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Chris R.
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From the start, we have had trouble getting anything fixed in the apartment in any reasonable manner or time frame. The first issue was the air conditioning which went out not long after we moved in. We called the office (which is not located on site, and there in no maintenance man either), we were told someone would be out asap to fix the problem. The next day, after no one had shown up, we called again and they behaved as if no one had called them about a problem. When the ac man finally showed (the next day, day 3), he told us the entire outside unit needs to be replaced, but he had to get approval form Gilbert Realty. When he showed the next day (day 4) he told us he was instructed to do whatever he could but not replace the unit. The problem persisted. No ac in the Louisiana summer. We called again (day 5) the ac man came out the same day and said the only thing that could be done was replace the unit. It was not approved. On the sixth day, the weather cooled off and was bearable. Then winter came and the ac was no longer needed. Come late March, we need our ac, but it was never fixed from the summer before. So we call the realty company yet again. The ac man comes out 2 more time before I get upset enough to call Gilbert Realty and let them know how I truly feel. I believe that because we are college students, they can treat us like we are important. Other issues I have with this company is their apparent lack of record keeping. I have on several occasions revived a note taped to my door informing me that I have not payed rent and will be evicted (I have never been late on a rent payment). The letter was not delivered by hand or certified mail but taped to my front door. Every time this happens (about 3 times so far) I have gone to the office and told them I had actually made payments on time. I was asked if I had a receipt, which I did. They did not ask to see the receipt; they were just inquired that I had one and told me to disregard the letter in that case. No adjustments were made to their records as far as I could tell, which leads me to wonder how records are kept. Other issues involve my neighbors washing machine overflowing and flooding their apartment at 10pm. I went over to help clean up the water to mitigate damages as per the terms of their lease. We also called the "after hours" emergency number provided on the lease which rang and rang with no answer. The problem was amplified by lack of a maintenance man. With our limited recourses to fix the problem (bath towels and a shop vac) we could do nothing but wait till the morning and call the office. We would have at least called and left a message to be received at the earliest the next morning, but Gilbert Realty at the time did not own and answering machine (they have one now...a little to late). After a call the the office the next morning an appliance repairman was promptly there to fix the machine, but no one ever came to vacuum the carpet or a**** the damages. My neighbors were told to "just keep drying the the carpets with fans." I cannot in a tasteful manner express my feelings toward this company. I have 3 months left on my lease and it's a guarantee I will not rent with them again. It seems like a good deal to get an apartment so close to campus for this price, but it is far from worth the hassle.
Description of Work: I have been locked in a lease with this realty company for the past year. They are the most unprofessional and unresponsive realty company from which I have ever had the misfortune to rent.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


    Contact information

    611 S Vienna St, Ruston, LA 71270


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    GILBERT REALTY is currently rated 1 overall out of 5.
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    Contact information

    611 S Vienna St, Ruston, LA 71270