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LeafFilter Gutter Protection

Gutters, Gutter Cleaning

About us

If you’re looking to upgrade your home with attractive, low-maintenance gutters, look no further. The experts at LeafFilter Gutter Protection are ready to provide you with the best service, by offering gutter replacement, cleaning, and repairs in addition to installing gutter guards. From its innovative design and award-winning technology to its professional installation, LeafFilter protects the value of your home and is the perfect complement to your roof with installation available on new or existing gutters. Contact LeafFilter to schedule a free estimate today! Senior & military discounts available.

Business highlights

19 years of trusted experience
LGBTQ+ Friendly

Services we offer

We install our patented LeafFilter Gutter Protection system to your existing gutters. If you happen to need new gutters, we can install them during your installation.


Free Estimates
Senior Discount


Accepted payment methods

American Express

Photos of past projects


3.649 Reviews
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Rating CategoryRating out of 5
Showing 1-25 of 49 reviews

Max P.
gutter cleaning
  + -1 more
Overall, I am happy with the installation of the product. My average rating is due to the annoying process of dealing with their sales team. Initially, my sales rep gave me an overpriced deal, and so I messaged him the next day, saying I was not interested due to the price. At that point, he texted me back saying that he could magically offer a reduced price by giving me commercial pricing instead of residential pricing, and that I could get it installed either the next day or the day after. I needed it to be a little cheaper, so I said that if he could do it at a slightly further reduced price and do it the day after the next, then we have a deal. He sent me back a very snarky text, saying that I was demanding for asking for it on a particular day, especially since he was so flexible on price (which was odd, considering it was one of the days he initially offered to do it!). Overall, the product is good if you can deal with the sales reps who are no better than used car salesmen.
Description of Work: Cleaning gutters and installing gutter guards

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Lucas L.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
I purchased in August after doing a general search for gutter cleaning. The sales person made a good pitch regarding the performance of the guard, the work that would be done to align the gutters for proper drainage, and the warranty that came with them for protection over their lifetime. They made heavy reference to good reviews in places like Good Morning America or Architectural Digest. The price seemed high, but given the need in terms of leaves on my property and the work they proposed in terms of hanging and adjusting the gutters it seemed like a worthwhile investment. I was offered an extra incentive to pay with a check and be flexible in scheduling for the install. From pretty much this point on, things start to go wrong. The service people that arrive for the install show up in unmarked vans. They install the product in about 2 hours, and make literally no adjustments to my gutters. The sales person went into exhaustive detail about how they use higher quality hangers set closer than everyone else. That did not happen. When I received my warranty after installation, I loaded their page to register the warranty, and every attempt to register the warranty on their own site failed. Errors every time. I eventually called in to register over the phone. Their customer service rep was very polite and helpful, but I received no confirmation of my registered warranty. I eventually called back and asked specifically for that confirmation, at which point I received an email stating "We have verified your warranty registration and have included a copy of the warranty for your records.", along with a generic PDF of the warranty that doesn't even contain my job number. The next time we got real rain it was obvious that the a largest gutter on my house no longer caught any water at all. I took a video of this and filed a service request with leaf filter. They were initially very responsive, sending two different service calls to my house. Each service call told me they needed to wait for a strap hanger to attach the gutter directly to my roof, and that the part was out of stock. Each independent call appeared to have no knowledge of the other call having happened. This strap hanger anchors directly to your roof, something their warranty explicitly does not cover damage to. Again, the sales rep had used _not_ putting anchors in my roof as something that differentiated them from their competition. I later received a phone call that the part was in stock, along with a scheduled 4 hour window when I could expect a visit. This was in late September. They never showed up, and never contacted me. Eventually I started calling the service line asking for an update, at which point they gave me the date of the upcoming Saturday or Sunday morning, and again never showed up. At this point I _in_ call every week, am told that they will arrive this upcoming weekend, and hear nothing else. This service ticket was filed on 9/15, this has been the case every week since. The one exception is when I called the Boston Service Office, who told me they'd be there that coming Thursday (11/9). On that day they called, claiming some service technicians had not come in to work, and said they'd be there the following Friday afternoon. I waited around that day again. Again, no show, no call. I've been told this has been 'escalated above the Boston office, you'll receive a call by the end of business today'. No call, again. Nothing. I've paid thousands of dollars, my largest gutter does not work, and I've been avoided and dodged for 60 days with no end in sight. And the _plan_, _if_ they some day show up, is for a company that performs like _this_ to punch a bunch of holes right in my roof that they _swear_ won't lead to a bunch of leaks. I've honestly never felt more scammed than I do by this company. I'm missing fall trips to farms with my young children to sit around and wait for LeafFilter, and they can't even figure out how to call back. Horrible (non-existent really) service, high pressure sales tactics full of promises they do not intend to keep, this is who they really are. Don't believe their hype, just find a reliable gutter cleaner and save yourself massive headaches.
Description of Work: Gutters cleaned, aligned and adjusted, filters installed.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Benley T.
gutter cleaning
  + -1 more
I was approached and told them what i wanted until I would get that and when they and when they got through all they did was the roof. debris on top the roof left in and put gutter covers on the left. If you Considering lead filter as if you considering refill, as a service DO NOT use them they leave the refund there is it is a national name but the people that worked for are not least filter people they don't care
Description of Work: he came by gutters were clogged up for my charity breathe here that trees around my house and they were supposed to clean drink clean the drains out blow the down drains out so that the watering go through and put filters on them.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from LeafFilter Gutter Protection
We certainly appreciate your feedback, [Member Name Removed]. When our customers voice their concerns, we do take note. Please contact us at 800-749-4566 if you would like to share any additional details we can take into consideration.

