Extremely stressful dealing with them. It started out okay, but in the end they will do and say ANYHTING to close the deal.
Description of Work: Used Quicken Loan twice for the two homes I own. The first time I used them, things went alright, although the guaranteed closing costs were higher than quoted due to mysterious fees that were never explained up front. After my first time with them, I recommended them to a friend whose closing cost were also much higher than quoted. I decided to use them a second time. This time, I explained to them the loan was for a new construction, the builder requested I to not use a construction, and the builder (Fripps Construction, see my review) was very shady and would seriously drag his feet when it came to building the house. I was promised by several people nothing would be done without my okay, especially closing of the loan. I decided to pay a small fee and lock in the interest rate. Well, as promised the builder seriously dragged his feet by about 18 months. As the builder was getting close to finishing the home, the builder became very pushy about closing loan, even though I house was not finished. I clearly instructed Quicken Loans not to close the loan until everything on the house was completed (per my attorney's and realtor's advice). "Yes, yes, yes. Of course, of course, of course," was Quicken Loans reply. As the builder continued to drag his feet on completing the home, Quicken Loans started calling me demanding what was going on with the house and when would the loan close. The builder took so long that the initial interest rate lock I had purchased expired. Well, Quicken called me up and told me I HAD to lock in the interest rate again by paying a fee. I declined, since that was my choice, and I was willing to gamble that the interest rates would fall, but Quicken actually threatened to pull out of the deal if I didn't, since "they [Quicken Loans] were going to make money on this deal". I was able to talk the fee down and agreed to re-lock in the but sure enough, interest rates dropped before I closed the loan. After that nasty ordeal, I received a call from Quicken saying they were ready to close and they were going to inspect the home. This puzzled me since I didn't okay this. When asked who did, Quicken Loans replied they had received a call from the builder saying the construction was done! I couldn't believe it, I was livid. After all the promises and guarantees, after all my explanations, they still went ahead and tried to close the loan without my okay. The home inspector Quicken sent out replied back that the home was not done yet, so in the end no inspection was done. When I did finally close, of course the guaranteed closing costs were MUCH higher than originally quoted. Quicken Loans also let the builder add on a bunch a late fees that he [the bulider] should have paid. They [Quicken Loans] are nothing but a bunch of high pressure sales people that will break promises, tell half-truths, and withhold useful information as long as they make a profit. Do not use them, they are TERRIBLE.