Hi [Member Name Removed], Dave Lupfer, here ,, thanks for saying you would hire me again, but,,, i am soo disappointed with your review, I really liked you and thought we got on well and good. also disappointed that i have left you several voice mails and emails , to make this review , well and proper,, but to date,, no response from you. first of all, you said my price was low, shouldn't I, at least get an A review on that , at least? ? quality?? we saw cut your concrete window well and floors, in the unfinished part of your basement, well and proper, and installed your escape window, drainage tiles, sump pump and sump pit.. great!! if you have a problem with the quality , let me know , and I will make it well and proper , as you've got my standard, 2 year, warranty punctuality? we we're there every day at 7:00 am. we did loose a day, waiting on the village inspector, and one day for my concrete saw cutters, Professionalism, Responsiveness ?? not sure what to say here , as i am very professional, and responsive ,,, just read my other 255 Angie'[Member Information Removed] list reviews I have sent you many emails and left you numerous voice mails . please reply. please be responsive and professional, too, and I will take care of any of your concerns lastly, I think you are mad, because , we left 2 bolts off of the top of your window well retaining wall,,, at the end of your project, we did this as a favor to you , in case the window well cover you bought , needed some adjustment. anyways , we came back and installed those 2 tapcon screws David Lupfer Builders Northbook IL cell # 773-858-8181