Response from Prestissimo Window Cleaning Company
Dear Customer, I communicated to you that you have hard water stains on your windows, most likely from mineral runoff from your metallic screens. While window washing service will take the dirt off of your windows, the mildly alkaline detergent used will not remove hard water staining, which must be removed from a tedious process involving acidic stripping agents. Please consult Google or the International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) for more information. I thoroughly explained this to you and offered to remove the staining with an industry standard chemical for a price that is FAR below industry pricing with a mild acid. You told me that you didn't want all of your windows cleaned and that you didn't want to pay for water stain removal, which is fine. I am a college student paying my way through school with my business which I operate with pride and integrity on every job, for every customer. The statements you are making about the quality of my work is misleading because of the heavy water staining on your windows and your communications with me. Your windows were especially dirty and we went above and beyond on your job. I would be happy to split the cost of a third party consultant to verify my statements about your windows. You can call me directly at the business number for any further information. If the statements I am making here are anything but true I give you full permission to punch me in the face.