Since its founding as The Image Factory in 1974, Mayer Jeffers Gillespie, Architects has been a presence in Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood. In the beginning, our work was primarily remodeling Victorian era buildings around our office for urban pioneers. As time went on, our jobs became larger in scope and included loft buildings, condominium and townhouse developments, and commercial projects. We have worked on a number of historically significant buildings and obtained the official “Certificate of Rehabilitation” in order to claim tax benefits. We have provided the architectural services for a hockey rink, for several roof top sky-boxes adjacent to Wrigley Field, and for remodeling the buildings of a small college. Our current commissions include a variety of scales, programs, budgets, and we continue to enjoy the smaller residential renovations from our early days.
We work in a variety of architectural vocabularies depending on the requirements of the job. We have produced historically sensitive renovations and additions as well as very contemporary designs, depending on the client and the context of the building.
We believe in a collaborative approach to architecture, involving our client and responsive to the client. The participatory atmosphere of our office encourages this collaborative effort that often includes engineers, consultants, and contractors along with our client. In particular, we value the participation and contributions of General Contractors and Sub-Contractors. Over the years, we have developed relationships with contractors who have been reliable, competent, and able to produce work on time and on budget. We are able to draw on the experience of these people for expert contributions to specific issues of cost, construction methods, and practicality.
We operate in the real world where budget is an important element in every project. One of our goals is to provide optimal value for each dollar spent. We strive for solutions that are durable and economical to maintain. Because most clients have a limit to how much they can or are willing to spend on a project, it is important to have a realistic estimate of probable cost early in the process. Cost control at MJG begins with a cost estimate established in the Design Phase that continues to provide guidance and be revised as the Construction Documents are prepared and material selections are finalized. Our office opened producing modest projects for urban pioneers and we have retained the culture of practical design.
We believe that architects are jugglers, balancing the needs of client, budget, codes, and context. And the better the architect, the more items can be juggled—add durability and life cycle issues, add environmental concerns including sound control, add critical path planning. At Mayer Jeffers Gillespie, all these items are skillfully juggled until a harmonious whole is obtained.
We attribute the longevity of our firm to the quality of our design work and to our genuine wish to listen to our clients and meet their needs.