To say that Jeff and I were stunned by this review is a bit of an understatement. I strive to provide the very best plumbing service experience for all of our customers. I honestly take each customer's satisfaction to heart, and go above and beyond to make sure that everyone feels they received excellent service for a fair price. I will be the first to say that we are not perfect-as humans, we do make errors, but we do try our best to correct or make up for them on the rare occasion that something does happen. However, in this case, I have to say that I do not agree with this Member's review, or the grades she has given us for Price, Quality, Responsiveness, and Punctuality. This member originally called because she had a basement bathroom that would not drain. Jeff went out there and found that the ejector pump basin was full. He diagnosed the problem as a failed float switch. He noticed that the pump was an older model, and recommended that while the pump itself still worked at this time, a replacement was the best option. She explained that she did not want to put the money into this as she was selling the house. Jeff said that the float switch could be replaced but he could not guarantee the pump would last. She took this less expensive option. He installed a new float switch. She also mentioned she had a slow drain-a drain unrelated to this, which she did opt to have Jeff clean using sewer cleaning equipment. About a month later, the Member called me and said the bathroom was not draining again. I sent Jeff out there again, and he found the main drain was obstructed. This drain was unrelated to the first drain she had us do-so she was NOT billed for the same service twice. A few days later, the member called and said the toilet was not going down again. I sent Jeff back, and he discovered that the recently replaced float switch had gone bad. This was a new, high quality brand, that unfortunately, was indeed defective in this case. Jeff replaced the float switch at no charge, under warranty. He did remind the member that the pump itself was old and was not under warranty. This switch was most definitely replaced the first time. Jeff showed her husband the recently replaced part. In terms of grades, here is why I disagree. As for price, I do not know what the member in this case is comparing our pricing to. I do not claim to be the cheapest company in town. Our standards for quality and running a licensed, insured, professional business does not allow rock bottom pricing. But I do feel we still offer outstanding value for the money. We gave pricing up front to the member, and tried to work within her budget. I welcome members to call our competition any time-for what we offer, our pricing is very competitive. As for quality. also, I do no agree with the D. I do agree that the float switch was defective. We have used this brand with success for several years with this being the first problem. However, we did replace the part free of charge, no questions asked. I do understand her not liking the fact that she had to call us back for a second time. I do apologize that a part we installed failed and caused inconvenience. As far as us rodding the line, again, the line we rodded on our second trip there was completely unrelated to the original line. Jeff rodded the complete respective line for each trip. As for responsiveness, I called the Member back quickly. We got back to her mother's home quickly. In fact, we were ready to come back the same day but she asked that we come back a different day that was more convenient for her husband. Punctuality. The first appointment we had with this member, she asked that we call ahead of time as she does not live at the home, and she would be meeting us there. Jeff called her when he was getting ready and got her voice mail. He waited twenty minutes and tried again, getting her voice mail a second time. He informed me of the situation, so I called her. I also got her voice mail. I asked Jeff to wait another fifteen minutes or so. I tried her again, again leaving a message on her voice mail (we left messages with every call). Jeff probably spent 45 minutes or better waiting to hear back. Because she did not respond, I sent Jeff on another call. We have had people forget their appointments with us every once in a while-again, we are all human. I did not want to send a plumber to what was almost Indiana and find no one there, especially since the client requested that we call first with an estimated time of arrival.A little while later, she called and said she was ready now. I explained that my plumber was on another call since we did not could not reach her. She asked if there was any way we could get there today. I told her I would check in with our plumbers to see if anyone was freeing up soon and could make it. Jeff called me a little later and said that he, despite the later hour, was willing to go since the member really wanted this repaired today. Keep in mind, that recommendations to do the job completely and properly were recommended from the beginning of this. Not doing these things was the customer's choice. We make recommendations when we see things that we feel should be done, but we can only do what the client allows. In this case, we did our best to work within her budget but still get things functioning. I believe that Jeff did explain what he was doing and why, and what further work he recommended, and about what lines were being cleaned. As always, I am happy to explain things and go over any issues, and can be reached on (773) 407-1884. Jeff and I will be following up with the Member also.