Philip C.
gutter cleaning
  + -1 more
Sales reps extremely pushy, asked to sit down gave a 15 min speech to quote us a price 4x the going rate at 8000. Seemed extremely upset when we said we would think about it. Within 5 minutes we were offered "wholesale" discount and price dropped to $3500. Sounded like a scam, I had to kick the rep out our property. I am glad I passed on them.
Description of Work: install new gutters

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from LeafFilter Gutter Protection
Customer satisfaction is our priority, so we are sorry we missed the mark with your sales experience. We thank you for your feedback, and we will do better in the future.

Bernadine T.
gutter cleaning
  + -1 more
They were excellent. I definitely intend to hire them.
Description of Work: Remove trees.
Rating CategoryRating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from LeafFilter Gutter Protection
Thanks for choosing LeafFilter, [Member Name Removed]!

Jennifer W.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
We had someone come to give us an estimate and he was extremely pushy. This is a company that uses hard sell tactics. They told us that it would cost about $3500 but they would give us a coupon discount that would reduce the cost to about $3000. Then he said that if we agreed to go with them that day they would reduce the price to $1400 dollars. He kept pushing for us to accept and seemed very put out when we said we weren't going to make a decision that day. We are definitely NOT going with this company.
Description of Work: Gutter Guard Installation

