Description of Work: The job involved a partial renovation of our Porch. we purchased the 3000 dollar 40 hour lump sum to take care of our window which was leaking water and main the porch. Here is where it gets dicey. The actual contractors themselves where excellent, his name is Rodrigo, he was the project manager and one of his workers is Oscar. They both did a great job, however, it took Willis Builders almost a month and a half of trying to assign us someone to the job before they finally did. This would not be so bad if they had initiated the call, and said something like, "We are booked up till whenever, but we have assign you someone for a month from now." I was very close to calling them and cancelling the initial 3000 dollar investment. This is why responsiveness is an F. Punctuality I reserved for the actual contractors that where working the job, they where on time every day and Rodrigo responded pretty well to our calls, texts and emails. The quality of his work and his team was excellent, however, i believe a bit better planning is important for the future, so that we can estimate what we need ie. This much wood, this much equipment etc... Rodrigo and his team was very professional. The overall experience of the workers was excellent, the experience of Willis Builders themselves, not good at all. I'd use this provider in the future if I could get Rodrigo and his team, however, in retrospect, i would have preferred this project to be a lump sum basis vs. an hourly. Don't get me wrong, i don't feel Rodrigo and his team abused the hours at all, despite my wife and I having to work, however, on an hourly basis, my wide and I had to hire a pickup to get equipment, and we did three trips due to imperfect planning, and although I can live with that, I am not very impressed that with this 3000 dollar purchase, Willis Builders have not included trash removal and we're having to hire others to take care of our trash.