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Casey Moving & Storage

Moving Companies, Storage

About us

Family owned & operated. Additional DBA - Kit Moving Corp, Kit Moving Corporation Inc. Additional contact name - Katherine Casey. Additional address - 379 Liberty St. Rockland, MA 02370. Additional phone - 781-871-1190/800-482-8828. Additional e-mail - Cost is determined by the size of the job. Additional fax - (781) 792 0647.

Business highlights

34 years of trusted experience
Emergency Services Offered

Services we offer

Moving, Packing, Unpacking & Storage.

Services we don't offer

Mon-Fri 7:00AM-8:00PM ; Sat 11:00AM-4:00PM


Free Estimates
Senior Discount


Emergency Services

Accepted payment methods



3.351 Reviews
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Showing 1-25 of 51 reviews

Kathy H.
moving companies, storage units
  + 0 more
I paid over $8,000 for Casey Movers to move half my items from my house to one home immediately and half into storage for 4 months to be moved into another home. The first move was fine -- no damage and the crew was great. However, of the items that had to be stored for 4 months with them, there was significant damage to many of my items. Smashed platters, legs broken off of furniture, mold all along the edge of a box spring and two valuable oil paintings where heavily damaged. they were packed very carefully, wrapped In bubble wrap plus the added protection of blankets in boxes specifically for large paintings with FRAGILE written all over them. I can't imagine how they must have been handled to have sustained this kind of damage. In trying to get the company to help pay for some of the cost to repair the paintings & replace the bed, Casey Movers has been very difficult to deal with. Some staff are rude and belligerent on the phone; some calls go unanswered, responses to emails are very slow. I would not recommend them and suggest you read all reviews here and on other sites because it's clear I'm not the only one. I wish I had done a better job of research before hiring them. Casey Moving company shouldn't be able to get away with such gross mis-handling of my belongings simply because of the fine print of a contract. I never even actually signed a contract with them but I guess they feel they are covered because of the fine print in their email exchanges. It should NOT allow them to destroy my property while it's in storage at their facility.
Description of Work: Moving and storage

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Seth R.
moving companies
  + -1 more
I don't even know where to start. We had an walkthrough to get an estimate, and we showed him everything in the move including a piano. When the movers got there, they almost immediately said there was no way they could do it for that amount, and ended up charging us almost double the estimate. They provided three guys to move a 4800 sq foot house, and they could not figure out how to move the piano! Let me restate, they knew about the piano at the time of the estimate, months before the move. They finally got it done, but the house was not completely cleared, and my wife and I had to go back and work all night to clear it out ourselves (the closing was the next day). Plus they did a lot of noob mistakes - not packing power cables with electronics/TV's etc, screws with dismantled furniture pieces, etc. The moving guys were nice, but you could tell they were frustrated as well, as not enough resources were allocated by Casey. It turned into an 18 hour debacle for a short distance local move. We have had to move quite a few times over the past decade, and it was never this bad, not even close. We gave these guys a try because the sales person was really aggressive and insisted they would do a great job. I really wish we would have checked this site and other review sites first - bad mistake not doing due diligence. This is the worst moving company I have ever worked with, in 40 years of moving around the country.
Description of Work: Local house move