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

David M.
gutter cleaning, gutter repair
  + 0 more
The install was painful to get them to complete. They did nothing but install their product. Gutters still leak in front. One is completely clogged. Called 6 times for them to come out to service. No service, no call back. They are NOT standing by their product. DO NOT CONTRACT WITH THIS COMPANY.
Description of Work: Clean/align gutters, seal seams, install product.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Nicole C.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
My apologies in advance for the lengthy review but I feel it is important to describe what I went through and my reasons for not recommending this company to anyone. I hope that this will help make your decision easy, if you are considering LeafFilter. I wouldn't wish the experience on my worst enemy. I made an appointment for an estimate which was to occur the following Saturday. I was contacted via cell phone an hour ahead of the appointment that the guy was at my house, I was not there, but out doing errands, I told him that I would be home soon but that the appointment wasn't until 1:00. He stated that he would wait for me. I was a bit annoyed but tried to stay positive that he was early and maybe that is a good sign. I arrived home and he stated that he had already measured my front gutters. I took him to the back yard and he "walked" the length of house without a tape measure, he didn't look at my gutters at all. He proceeded to sit and tell me how great the company was etc...etc...showed me a small piece of the product and explained the installation, it all sounded great. He provided a quote which is good for a year, and then said if I signed the same day, I'd get a discounted price which was a rather large drop in the price. I told him I wasn't ready to sign because I wanted to compare a few company's before making a decision, he told me if I decided to do it, I could call him before 5:00 that day and he would honor the discounted price. I thought about it after he left and stupidly called him to say I'd proceed. The process for coordinating an installation date was strange, they tell me what day they will come, I've never heard of a company that doesn't work with the customer to determine a day that is agreeable for the company and the customer. They said they would come the following Tuesday and I agreed on that day. I didn't provide any form of payment nor did I sign anything. On Monday morning I contacted the company to cancel my appointment. I had given it more thought and did more research and decided I didn't want to spend the money nor pursue gutter guards at all. He asked what I would want to spend and after my response of a dollar figure, said maybe they could work with me, seems very sketchy to me that they would drop their price to a quarter of the original quote. I politely declined and thanked him for his time even though I wanted to tell him that I felt it was disrespectful to offer me another discounted price when he had already told me I was getting his final best price a few days prior. He acknowledged my reply and said he would cancel. The following day Tuesday, I went to work and in the early afternoon, I noticed that I had a voicemail from LeafFilter It was the installer, notifying me that he had just COMPLETED my install. I called him back immediately asking him why he performed the installation and that I had cancelled. He said it was on his schedule and he had not been notified that it was cancelled. I told him that I would get in touch with the representative that I had been in touch with. I contacted the gentleman and explained that I was just notified that the installer completed the gutter guard install at my property. He said he would get in touch with the manager and that he had cancelled so it was weird that they still did the install. He said that the manager would look into what happened and that they will uninstall the guards, and at least I would get a free cleaning. I asked when the uninstall would occur and also asked what happens now that my gutters have been compromised and he acted like why would I even ask that. He claimed that "if anything they would be clean, and stronger than before." He then said the manager would be calling me. I asked when I can expect the call and he said if not tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest. Upon my arrival home Tuesday evening, I noticed that there were screws all over my driveway, on my walkway, front steps, back steps. There was large amounts of debris on my back steps, a cleaning glove was left behind some planters, my sprinkler was moved, and a landscape light pushed to the side. When climbing the ladder to look at the gutters, I was so disappointed to see what they looked like, it clearly was not at all what the picture looked like on the website and that was described to me. There was uneven and wavy spots and places where the guard was under the drip edge and over the drip edge. For what was supposed to be "seamless" there were spots all over that were not. I also noticed that a section was not installed, and that the gutter still had lots of dirt/sludge inside and that they had not applied sealant as they had said they would. This clearly frustrated me even more, that the install was not done well and that they left my property in such a mess. I waited to hear from the manager. On Wednesday morning, I reached out to the gentleman that I had met with initially and notified him that I still had not heard from anyone and also described what I saw when I got home. I sent him pictures to assist with the descriptions. I never got a response. At about noon, I finally received a call from the Ops Manager, who proceed to tell me that he was sorry for the mishap and that he would arrange for an uninstall. I asked how the company will resolve my issues and that I would like to have my gutters back to what they were prior to their screw up. He got sarcastic and started saying "so you want us to put the dirt, leaves, sticks and other matter back into your gutter?" I told him I didn't appreciate his sarcasm and that I don't want screw holes in my gutters, and your company is responsible for putting the holes in the gutters. He agreed to send someone to uninstall the guards that afternoon, and place the screws back into the holes, and I said I would pursue advice on how to address the screws/holes. I followed up our conversation with a text to show him the install and the stuff that was left by the installer. He replied back that the install was incomplete and I responded that someone must be lying then, because I received a voicemail and then spoke to the installer who clearly said he completed the install. An hour later, he sent me a message that if I wanted to keep the guards on, they would charge me at a discounted price. I cannot believe that after the pictures and description of what the install looked like that he would have the nerve to think I would want to keep them. I told him no and asked when I can expect the installer. He said between 4 and 5. At about 3:00 the installer showed up, he had absolutely no personality, and clearly seemed irritated to need to be there. I greeted him and apologized for his need to come back, asked him to be sure and clean up from his work the day prior. He agreed and started the uninstall. When he finished removing the guards and started to pack up, I noticed that he hadn't yet cleaned up or fixed any of what he left the day before. I decided to wait and give him the benefit of the doubt, but quickly realized that was a mistake because he got into his vehicle to leave. I ran outside and yelled out to him asking about clean up and he gave me a sarcastic looking smile and wave and sped off down my road. I proceeded to contact the manager and explain what happened. He didn't apologize, just said he would send him back the next day to clean up. I decided that I would clean up myself and told him that I didn't want anyone else from the company on my property. I cannot believe a company would endorse an installer like this, and that they would stand behind the workmanship that was performed. I really hope people that read this think twice about using this company.
Description of Work: gutter guard installation
Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Nicole C.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
I requested a cancel on leaf guards and they showed up and did the work. They left a mess and I asked them to come back and remove them. They came back and removed them and left an additional mess and the worker was rude. They ended up replacing my gutters free of charge, but left a mess. I do not recommend them.
Description of Work: leaf guard installation
Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Linda L.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
I found the quality of the product installed and the professionalism of the technician to be outstanding!!
Description of Work: Leaf Filter applied to all gutters

