Response from Sunrise Seamless
Dear [member name removed], I apologize for not being able to work things out so we could make you one of our many happy customers, but I do hope you are able to get someone who can do what you want for a reasonable price. I would like to offer a couple of explanations - not excuses - that may shed some light for you and other readers of this review. We have one full time salesman, but when sales get busy, I and one of my installers help out. John, our salesman, was sick the week your estimate was originally scheduled. We had hoped it was just a short lived bug so we moved his estimates two days ahead. Unfortunately, his illness lasted a full week - he had a terrible cough and could hardly speak, so we pushed estimates further out. The two of us who sometimes step in were, and still are, working long days to complete our current customers' projects before winter shows up, and couldn't do John's estimates. Regrettably, we had several potential customers refuse to reschedule. As the business owner, I have to make tough choices, there is no one to whom I can pass the buck. Customers who have already made commitments and have paid deposits get our primary attention. If we have service calls, they need to be addressed promptly as well. Sometimes, I have to sacrifice future business to make sure we fulfill our commitments to our existing customers, and, unfortunately, that is what happened in your case. I'm truly sorry things did not work out better. I wish you the best. Steve Whittaker Sunrise Seamless LLC