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Elisa R.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Casey Movers: A case study in failure, deception, and abuse. Women beware. in September 2015, my family possessions were literally left in my yard and on an open deck exposed to seaside dew in the middle of the night by Casey Movers. I was forced to drag a mattress up a flight of stairs and into my home in order to have a place to sleep, and scrambled for two days to secure my possessions. Casey Movers simply abandoned the job and drove away while I was inside trying to put together a bed! After three days when they finally returned my call for help, they promised to help and then they NEVER CALLED BACK. Boxes were missing and damaged --and furniture was damaged by being left outside. When I filed a report with Casey Movers they ignored it. Despite the callous treatment and the damages suffered, I still offered to pay Casey Movers $900 more than the lowest estimate from competitors. I did not hear from Casey Movers for more than a month following the move --they made no attempt to help me or send an adjuster -- and then they sent me a demand for full payment. I refused and subsequently they sued me in a small claims court 1500 miles from my home for the full amount they claimed due. Casey Movers gambled correctly that I could not attend a court so far from my home -- I live alone, have two children in college whose father passed away two years ago, and I was starting a new career -- and my inability would enable them to eventually bully their way to a default judgement. Throughout the legal process thus far, Casey Movers has shielded a series of false and specious statements because in small claims court there is no right of discovery (i.e., no ability to force them to produce records, witnesses, etc.). Casey Movers used the court system to intimidate and they made a mockery of justice. Casey movers was never interested in helping a woman who trusted them, mitigating damages, or being reasonable, but rather profiting from their shoddy work. That was a mistake. More about Casey Movers' practices -- and false and specious claims -- are articulated at Consumer Investigation : Casey Movers… I would encourage homeowners and realtors fully investigate Casey Movers before making a decision about who to trust. Read more Consumer Investigation : Casey Movers… ***UPDATES** In comments responding to my review on Casey Movers' website a manager for Casey Movers -- whose responses appear prominently in reply to other Yelp reviews -- made disparaging and defamatory comments and then hid them from me so that I could not respond. This is how an honest business acts? I will update this review and post additional evidence after Casey Movers responds.
Description of Work: Moving two bedroom home furnishing and family possessions from Hull, MA to Orange Beach, AL.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Jes D.
moving companies, storage units
  + 0 more
This was the worst experience I have ever had with a service provider. I used Casey?s for a move out of my house to a large storage unit that they also owned. The original quote was reasonable and the sales man was nice. During the move, the man in charge was very rude and demanded payment half way through the truck being filled. I thought this was unfair as the move wasn?t finished and there was no way to know what the final hours worked would be, but had no choice but to pay him. The movers were also careless with things and I was worried about the outcome. My things were in storage with them for a very long time while I was working out of state. Billing was random, sometimes I wasn?t charged for months, and sometimes I was overcharged for future months to come. When it came time to get my things out of storage and in to my new house, I called several moving companies for quotes. I did not want to use Casey again because of the unprofessionalism they displayed during the first move. When I called Casey?s to let them know I would be hiring someone to take my things out of storage for my move, they informed me that they would not allow another moving company to remove my things and they would charge me a minimum of $300 to load someone?s truck. None of the other moving companies I spoke with had ever heard of such a practice and they all refused to work with Casey?s on this as it was a potential liability on their end. This left me with no choice but to use Casey?s again. I remembered that during the original move, they told me that if I used them again to move my things out of storage, I would get a significant discount, so I thought that at least this was a benefit despite my being terrified to use them again, much less to see the condition of my things after witnessing how reckless the movers had been during my first move. When I asked Casey?s for a quote, they gave me a reasonable price, but then the manager, Matt, wrote me to say that they would actually be charging me the same thing that I paid the first time. When I asked about the discount I was promised, he said that I was already getting a discount and that I hadn?t paid much for storage. Despicable. He did make it sound like it may not be as much depending on how fast the movers could get my things in to my new house. He would not tell me what time they would be starting, however. I had a very bad feeling about this. Well, moving day came and when the movers introduced themselves to me, one of them seemed half drunk. As I watched my things being removed from the truck, I did notice a few damaged items, which the mover?s responded to by saying that the things were probable already like that. Once again, about half-way through the truck being emptied, the man in charge demanded payment. I told him that I would pay when the truck was empty and I knew the final tally of hours worked. He then called his boss, the same rude manager, Matt, that I had dealt with to date, and he put me on the phone. Matt informed me that they would not finish unloading the truck until I gave them the full payment of what he quoted from the first move, and that they wanted a certified check. It was never mentioned to me that I needed a certified check and I didn?t pay with one the first time which I mentioned to him, and he told me to read the fine print of the ?contract,? by which he meant the quote he had e-mailed me. Matt was very rude and angry. When I reiterated that I would not pay until the truck was empty, he called the guys moving my things and told them to pack up and leave. I called Matt back and told him that I would call the police if they left with my things, he told me that he would call them first. The guys moving me then said they weren?t leaving, but got in the truck and peeled out of my driveway, speeding down the street with my things. I couldn?t believe what was happening. I was backed in to a corner and there was nothing I could do. I called Matt back and told him that I would go to the bank and get a certified check, which I did, and to tell the movers to come back and he agreed. Shortly after this conversation, the police arrived at my door and asked what was going on. When I told them what happened, they were shocked that this company had actually called them instead of the other way around and went out to look for the truck. After this, it was more than 2 hours later that the moving van returned and the guys were extremely irritated and angry. Instead of looking to me to direct them where in the house to put my things, they just started throwing things in to the nearest room. A woman from the company pulled up and said she was there to collect payment. I gave her the check and asked for a receipt which she said she didn?t have. She told me to e-mail the manager for one. At this point, the only thing I could keep reminding myself of was that this was the last time I would ever have to deal with these people. When I e-mailed Matt, the manager, for a receipt, all he sent me was a copy of the same old invoice from the first move with a few sentences saying that I would be charged the same thing. No true receipt. I e-mailed back twice and have called several times to ask for an itemized receipt and get no response. This is the most crooked company I have ever worked with and I cannot believe they are still in business if this is there standard method of operating. The company runs a scam. If you use them, you will be very sorry you did.
Description of Work: I used Casey Movers for residential moving, as well as storage of my belongings in their warehouse.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Radhika K.
moving companies
  + -1 more
I needed movers and had received 2 postcards from Casey Movers. I support local businesses so I wanted to give them a chance. I called them to find an estimate for 2 bedrooms. They couldn't give me a range for price which was ok. They scheduled an estimate a week after I called when I needed one relatively soon. I took the day off of work. When they were a half hour late, I called them to find out when they would be here. Apparently these amateurs forgot to come and said they could get someone there 2 hours after the quoted time. I asked for some type of reimbursement, price reduction, anything...they laughed at me over the phone and thought I was threatening them. I told them this was ridiculous and that they were not reliable. They cursed at me over the phone and told me I'd be sorry...these clowns have no idea where I'm moving to. Anyway don't even think about paying them money for services. In the end I went with SPS movers who were extremely friendly, cordial, and punctual. They gave me a flat fee which was well worth it. Hope this helped one person.
Description of Work: Nothing.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Renee K.
moving companies
  + -1 more
I was quoted a $4000 price to move my house belongings and store for one overnight with Casey Movers. I was assured their price would not go up at all, that there was no fuel surcharge cost to be added, and that if anything, the price may come down on moving day. On moving day we had far less belongings to move than when the estimate was provided and all belongings were packed as required. Half way through the day they packed our belongings, the movers told me they needed to add a $500 fuel surcharge cost. I felt pressured to sign approving the cost and had intended to handle it with the manager later. They continued to pack the remainder of my belongings at no time indicating that more time would be required to move us than initially estimated. The following morning, while we were in our house closing, I received a call stating they were charging us an additional $2000 (above the $500 fuel surcharge amount already added) to unload the truck at our new home. Everything we owned was on that truck and I felt as I had no recourse but to pay. I put the difference on our credit card intending to dispute the charge later. The credit card company stated that since we signed off on the charge we had no recourse. I have tried twice to work with Casey Movers to be fairly reimbursed. They have offered no explanation as to why their estimate was so much lower than the final charge. I feel that they have engaged in unethical, possibly illegal business practices, and warn anyone considering using them not to.
Description of Work: Moved our house belongings.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Casey Moving & Storage
$4000 price was not contract, bid or firm quote. Shipment being moved from 2,492 sq ft home and in excess of 16,000 lbs impossible to give firm quote... hourly rate of $65/hr/mover confirmed verbally on 7/16 and by email on 7/17. Carrier not liable for labor required to complete shipment. Customer had nothing but great things to say until well after move - first contacting us on 8/28 six days after move.

