake on the North and on the West and then nothing on the East and South. I told him that was what and Nicole and I had agreed on to have the North and South have shakes put on and that they would build the shed. He then started cursing at me that he was Vice President and that Nicole was not going to tell him what he was going to do and that he was going to come over and tell us what he was going to do. We all heard this conversation since we put it on speakerphone. I then called Nicole and told her that she better call up Mike and tell him not to step one foot on my property or I would call the police if he did. Needless to say he did not show up. Once again we were promised that there would be a crew here on Monday to finish the repairs. On Saturday, July 13th, we received a lot of rain in just a short time and since the crew had still not replaced the downspout I had my garage and basement fill up with several inches of water because the missing downspout is right next to the garage doors. Also since they had not yet been back to put the screen doors on but had left them laying on our yard. So when all the rain came the wood core storm door was totally soaked and ruined. I took pictures and still have them. I was not going to have them put this door on our house; it would have been nothing but trouble later on. And even if w3e had decided to move the doors off the yard and into our garage or basement, they still would have been ruined because of the water that came into our home. And because this was the first rain since they had put up the roof I just want it noted that when the rain comes off the roof they must of put a piece on wrong because the water shoots over the eves and onto my deck. This still has not been corrected to this day even thou I told Nicole about it.
Description of Work: This company did very little right and they were rude and did not show up when he promised they would.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


    Contact information

    12833 305th Ave, Princeton, MN 55371


    State Contractor License Requirements

    All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

    *Contact business to see additional licenses.

    Service Categories

    Garage and Shed Building,
    General Remodeling,


    Glenn Construction Inc is currently rated 1 overall out of 5.
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    No, Glenn Construction Inc does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, Glenn Construction Inc does not offer a senior discount.
    No, Glenn Construction Inc does not offer emergency services.
    No, Glenn Construction Inc does not offer warranties.

    Contact information

    12833 305th Ave, Princeton, MN 55371