It is disappointing that our customer has had a very bad experience with my company. The customer had attempted to replace, themselves, multiple multi-location switches on inner connected circuits and was not able to accomplish what they set out to install. When we arrived there were multiple switches that had been disconnected and had not been properly identified. There were wires that had been left disconnected and protruding out of the electrical boxes at the wall switches. With there being multiple switches that controlled the same lighting, it did require us to return the 2nd day with an additional Master Electrical so we could properly trace with electrical meters the wiring circuitry and properly reconfigure the wiring that had been previously disconnected by others. We did provide the home owner pricing, prior to making needed repairs, to properly trace and reconfigure wiring and even with the amount of switches that had been removed and scope of work that increased and needing to return an additional day with an additional Master Electrician, we honored the original pricing given and there were no additional amounts charged. It is disappointing that the customer felt they received a bad service experience and did not find adequate value in the service we performed for them. It is continually the focus of my company and staff to provide the utmost in ethics, quality of service, and valuing our customer to the utmost while giving the highest level of customer satisfaction.