Edwin R.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Professional, careful, courteous, and expedient
Description of Work: Moved 1 household from Natick, MA to Derby, VT

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Fabian S.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Very well. I definitely recommend this company.
Description of Work: Great job. Great guys.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

moving companies
  + -1 more
Smoothly. The movers were all friendly and courteous.
Description of Work: Moved the entire content of our house.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Henry & Jane O.
moving companies
  + -1 more
.Moving is all about who you get for the move. We had some ambitious people and some slugs. One was a mentally disturbed individual who either did nothing or who damaged boxes of our articles by slamming them down and then standing and laughing about it. When caught doing the latter, this person was removed from the moving activities; however, damage was done before his behavior was discovered. Some heavier boxes were stacked over lighter boxes causing the lighter boxes to get crushed. The move was average in time duration but was very expensive for what was moved and the overall quality of the movers. We provided food and drinks for the movers but no tip after we found destroyed boxes with broken articles inside. We would find better movers for future moves.
Description of Work: Moved household goods approximately 30 miles to new location.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Ivy G.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Last May we put our house on the market and Casey Movers called us right away to come out to our home for a free moving estimate. Every few weeks thereafter they followed up to see if my house had sold and finally almost a year later we decided to use them. The week prior I was panicking that my packing was going slower than I liked and Casey assured me that they would take care of it and I shouldn't worry. The day of the move, Casey showed up late and woefully undermanned considering the size of my home and the size of my furniture. They worked all day until after 7:00PM and I had to leave them to see my son's trumpet recital at the high school. They held my furniture overnight. The next morning when I arrived back at my home before the new owner's walkthrough, I was shocked to see that the movers left all of my stereo equipment as well as all of my chandeliers and lamps unwrapped and all over my floors along with their packing material. I scrambled along with my husband, to try to pack up the remaining items and then try to vacuum the mess off of my floors. That day after both of my closings they proceeded to move me in to my new home. The move was very chaotic and stressful. They damaged almost everything they handled. Furniture was scratched, dented, damaged, broken, and disassembled. Some furniture was broken and left in my driveway in the rain, we found pieces of furniture as well as screws, wheels, etc. not attached to the items that it went with. We found shelves missing from desks. My armoire drawer was missing. We found garbage in some of the drawers and water bottles on window ledges. My couches were filthy as were my box springs and sheets because nothing was wrapped. The walls, door frames and banisters were all damaged in my new home as well. At the end, the job foreman was complaining that I was keeping him from getting on the road and he was going to be stuck in traffic. What a disaster! After they left and I started to look around, I realized the amount of damage far surpassed even the cost of the move. They also charged me for 17 wardrobe boxes when they only used 11 and stuffed them so full that clothes were lying in the bottom. I tried to contact Casey Movers and they told me to forward photographs of the damage and would have a resolution which they never did even after I called daily. No one ever got back to me until one day someone showed up at my door with the drawer to my armoire which was repaired. They never even told my that they broke it or took it with them. They never resolved any of the other issues and they refused to speak to me or return my calls. When I called American Express to handle the dispute, Casey had the nerve to tell them that all of the damage to my furniture and new house were already done prior to the move amongst other lies. We are just totally disgusted with their lack of professionalism in both doing their job and handling the aftermath. PLEASE DO NOT USE THESE PEOPLE AND TELL ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!
Description of Work: Pack the house I sold, hold items overnight and move them in to my new home the next day.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Lillian M.
moving companies
  + -1 more
During the move they stole money and goods amounting to approximately $1500. Furniture was taken apart for the move and either not put back together or put back together incorrectly. A claim was filed for the damaged furniture with photos. No action was taken by the movers. A police report was filed for the stolen money and goods and again Casey Movers, though not denying the theft, said we had to sue them to recover the stolen money and goods. Then on top of everything, they charged my credit card twice for the same services. The second charge was never authorized by us.
Description of Work: Casey Moving and Storage moved us from Massachusetts to New Jersey.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Earlene J.
moving companies
  + -1 more
