I would like to take the opportunity and thank you for indicating the performance flaws within the team. I wanted to begin the response towards the solution by sharing few internal details about our company procedures as well as insight to the indicated issues. We carry-out a detailed checklist which gets filled out at the end of every task/project by our install team to ensure high quality, more so, attention to detail. For your kitchen counter top project I have a filled out work sheet by a team member, stating “successfully installed”. I was under the impression that everything has been installed and with a high customer satisfaction factor. One of our staff members came out on the second day to install the granite backsplash. The member carried out such task multiple times without any issues; unfortunately, the member is no longer a part of our team, therefore, cannot investigate as to why the backsplash is shorter than the counter top itself. However, upon inspecting the posted pictures, it is evident that the backsplash appears to be shorter than the counter top. We would be grateful for an opportunity to come out and investigate the situation as well as make necessary adjustments to the granite backsplash. However, for the past two days, I’ve been investigating the project from start to finish, in search of events that resulted in unsatisfactory customer experience, level of quality. I feel obligated to report; during the initial templating and measure appointment, Alex B, business owner, personally came out to the appointment to go over the project with the husband, home owner. The initial questions were regarding the tile work, whether it will be replaced or kept. Upon getting a clear answer, the tile is going to be kept, Alex B established a disclaimer with the husband, informing of possible damage to the tile backsplash during the removal of the existing counter tops and miscellaneous trim pieces. The husband was informed by the owner of the company that the granite backsplash might have to be trimmed after the counter tops get installed, in result, the installation might have to be broken up into two days, as we will have to come back to our facility to make necessary adjustments to the granite backsplash, for which the final measurements can be obtained only after we install the counter tops, to make sure we have physical measurements for the allowed tolerance between the tile and the counter top, to meet our quality standards. In kitchen and bath remodel industry, the counter tops would be installed first and only then the tile would follow, to ensure tight fit as well as avoid any damage to the granite or the tile. Moreover, when a given kitchen undergoes a remodel, in a correct order, counter tops would be installed and then tile due to the fact that it is a lot easier to trim a small tile piece rather than try to maneuver a 200lbs slab of granite. The correct order delivers very tight build, which in return delivers minimal gaps, therefore, creates a very solid build. I deeply apologies on behalf of our crew/company about the damage done to the tile, we have used the our rich gathered experience to carry out the task, however, the window sill piece was very well fitted to the existing tile, the tile simply did not hold up to the pressure/stress from the removal procedure of the material around it. Moreover, the dishwasher situation is terrible and I want to apologies for it. I wish I knew of the occurrence earlier, the actions would follow immediately. However, upon looking through our logistics trail as well as discussion with the business owner and our crew, the dishwasher clips, granite grabbers were provided to the husband during the day of installation. We very rarely install the clips as a company; however, we do provide all of our customers with a simple set of printed instructions as well as two metal brackets, accommodating two bolts. Such set was provided by Alex B to the husband. The procedure takes five minutes and it is as simple as applying a sticker on a window. We try not to install them due to the fact that the dishwasher placement would have to be determined by the home owner, accordingly with preference, not to forget to mention, in an instance where the dishwasher is getting replaced or the plumbing work needs to be done right after the counter top installation, the provided by us clips (granite grabbers) can be installed accordingly with the new model/brand of dishwasher or right after the plumber finishes the required work behind the dishwasher. I sincerely want to apologies for being late for both appointments, there is no excuse. However, to be completely truthful, this winter, harsh snow weather caused many inconveniences for all of us, especially when it comes to timing and transportation. Moreover, extending the installation of the counter tops to two days, instead of one day is not in our best interest and we try to use every minute of our time and our customers time wisely, the only reason why we made the installation onto two days is to make sure the gap between the tile and the granite backsplash is appropriate and within our quality standards, However, when Alex B initially went out to measure, he stated to the husband that the installation might be a two day procedure, due improper fitment of the granite backsplash and the existing tile backsplash which goes back to base cabinets being not leveled, we simply needed to extend the installation time to make sure the granite backsplash fits perfectly with existing tile. We merely had to bring the backsplash piece of granite back to our facility to trim it accordingly to the size that is allowed between the counter top and the tile, trimming was necessary to eliminate the gap as much as possible, between the granite backlashes and the existing tile. This occurrence is due to the fact that the base cabinets were higher on one side and lower on the other (level issue). I want to deeply apologies for your overall unsatisfied experience with us and if I may ask for an opportunity to improve the situation and improve your experience with us by remaking the granite backsplash, to rule out the length issue. Install the dishwasher grabbers, to make sure the dishwasher stays in place. Please contact our office to schedule with us. We will be glad to assist you and glad to be given an opportunity to make you a happy customer.