Lowery Custom Carpentry is the business entity for the general carpentry practice of John Lowery. I am a career carpenter who focuses on the carpentry side of the business. This means that I am not focused on subcontracting, hiring crews, or taking on ever larger jobs. I work one job at a time and I personally run my jobs. I have a broad and growing hands on knowledge of my trade. My career goal is to be an expert master carpenter. I enjoy using my skills and experience to meet the challenges of improving and repairing modern homes. I will use subcontractors as needed to complete a given job, but they are always working under my direct personal supervision. I currently do not have any employees, but have in the past and may again in the future. Often I maintain better quality control by doing the work myself. I have been in business for over 11 years and have received steady business from word of mouth customer referrals to friends and neighbors, and repeat customers. I run a completely legal business and comply, to the best of my knowledge, with all applicable laws and regulations to my trade. I pay all taxes and fees as they are assessed by our various layers of government and do not operate in the underground economy on a "cash and carry" or "under the table" style. Anyone who works on my job sites is sober, legal, and respectful. I like to do business with people who share my standards of honesty. In fact, I think it is the only thing more important than the quality of the work itself. As for pricing, I will work by the hour or by the job. Each job is unique and some lend themselves better to one or the other. My goal here, as in all areas, is for the customer to be comfortable, knowledgeable, and satisfied.