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

David V.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
Great product and the installers were very professional and did an excellent job with the installation. I’m very pleased with the work that was done
Description of Work: Gutters needed to be cleaned and guards installed

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Anton S.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
The company did initial inspection and gave me a quote that included cleaning and reinforcing/realigning the gutter. The quote included a 20% discount for variable time (whenever the crew would be in my area, within a week roughly). After many rescheduling and cancellations the crew finally came (2 people) about a month later, the crew received no communications as to what work was supposed to be done; the did the basic gutter cleaning for 1hr using my own garden house but had no equipment, not even a screwdriver and said the gutter didn't need to be reinforced. After much negotiating with Justin, and after another one of their "experts" cancelled or quit, they agreed to reimburse me partially but I still would end up paying over $300 for 1 hour of cleaning. The reimbursement check is yet to arrive, over a month after if was promised to.
Description of Work: Gutter cleaning and protection

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Michael S.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
It went very well once it went. The only reason for the B was that they did not show up on the original day they said they would. They showed up the next day and did a great job. And the gutters are working.
Description of Work: I had new covers put on my gutters.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from LeafFilter Gutter Protection
Hi [Member Name Removed] - While I am glad that everything went very well, I'm sorry to hear that our team did not show up on the original day they said they would. We appreciate you taking the time to leave us a review and hope that you enjoy your new LeafFilter system!

gutter repair
  + -1 more
Everything went well. One change needed and they came right back out to take care of it.
Description of Work: Leaf filter system installed on the front of the house and gutters repaired as needed.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from LeafFilter Gutter Protection
Great to hear! We are so glad you are loving LeafFilter. Thanks for taking the time to leave us a review - we really appreciate it!