DO NOT USE CASEY MOVERS It was awful. They showed up two hours late for the move. They guys were nice onsite, but when we got to Dedham, I noticed damages to my furniture. They put my white couch and chair on the truck without covering it. When I pointed out the stains, they sent someone to get fabric cleaning and proceeded to saturate my furniture with the cleaner. They actually made the stains worse. They also lost the key to my grandfather clock, so I was unable to put the pendulum back in it. They also damaged my dining room furniture with multiple scratches as it was not covered properly in the truck. In addition, boxes clearly marked for specific rooms were left in the garage, and heavy furniture was not put in the correct place leaving me to get help to move it. When I called to report all of this, I spoke with Melissa and she told me it was my fault that I did not do a walk through to see if things were placed incorrectly. I acknowledge some fault, but at the end of an 8 hour move, I was a bit exhausted. I never received an apology for anything, and after calling her multiple times for several weeks, she agreed to reimburse me $50 for everything. It cost me $150 to get a replacement key for the clock, $80 to have the scratches removed from the dining room furniture and I haven't even received an estimate on the couch and chair fabric yet. Nobody even came to the house to assess damages. She asked that I send pictures and referred to some of the pictures as the supposed "damage" as she wasn't able to see the damage in the pictures. THE WORST customer service I have ever experienced in my life. They moved my valuable items, damaged them, and basically blamed me for everything. DO NOT USE CASEY MOVERS!
Description of Work: I used Casey to move from Natick to Dedham.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Hali D.
moving companies
  + -1 more
This was the worst move I have ever experienced (and I have moved a fair number of times in my life). Casey Movers cold-called me when the sale pending sign went up on my front lawn. They were friendly and and engaging and very solicitous of my business. They also offered 20 free boxes if I hired them to move me. They sent someone to my home several weeks before the move and he went through each room meticulously noting all of my possessions (including a piano) in order to give me as accurate an estimate as possible. They seemed very organized and came in with a good price, so I hired them. I had to call 3 times before they dropped off my 20 free boxes. They dropped them off Tuesday afternoon - two days before my move. The 3 men who showed up on moving day were timely and courteous. I Showed them around the house, pointed out where boxes were marked and they got started. Despite the fact that the man who gave me the estimate promised me that all of my furnishings and artwork would be wrapped well by Casey Movers, I did not see a single item wrapped. Which could account for the shattered glass from one piece of art before even making it to the truck. The movers moved my possessions in what felt to me a random order. When I noted that to one of them he said, "I'm awesome at Tetris." Apparently this was supposed to make me feel better about my belongings being stacked and shoved into a mound in the truck. After about 4 hours of grueling work (and it was extremely hot that day) one of the guys approached me to say the truck was full. There was plenty of my belongings still in the house. When I questioned this, I was told simply that the truck was full. When I suggested that was a problem I was told by another man that they would take care of it, even if it meant coming back the following morning. When I panicked (because the walk-through with the new owners was the next morning) he assured me that he and another guy would show up at 7:30 in the morning and take care of it. When I asked if this was company policy he told me that it was done quite frequently. When we arrived at my new house I wondered if they were going to take a lunch break. Not that it was my business necessarily, but it was 90 degrees out and they were doing demanding physical work. They told me they were fine and would just push through. They brought dolly after dolly loaded with boxes into the house and tilted them into random rooms - despite the large colorful letters naming where each box was to go. Boxes marked "THIRD FLOOR MASTER BEDROOM" were carelessly tossed in the basement. Then they brought in my piano. The company was well aware that I had a piano and it was going to the second floor. Unwrapped, the 3 men grunted and groaned and sweated, slamming the piano repeatedly into the wall all the way up the stairs. I was on the third floor horrified as I listened but too stunned to actually do anything other than pray. About halfway through unloading the truck we were approached by the lead man with the paperwork. When I questioned him wanting me to sign before the work was complete he said it was pretty standard procedure and that if I wanted I could look around and that there wasn't that much left on the truck. I chose to look around and found a number of boxes in wrong places, our chest freezer on its side in the middle of the basement floor (not plugged in), and a general lack of order (some boxes stacked, others on their sides, boxes on top of furniture, etc). I did ask them to rectify a few of the more egregious problems (like the freezer), but quite frankly, it was 8:30PM and I just wanted them out of my house. I gave them the bank check they required and the extra money they charged for additional time (the move went well beyond the estimated hours). It wasn't long after they left that we found the giant crack in the side of my wife's dresser or the fact that the sofa had no legs or the fact that the bed was not put together properly. As anyone might guess by this point, they never showed up the following day to finish the job. I had to borrow a minivan and have friends help move the remainder of our belongings. When I called Casey Movers to complain I was basically told that because I didn't call when the first picture shattered and because I signed the paperwork I had no recourse with them. I begged for some help. The new owners had shown up for their walk-through and were furious, threatening not to release the funds for purchase. Casey Movers said that wasn't their problem. I seriously would have settled for an apology from them, but instead I was berated for entering into an unlawful contract with one of their workers. Apparently having men show up the day after a move to complete it was not company policy. When I talked about the damages and the holes in the stairwell wall, the woman said, "they guys said you were going to have that wall painted anyway." I will end where I began, this was the worst move I have ever experienced.
Description of Work: moved most of my possessions, broke several, crashed my piano repeatedly into a stairwell wall

