Tom was a delight to work with. He was always on time, always called when he said he would (sometimes even when he hadn't said he would), always had a smile, even when I asked him take the microwave back out and lower it. A real pain in the neck job. It was just a little too high for me. He was always very professional, and his work showed the love he has for creating in wood. At the end of each day, he swept and cleaned up any mess that had been made that day, and hauled away anything that didn't need to be there. I would HIGHLY recommend Tom Evans for ANY remodel, or new building project, no matter how small or large. In July, our beautifully completed kitchen was chosen to be one of the models being shown in the 2008 Glen Ellyn Kitchen Walk, which benefits Bridge Communities. Without exception, the kitchen was a huge success. Everyone absolutely loved it! Thank you, Tom, for all your suggestions, patience, and time. You made our remodel a wonderful experience. We love it more and more everyday.
Description of Work: We contracted with a kitchen remodeler out of Glen Ellyn for a complete remodel on our kitchen. They introduced us to Tom Evans of Thomas Gorton Homes and arranged for him to be our contractor. Over the next couple of months, Tom and his crew gutted the kitchen, removing all the old cabinets, soffits, appliances, counter tops, lighting, back door, large window over the sink, and a wall that led to the basement. During this time, we were in Florida for the winter. We stayed in touch by phone and pictures. Tom called several times to keep us up to date, and if there were any questions, he always ran them past us for our approval. When we returned from Florida, the kitchen was cleaned up, the new door and window were in place, the new half wall with support column, the appliances, cherry cabinets, lighting, etc., were all installed. We were able to watch many of the finishing touches take place, including the granite counter tops be laid. The room came together into a beautiful and functional kitchen. Along the way, with Tom's help, we were able to add several things to our list of things we would like done. Some connected to the remodel of the kitchen, some not. Since we had Tom there, it was easy for him to add the extras to his list. He updated the posts on our front porch, had his painter paint the trim on the outside of the house, repaired the cupola on the roof, added a lolly in the basement that we have wanted to put in for a long time, and just never got to it. He even added a large pantry to a pre-existing closet in the kitchen. He took care of getting new sliding glass doors for the shower in the master bath, new storm doors for both the front doors, and the new back door, and relocating a ceiling fixture that was a 'little off center' in our hallway. It had been that way for 30 years, and now, thanks to Tom, finally it's now in the center, where it should be.