Services we offer
Only 11-time Angie's List Super Service Award winner in Massachusetts Landscape Industry. Exceptional horticultural and landscape methodology knowledge. Sustainable and ecologically responsible landscapes. Specific practices include lawn minimization strategies, pollinator gardens, and naturalistic-styled garden spaces. Glorious planting beds, grading, drip line irrigation, masonry (walls, walkways, patios, firepits, outdoor kitchens), water drainage improvements, organic plant and soil care, surface water management. Our landscape design & build expertise transforms spaces for our clients to enjoy and share.
Services we don't offer
We do not provide hardscape, drainage, or lighting work unless it is part of a larger, overall project which usually contains plantings. For example, we design and install front entry areas which often include a walkway, landing and stairs, drainage, along with new plantings and beds, irrigation, and lighting. However we do not have a business dedicated to just hardscape, or just lighting, or just drip line irrigation. These services are incorporated as a part of an overall solution.