Judy J.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
The sales rep/estimator arrived and asked me to help measure distance for gutter covers. Then we went into the house where I introduced him to my wife. We sat at the dining room table, Myself at one end of the table and my wife at the other. The rep sat between us. We had already previewed the products on the market and determined this was most likely the one to solve our issues. The rep seemed a bit odd or quirky to us from that point on and thru the demo. We just wanted to get through it to because we knew we wanted this product and an arrogant pushy salesman was nothing new in this world. In as much as his gratuitous comments made little sense, I signed the contract. After that he turned to my wife and gave her a card. He said, "Call me if you need anything or YOU ARE LONELY." I let him know I heard what he said and assured him my wife doesn't get lonely and did he understand what I was saying to him? He looked very sheepish and didn't answer. I called his boss at Leaffilter North in Hopkinghton. He thinks maybe he was kidding. There are many such companies out there with this type of product. It's obvious to me Leaffilter sees that no action is required on their part. Do you want this person of questionable character, otherwise called a predator, in your home?
Description of Work: Covers for roof gutters to prevent clogging of leaves etc.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Stephen C.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
Provider subbed out the work, on a 2 day job. Sub was trying to work past 9:00pm first night when we insisted they leave as it wasn't safe on ladders in the dark. It took another hour for them to pack up and leave. 2nd day gutters installed. We can't open front storm door because gutter installed too low. Yard left a mess with nails, screws and bits of insulation all over for our dogs to get into. Not coming back to fix gutters until Monday.
Description of Work: Soffits and Gutters
Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Stephen E.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
The installer destroyed one of my gutters. Leif Filter sent someone to fix and only made it worse. Left an unsightly mess and a nonfunctional gutter.
Description of Work: Gutter filters.
Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Joyce F.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
There was a misunderstanding between the workers and the salesman which was rectified and they redid some spots. But they went over the plans again and the job was checked before we paid for the job.
Description of Work: Had a leaf guard put on all gutters. Also had two new downsprouts larger in width to carry more water.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Stephen E.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
The product seems to work well and we're generally happy with it but the company subcontracts the installations and that's the problem. The gutter on the front of the was basically destroyed by an inexperienced installer who cut the steel rods that suspended the gutter and fastened it to the house in a way that warped it such that it no longer worked properly. I complained to the company and they sent out another sub who refastened the warped gutter to the roof using extremely cheesy looking straps every foot or so that show up from the street and look horrible. I'm not fussy they just look terrible and fixing it properly will be expensive. Also I know that there is space behind the gutter and the house they won't support the weight of a buildup of ice and snow. The product is good but you better be there when the install it. To be honest I haven't gone to round three with LeafFilter I'm a little afraid what they might try next.
Description of Work: Gutter filters were installed.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


gutter repair
  + -1 more
Great , they came back to add a piece to divert water at the corners. The didn't have to add that but made a special trip to do so.
Description of Work: new gutters

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Vicki N.
gutter cleaning
  + -1 more
Salesman was 45 minutes late, installers were 2 1/2 hours late with no call from company. Although the salesman said they would help with downspouts, installers said they were only there to install the guards. I asked them to caulk around outside of end cap - they refused. They installed when it was dark, left screws and material in driveway and backyard, one downspout was not even connected. They also only cleaned the gutters but not the downspouts. Although realignment was in the contract, I had to request the installers to put a level on each gutter. Also, I thought that the guards would be seamless, but they are not. A screen spans the gaps between the guards. Will see how this performs. I had renegotiated the price and they said installers would amend the contract - they refused. Called next day to talk to Install Manager who had quoted me the revised price, he said the office manager would get back to me with the amended contract - which did not happen yet (2 days later). Stated that his inspector/service tech could come out Monday (5 days after the install). It had rained twice and much of the rain slides off the gutter guard instead of going in the gutter.
Description of Work: Gutter Guards/Protection, gutter realignment and assistance with downspouts

