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Concrete Pouring and Repair, Foundation Repair


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Izabella W.
concrete repair
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Over all, this has been an extremely frustrating, dragged out and unprofessional experience. June 22nd- A man comes to give us a quote for the patio. He tells us $2500, and that the job would begin within 5-7 days of us signing the contract. I mentioned we needed to get approval from the HOA first but we’d like to move forward as soon as it was approved. June 23rd- I quickly received the HOA approval and signed the contract the same day. They send me the quote and it’s jumped to $2900, he said “he forgot to add that amount for the concrete buggy”… (This should have been my initial warning to not continue with them for this project. Oh well.) I mentioned we’d be paying in cash so he adjusted the price to $2755 after 5% off. July 3rd- One man shows up with a bobcat around 10 am and could not fit it through the space where my husband removed part of the fence for them to get in. I had sent measurements the day before to make sure it would be wide enough but did not get a response. I was also assuming more than one person would be showing up as step 1 of the job was to “remove all the pavers” we had in the area. He seemed confused about this so I ended up helping remove them and stacking them elsewhere so he wouldn’t have to spend so much time doing it alone. Then he had to remove another section of the fence to get the bob cat in to begin leveling the area. He yanked out the post and damaged it/needed to be replaced. He also backed into the stacked pavers and broke a bunch of them. After about an hour he’d left the backyard, I took a look and initially just noticed the broken pavers and the torn up tree roots. Then he came to the front door to say he’d finished up, I mentioned the broken pavers and he was like “oh yeah sorry I guess I did hit them.” No mention of the fence post being damaged either, we had to find that out ourselves later…. At 10:19 am I get a text from (we don’t know who we’ve been texting) saying their guys were going to get their trailer and head my way. About 15 mins later he texts me saying they’re finishing up another job and then they will head my way. Around 2:30(?) they say they're still on the other job (I guess they damaged someone else’s property from the screen shot I received). But then they’d head my way…… Anyway, no one else shows up that day…. July 4th- Two men show up earlier in the day unannounced and put the frame around the leveled area and leave, after taking the 50% of the payment they required when “beginning the job”. No one else shows up. July 11th- Their crew finally shows up at about 10 am and start at 10:30, putting the gravel down and poured the concrete. All of which took about 2 1/2 hours. They left cigarette butts, soda bottles and part of a THC gummy wrapper around the patio area. No wonder these guys keep messing things up….. Then we have to wait even longer for them to replace the fence post that was damaged. We were told they would be coming out to fix it that Saturday….. No one shows up. Finally the following week they come with the post but it’s got the wrong size holes or something so…. Had to wait even longer because they didn’t have the tool to alter it….. we have two larger dogs by the way, So after dealing with the non stop dirt mess and the fence being open for so long was a huge pain to deal with. They finally “fix” the fence….. The two fence panels they put back were slanted downward like a V, it was very obvious but it’s already been made clear to use these people just could not care less. So my husband just fixed that himself. The day they poured the patio we paid them the remaining balance due when the job was *finished*. Totaling $2570, as we paid in cash as they offer a 5% discount if paid in cash. They gave an additional 5% off because of how much of a pain this has all been I guess? We did not request any additional discount for the trouble but I guess it was a “get off our back” discount, who knows. And $40 off (for the broken pavers) So after the concrete is poured, on July 11th, they’re paid and they leave….. We assume FINALLY this is done (besides the fence still needing to be fixed at the time) the guy who’d damaged it took the damaged post and told me “I’ll be back later to fix the fence.” Nope! He (the texter) has been extremely rude towards me, told me he would only be in contact with my husband from then on, and then he got rude with my husband when he asked about when they’d be finishing etc. as mentioned above we thought the patio was done after being poured. Besides needing to set/dry. Then my husband was told they still needed to saw cut a line for pressure relief or something and some type of salting(?) treatment? I don’t recall what day it was as it wasn’t planned, this has honestly been so confusing and sloppy…. The day they finally came to “fix” the fence I believe , unannounced, as I didn’t know they were here/in my back yard and I opened the door to let the dogs out (we’d zip tied/velcroed the fence pieces together so we could let them out.) And there’s two guys back there…. So I had to wrangle the dogs back in. I hear a saw for a couple minutes and then nothing. They leave without saying anything. I go out and look and see maybe a foot and a half long black skid mark on the concrete where they were supposed to cut the line and the V shaped fence…. The texter tells my husband, not me, that the saw broke and they had to take it to the shop… He said they’d be here Saturday before last. No one shows up. My husband texted around 7:30 that Saturday expressing his frustration, got a nasty response days later and they say their saw was stolen? Then this past Friday I got a text earlier in the day saying “we’ll be out today to make the cut.” YET AGAIN, no one showed up. My husband reached out to them and has not gotten a response, that was five days ago as of today, and of course no one has shown up to finish still. ALSO, on the initial quote that was sent to me it says there is a 3 year warranty included. On the invoice it says there is a 1 year warranty. This has been completely ridiculous and if we’d had any clue this was going to be so difficult and unprofessional we would have never proceeded with this company. I will just include screenshots of the conversations between both numbers. A few are between him and my husband.
Description of Work: Hired them to pour a concrete pad/patio,

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    Louisville, KY 40023


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    Concrete Pouring and Repair,
    Foundation Repair


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    Louisville, KY 40023