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


carole C.
moving companies
  + -1 more
There was a lot of damage when the truck arrived. They opened the truck and we found nothing had been strapped down. We had boxes that had opened and items thrown around everywhere. We had a marble chessboard from mexico that was shattered. Some boxes had rodents in them, our mattress was on the floor uncovered, and our big screen TV was not protected or boxed. Fortunately that was not damaged but there were a lot of things that were. Another mover said this was the worst moving job they had ever seen. Our hand made chest had broken legs, the knob on our sofa table was broken off, our Vermont oak rocker had scratches all over it, metal birdbath had broken branches, many damaged tools and the list goes on. They refunded us $993.60 but the damage really totaled at least $4000.00. We have lost a lot and would never use them again.
Description of Work: They moved our belongings and we packed 99% of it. They stored our items for 5 months and then delivered it to our new location.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Michael O.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Good job, quick. Guys professional.
Description of Work: Moved furniture in from storage.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Michael O.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Guys introduced themselves, took inventory of furniture and condition, had me double check the list and moved furniture to truck (2) flights tight quarters.
Description of Work: 2 men from Casey Movers moved 4 rooms of furniture placing into storage by company.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Donald L.
moving companies
  + -1 more
The house was packed by two guys over the course of two days, June 11-12. They did a good job in the packing phase of this project. I should note that since this was a local move I moved A LOT of the stuff to our new house myself. So, when the movers arrived I had already separately moved about 15% of the house belongings and had packed, and left in boxes to be moved, another 10%. I figured all this extra work would insure that they would not exceed the cost estimate I had been provided (since I had not told them that I would move or pack anything). I also supplied about 50 brand new moving boxes to further reduce possible cost overruns. Hints of problems began on the day of the scheduled move, June 13th. The two packers showed up on time, along with two additional people and the moving truck. It was raining pretty hard, and the movers made it clear that they did not want to move, saying anything from being worried that my belongings would get wet to being concerned that they could slip on the ramp. Having them not move on that day was going to be a major inconvenience -- we had already moved all of our food and personal belongings to our new house, taken apart all of our beds, and I had rescheduled my commitments so I could be home to supervise the move -- but at their request I called their management and said that it was okay to make the move occur the next day. Their management was surprised, indicating that they moved in rain all the time and it should not be a problem, but they agreed to reschedule for the next day. The movers showed up the next day, June 14th, on time. Because of the rescheduling I had to leave for about 45 minutes in the afternoon, and came home to find the truck packed up and literally pulling out of the driveway. This is where the fun began. Because the driveway (and road) were blocked as they tried to maneuver onto the road I had to wait in my car for several minutes, along with other traffic, and I noticed that several items that I had left in a fenced off area marked "Do Not Move -- Leave Here at House." were missing. These were items I had set aside for the new owners. The movers had ignored the signage and packed them in the truck. I flagged down the movers and told them what had happened and they were VERY reluctant to remove the items from the truck. The lead mover told me "Too late now, they are coming with us." I had to be extremely strong-willed to get them to remove the items from the truck. By the way, it only took about five minutes to remove those items. The movers wanted me to go ahead of them so that I could be at the house when they arrived -- a very reasonable request. So, I left before them, and did not discover until it was too late that they had left several items behind that were supposed to be moved. The truck was packed as full as possible, and I am guessing that they ran out of room. They had contracted to move EVERYTHING, and these items (house hold furniture) were in clear site. There is no way that they did not see them. These were not "banned items" like aerosols or fuel, these were home furnishings. I did not discover that this had happened until the next day, and I had not choice but to rent a van and move them myself. The unpacking of the truck at the seemed to be going well. About halfway through the move, the lead mover presented me with a final bill for their services, and it was in excess of $6300. The original estimate was $2681. I told the mover that there must be some mistake, quoted the original estimate, and told that that I would call their management because there was no way that I was going to pay that amount. I was then on the phone with the company for close to an hour. In the meantime, all of the movers had completely stopped working and were sitting in on the grass outside my house talking, smoking, and eating the food I had provided them. The lead mover came to me and apologized but said that the company had told them to stop working until the bill was paid. So, it was late in the afternoon, half of my belongings were still on the truck, and nobody was working. During the conversation with Casey's management on of the managers told me that the person who had provided my estimate had been fired because his estimates were so poor, and so my job should have been estimated at a much higher price. I should point out that this conversation, while stressful, was professional throughout. I told Casey's management that I was sorry that they felt that their estimate was poor, but I had based my decision to hire them on this estimate and had acted in good faith with the expectation that they would meet their committed price. I will also point out that while I cannot tell you the specifics, there is a law in Massachusetts that controls how much moving companies can charge above their original estimates as long as the scope of work estimated remains the same. Fortunately for me, when I received the original estimate from Casey I had told them that I liked their estimate but I wanted to know if the estimate was a "fixed price" or if I was at risk that the final cost could go up. They told that the cost could go up, but not up by more than 25% due to the aforementioned Massachusetts law. Boy am I glad I asked. So, back to the telephone conversation with Casey's management. It was during this conversation that I pointed out to them the Massachusetts law governing moving estimates, the same law that they had told me about. They then put me on hold for about five minutes and came up with a new bill amount. As mentioned above, my original estimate had been $2681. This broke down as $1680 for the move, $525 for the packing service, $300 for the materials, and a $176 fuel surcharge. It also said that the $525 packing service could go as high as $840. So, what Casey Movers did was take the original amount, change the $525 packing service to $840 (which was fine), and then take this total and add 25%, for a final bill of $3745. As soon as I agreed to pay this amount, via credit card (they would not take a check and they wanted immediate payment) the team got back to work. They finished by the end of that day, as originally scheduled. So, here is my final take. Frankly, the $3745 that I paid for the move was a fair price, and I have no complaints about it. What I do have a major issue with is that they originally estimated the price at $2681 and then presented me with a bill for more than $6300 even though they knew about the Massachusetts law saying they could not exceed their estimate by more than 25%. They staged a work stoppage, and were fully prepared to force me to pay that full amount until I quoted the law. For that reason I am rating them a "D" on Price. I also have two more major issues. The first is that they intentionally left a large number of my belongings behind. This was clearly done on purpose, and they packed up and left before I could get in the house and point out the problem. By the time I discovered it it was too late. Finally, over the course of the next month as we finished unpacking the movers boxes and got moved in, we discovered a significant number of damaged items. Our off-white living room sofa now has a large gash in the fabric at the top of the backrest, our cherry office desk now has a large scratch along the side, and so forth. So, they showed up on time, the movers acted professionally (I can't blame them for the management-ordered work stoppage), and everybody was friendly throughout. But the end product was poor (damaged furniture), they tried to charge me about 133% more than the original estimate (even though I moved a great many items myself), and they left several large items behind without telling me, forcing me to make other arrangements and expend extra effort and incur extra expense. I cannot recommend them. Oh, and since I have gone this far let me provide three more details. When I reviewed my credit card statement the next month, I was surprised to find a charge from Casey Movers that was larger than the agreed upon final price. I called and again was treated professionally, and was informed that they had a surcharge (I believe it was 5%) for bills paid by credit card. I looked, and sure enough this was indeed part of their original standard contract, so I could not argue. That said, they did not tell me the final bill amount until they were unpacking the truck, and they would only accept a cashier's check or a credit card, and they would not go back to work until they were paid. So basically you have no option other than the pay the surcharge. The second detail is that when you contract for their services you pay Casey Movers a deposit of around 10%, which again is reasonable. When Casey calculated and charged my final bill they did not credit me for that deposit as they were supposed to, and it took four calls over a period of weeks before the overcharge was refunded. The last detail is that if you Google Casey Movers in Rockland Massachusetts there now are a handful of reviews, most of them quite negative. In particular you will note where at least one person indicates that he has been threatened with a libel suit by Casey Movers if he does not take down his negative review. This is disappointing. You would hope that a company would expend effort into providing better service rather than threatening those who provide negative feedback.
Description of Work: I had sold my house and was looking for a mover. Cost was important to me due to all of the expenses related to buying a new house. Casey Movers "cold called" me and offered to send a person out to provide an estimate. I thought I would use this estimate as a "starting point" to compare against other movers. They provided an excellent estimate, and I looked on line for any reviews to determine the quality of the company. I was not able to find any reviews at that time (I see there are reviews now, all very negative). So, I decided to hire them for the packing and moving of my house. It was a short move (approximately eight miles), so there was no storage involved. There were two full days of packing, and one day of moving. I called Casey Movers to look into getting optional additional insurance for my belongings. They basically talked me out of it, and talked about how experienced and careful there movers are. My mistake in not pursuing the additional insurance further.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Heidi D.
moving companies
  + -1 more
It went very well, they were punctual and professional. Very friendly, moved furniture and boxes from a fourth floor condo, packed it into their truck, and unloaded at the new house. They were careful with items, nothing was damaged. Placed everything in rooms and were willing to move items to another room if needed. Moving is stressful, they made the process easier.
Description of Work: Moved 2 bedroom condo to house

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Michael M.
moving companies
  + -1 more
This was my worst moving experience ever and we have moved over 20 times! The estimate process was the highlight of the experience. They were professional and on time. The rest of the experience was awful. The packers & movers failed to conduct and document an inventory of all goods removed from the house, including differentiating between customer packed vs. Casey. We asked the movers to drop several items at another location prior to storage and they agreed; however, the 42 mile journey that normally takes 45-60 minutes took over 2.5 hours which would be understandable assuming a break/lunch break but that was not the case. After several calls, Casey finally conducted an inventory at the storage location. We tried several times to access our goods in storage only to be quoted all types of rates to access our property. The delivery was even worse. Casey rescheduled the 1200 mile move without notifying us and only due to our own inquiries to reconfirm did we discover this. There was no person from Casey at the receiving end but an outsource firm. They did not conduct an inventory and I had to do it myself. We are still missing several items (boxes & furniture) which they can not account for. They did recently find a missing floor lamp which they mailed back to us broken! Overall, a terrible experience. Poor customer service and visit their building before you decide to work with them and let their deplorable conditions speak for themselves. We wanted to use a local company to help the economy but I would not recommend Casey.
Description of Work: We decided to hire a local company to pack, store and move us from MA to SC.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Bertha C.
moving companies
  + -1 more
The men, were punctual, reasonably priced and moved very quickly to get the job done. Very happy with everything.
Description of Work: Casey Movers, moved furniture from old house to new place.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Susanne R.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Excellent. Movers were fast, efficient, courteous, and respectful. They took no breaks and worked consistently.
Description of Work: Move house contents from B. LLerica, MA to North Adams, MA.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Donald W.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Kevin & Frank were on time. Worked efficiently. Good natured.
Description of Work: Moved daughter's household from one apartment to next.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

moving companies
  + -1 more
Very well. Casey rep visited property to understand move requirements. They improved their original estimate. Job was done at estimated price. Movers were exellent.
Description of Work: Moved household out, stored 10 days and moved household to new home.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Ken L.
moving companies
  + -1 more
I followed up the next week by attempting to contact Casey staff. I contacted Matthew Overstreet who referred me to Danielle Leary and Melissa Leary. All responded very slowly if at all, but they did express surprise that the movers had refused to hoist, adding that they "hoist all the time". So, somebody is lying, either the company in order to get my business, or the workers. In between the phone calls not returned and emails ignored, they eventually offered to bring the item upstairs that the movers could not bring, free of charge, but refused to refund any of the $305, since that was for work done. I asked why they could not apply their costs for sending the crew out to move one item to a refund, and they never got back to me. Moreover, I discovered that one of my 4 kitchen chairs never arrived, but they ignored this comment too. When I pointed out that the $305 would not have occurred had they moved items by hoisting as promised, they ignored me. I disputed the charge with my credit card company and unfortunately Mr Overstreet, who passed the buck earlier, was apparently in the position to say that they would not refund anything since I signed the contract and hoisting was never promised. While they continued tI found Casey movers to be extremely unethical to work with from the ground up. They dp not seem to care about customer satisfaction, only about getting their money, and seem willing to risk their reputation to get that money. I would advise any prospective customers to avoid them.
Description of Work: This was a simple move, with very few large items. However, the stairwells in my new place were narrow and I knew that it would be hard to get large items up to the 3rd floor. When choosing movers, I asked if they could hoist items to the third floor balcony, from where they could easily be brought in. Casey movers said they could as long as the crew had 3 people, and their estimate was most reasonable. The day came and the moving men claimed to know nothing about the request for hoisting, and they denied that they ever hoist items. One item could not be brought in as a result, and the sofa, originally on the estimate, would never have made it up either, but luckily I had decided not to bring it. Most importantly, as a result of not hoisting anything, every item had to be carried up two flights and the job went $305 over estimate. It was a very hot long day, and when presented with the additional charge I simply paid it. Only afterwards did I realize why the costs went over.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

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Contact information

379 Liberty St, Rockland, MA 02370

Service hours

7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
7:00 AM - 3:00 PM




Eco-friendly Accreditations

LEED Accredited Professional
Energy Star Partner
EPA Lead-Safe Certified
Use Green Products or Work Practices
State Contractor License Requirements

All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

*Contact business to see additional licenses.

Service Categories

Moving Companies,


Casey Moving & Storage is currently rated 3.3 overall out of 5.

Sunday: Closed

Monday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Tuesday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Wednesday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Thursday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Friday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Saturday: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Casey Moving & Storage accepts the following forms of payment: Discover,MasterCard,Visa
Yes, Casey Moving & Storage offers free project estimates.
Yes, Casey Moving & Storage offers eco-friendly accreditations.
No, Casey Moving & Storage does not offer a senior discount.
Yes, Casey Moving & Storage offers emergency services.
No, Casey Moving & Storage does not offer warranties.
Casey Moving & Storage offers the following services: Moving, Packing, Unpacking & Storage.
Mon-Fri 7:00AM-8:00PM ; Sat 11:00AM-4:00PM

Contact information

379 Liberty St, Rockland, MA 02370

Service hours

7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
7:00 AM - 3:00 PM