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Sheila J.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
Arrived at 7:50 in a.m. 3 workers on the job. Started working right away. Took care of all clean up. Overall Job went very well. So far, I would recommend them. Product seems to be good.
Description of Work: Remove existing gutters in front and back of house. Install hidden brackets in all gutters. Install leaf filter gutter protections system on house . Lifetime transferable warranty with a manufactures money back no-clog guarantee. Price includes tax, insurance, and cleanup.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Mike A.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
The sales rep came out, checked my house on 2 occasions. Both times, said they would be able to install the leaf filter on my sun porch which had a damaged gutter. On the 2nd occassion, he stated they could repair the gutter at no charge. Before, they came to install; I spoke to the installer (Tony Campbell) and asked to meet me at the house. The sales rep seemed like he was over promising and under delivering at the contractor's expense. The contractor inspected the gutters, and stated there was no way he could install the product on the sun porch. He would attempt to repair the gutter if possible and definitely could not put the Aztec new fascia between the sun room and the house. Which is alot different than what the sales rep stated confidently. The following day, they installed the leaf filter on the house. When I came home, after inspecting the installation, I noticed there was alot of gutter debris on the ground, the old fascia board-shrewn about my property along with cut out pieces of their product. I took pictures of this, contacted Tony; and he stated he would follow up with the crew and get back to me. Three-four days later, I contactted Tony again, expressed my concern that as far as expertise and attention to detail - if this was a hanyman that did this at less of a price - I wouldn't have such concerns. But, I feel I paid a premium price for premium service and what I received was much less than that. Tony replied he wanted to come out and inspect and meet with me and wuold get back with me. After a day or so, I attempted to get back with him. He stated he had unexpectedly left the company. He put me in touch with Earl Knifter. He is regional mgr. I left Earl at least 2 messages on this issue and NEVER heard back from him! I then cleaned up most of the debris left around my house and saved all the leftover product that was discarded. I never received a final invoice with any adjustments made. I then called Leaf Filter Customer Service. Was directed to the Vice President, whom had an attitude as if I was bothering him. He then checked my file and stated that there was an adjustment made unbeknownst to me and that Earl had spoken to me about such adjustment. I then told him, that was an absolute lie and I would not be bothering him or wasting my time if it was so. Also, the method of payment; credit card was not my preferred payment. I was going to use my home equity check. He stated my cc was charged and that was that! He then questioned whether I had the correct contact info for Ear Knifter, his regional mgr. I then played back a message left from Earl on the original install that I had on my phone. His attitude was questioning whether Earl had contacted me as if I was making that up. He didn't seem that he was wanting to assist in any way, apologetic in any way. I wasn't asking for money off. I was simply trying to bring to his attention how poor the quality of workmanship was . I would NEVER EVER USE THEM AGAIN OR RECOMMEND THEM TO ANYONE! I have inspected it from the ground level and am unable to climb up to look more closely at it. Tony was very apologetic, but Earl, the Regional Manager was not.
Description of Work: Install new aztec fascia board, completely clean out existing gutters and downspouts, repair, realign, seal and add new hidden hangers. Install leaf filter, gutter protection on my home, leaf filter gives a lifetime transferable warranty and a manufacturer's money back-no clog guarantee. Price includes all taxes, insurance, clean up and all discounts.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Lori G.
gutter repair
  + -1 more
They were very good to work with. They explained what they were going to do. Scheduling an appointment was good. I was happy with them. I have had no issues with the gutters.
Description of Work: They put in new gutters where I do not have to clean them.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

jennifer M.
gutter cleaning
  + -1 more
I scheduled for an estimate on 10/31/14 at 3 pm. No one arrived at my home. I called about 3:15 pm to be informed by the representative that they had me scheduled for 5 pm. The manager ,which is who I was told would call me, called and offered to come today at about 4-5. This was not going to work for me so we rescheduled for today 11/7/2014 for 11 am. The representative apologized for the inconvenience and offered 10% discount off the installation. I called to confirm at 10:30 this morning only for the representative to tell me they were in morning meetings and could they come at 1 pm. I replied no and explained the scenario from last week. The representative today informed me an estimator called me, not a manager, and proceeded to tell me that I was basically lying. After keeping me on hold for almost 5 minutes, the representative had no resolution for me, argued that I was incorrect about last week and told me there were no notes about a 10% discount. I informed her their notes are only as good as the person who wrote them and this company has lost my business. Not to mention this representative was argumentative and interrupted me throughout the conversation. Very unprofessional.
Description of Work: Nothing

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

    • 1(current)
    • 2

Contact information

30 COMMERCE WAY, Woburn, MA 01801

Service hours

8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM





Trade License Expiration
State Contractor License Requirements

All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

*Contact business to see additional licenses.

Service Categories

Gutter Cleaning


LeafFilter Gutter Protection is currently rated 3.7 overall out of 5.

Sunday: Closed

Monday: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Thursday: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

LeafFilter Gutter Protection accepts the following forms of payment: American Express,Check,Discover,MasterCard,Visa
Yes, LeafFilter Gutter Protection offers free project estimates.
No, LeafFilter Gutter Protection does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
Yes, LeafFilter Gutter Protection offers a 10% senior discount.
No, LeafFilter Gutter Protection does not offer emergency services.
Yes, LeafFilter Gutter Protection offers warranties.
LeafFilter Gutter Protection offers the following services: We install our patented LeafFilter Gutter Protection system to your existing gutters. If you happen to need new gutters, we can install them during your installation.

Contact information

30 COMMERCE WAY, Woburn, MA 01801

Service hours

8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM