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Accomplish Moving LLC

Moving Companies


4.03 Reviews
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Showing 1-3 of 3 reviews

April R.
moving companies
  + -1 more
I have to give Zack and Jay hands down a perfect move. Both young men were very polite and respectful in handling all our needs from wrapping items with cling wrap, and also protecting the delicate items with moving cloths. Reading the labels on the boxes as not to break the delicate glass ware. They moved things in the rooms that I wanted even trying to move a solid oak lawyers desk into our office and coming to find out it didn't fit, and then moving it where it would fit. They were very patient with me when I needed to wipe something off or rearrange an area to help them out. I would diffidently hire them, but I'm not moving again! But if I were, I'd hire them in a nano second. I will refer them to anyone I hear that needs excellent service. From the moment I called Han to arrange this whole process it went without a hitch. I received phones calls before the move and after. Thanks again Accomplish Moving! No wonder you picked the name, "accomplish" because you accomplished a perfect move for us.
Description of Work: Moving a complete household two round trips.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Elizabeth R.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Couldn't have gone any better, they provided the truck and the equipment. Over the course of two shorter days, (it was very hot), the two young men who handled our belongings acted as though they were their own things. We had some heavy items that the two of them handled with ease.
Description of Work: Moving from storage units to our new 4 bedroom 3 car garage home.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Diane B.
moving companies
  + -1 more
Here's the story - start to finish: I was going to let this go now that we have everything in one place and can get on with our lives. But today brought yet another glaring shortcoming, and I decided I would not let it go. I'm still emptying boxes in the garage and putting things away. And what I'm finding is NOT pretty. My husband and I went to great pains to pack breakables carefully and to label each box that they were packed in IN RED "FRAGILE - DO NOT STACK." Our meticulous movers on our load which came from another city set those boxes aside and loaded them last, so they would could be packed on top of everything else and roped in, safe and sound. Now that I'm getting to the bottom of the boxes in the garage, I'm finding those FRAGILE - DO NOT STACK boxes......where else? On the BOTTOM of everything Accomplish Moving unloaded. There is NOTHING more we could have done to ensure that those boxes were treated carefully, and our out-of-town movers did such a great job and handled our things with such respect and care. They had no difficulties reading the boxes before packing and UNDERSTANDING what DO NOT STACK meant. Had this been the only problem with Accomplish Moving, I probably would have chalked it up to experience. But it was the final straw in a litany of carelessness and attitude that began when they first showed up at the house we were moving from. 1. The approach to loading our belongings was in no way orderly and with a system that made sense. They would simply put items in and then go through the rest of the house looking for other items that would fit in gaps in the truck. That might be a standard approach for a long haul move, but we were moving a mile away. This approach resulted in no single room being in one area once unpacked. They took our dressers and nightstands and did not take out the drawers before he turned them UPSIDE DOWN! to fill gaps in the truck. Items in the drawers were every which way, and, to my horror, I had a pair of diamond earrings in one nightstand, and one was lost. It's gone. It had to have fallen out when the nightstand was tossed upside down and the contents spewed all over. Had they simply removed the drawers first, as I expected a good mover would, everything would have arrived as it looked the last time I opened a drawer. I've never found the earring, a loss of $350. The pair was $700. 2. Our furniture had many nicks and dings and scratches. I'm still reapplying stain in the hopes of reducing the mars. 3. My husband has a favorite plant he's been nursing along for years. He generally has a purple thumb, but this thing has thrived in his care for three years now and is a source of pride for him. When I saw it coming in the front door with the root ball out of the pot and saw the mover toss it in its pot, leaning it into the wall, I told him to stop. He said he thought it was fake. It doesn't take any kind of expertise to tell a silk plant from a real plant. All you have to do is care enough to look. 4. They wanted to stop for a lunch break on their final day. That was perfectly fine with me. I was in the new house and told them to call me when they were done eating and I'd meet them back at the old house, because by this time, I was nervous about leaving them without direction. They left, and I continued to put things away at the new house. An hour and a half later, I'm wondering why they haven't called, so I drive over to the old house. They've loaded a refrigerator that was staying at the old house into the truck, and more end tables and nightstands, drawers in, are upside down in the trailer. I told them to take the refrigerator out, and the lead mover didn't miss the opportunity to express his unhappiness over having to take it back out. In fact, he seemingly had an "attitude" about anything I requested, and it seemed like he was constantly arguing with me about what I wanted done. 5. The refrigerator being loaded, however, was not the worst thing they had done while left alone, having failed to call me when they were done with lunch, as requested. My husband, the errant audiophile, has spent a fortune on every audio/video contraption there is. Best Buy geeks just love him. We have 3 flat screen TVs, each with its own DVD/DVR/VCR, its own Bose speakers, its own Direct TV equipment, etc. (To this day, I don't know what they all do. All I know is we have so many remotes it's ridiculous.) What I do know is, when I look at each of them, there's TONS of wires going out of one component and into another and, magically, the tangled mess of wires all come together to one plug that you put in the wall for electricity and one cord that you twist into the cable that comes into the house for the TV signal. TWO CONNECTIONS! Miraculous. What does the mover decide? He takes ALL of the wires out of EVERY component and he LEAVES THE PLUGS IN THE WALL WITH ALL THOSE WIRES LAYING ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!!! WHO WOULD DO THAT????? We had a jumble of wires and we didn't know what went to what. It was so incredibly stupid!!!! My husband had to call Best Buy to see if a geek could come out and get us all hooked up again. He asked for a quote and they said $700!!!!! Fortunately, the guy who installed our DirecTV set-up also moonlighted, and he got everything going for just shy of $300. It took him several hours. That was $300 that could have been saved if Accomplish Movers had simply had a CLUE how to do it correctly - or if they had CALLED ME, as I told them to do when they announced they were going to lunch. It's just the simplest common sense. When I mentioned it to the lead guy, he again copped the attitude and said I should have had it all disconnected the way I wanted it before he got there. Bulls^%#. I will also say that when I came over to see if they were still at lunch, I found said lead mover sitting in a leather chair, stereo cranked up, and he's looking out the window and singing away, just rockin' on. (Oooh, my soul!) He saw he had been caught, and he jumps up and immediately explains that he's waiting for his helper to come out of the bathroom to help him. I'm here to tell you there was a house full of one-man jobs. He was loafing. There were other things, but those are the ones that really added up, one on top of another. The helper was a nice guy, hard worker, and friendly. He merely followed lead mover's instructions. I have absolutely no complaint about him, though I'm sorry to say I can't even remember his first name. Just a nice kid. But I remember lead mover's name, and not for a good reason. Ultimately, we're out close to $700 ($1,000 if you count the fact that I don't have a PAIR of diamond earrings anymore) due to the shoddy, thoughtless, lazy, inept job. I'm mad about that. And I'm mad about all those boxes still out in the garage on the bottom of the stacks that clearly say DO NOT STACK. I'm mad because I don't have my diamond earrings. I, for one, cannot recommend Accomplish Moving because of the job done for us. Oh, the icing was on the cake when the guy hands us the bill and says, "Tip is optional." Uh.......ya' think??????????? Diane Bolan
Description of Work: We were moving to a new home a mile away from where we had been living. We packed boxes ourselves and hired Accomplish Moving to load and unload our packed boxes and furniture. We were unable to reserve them for a solid day or two to get it done. They came the first day for an hour, a day or two later for a half day, and the third day for a full day. We then had them back to unload a truckload of belongings we had delivered from another state.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


    Contact information

    1601 E Lakeside Ave, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814


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    Service Categories

    Moving Companies


    Accomplish Moving LLC is currently rated 4 overall out of 5.
    No, Accomplish Moving LLC does not offer free project estimates.
    No, Accomplish Moving LLC does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, Accomplish Moving LLC does not offer a senior discount.
    No, Accomplish Moving LLC does not offer emergency services.
    No, Accomplish Moving LLC does not offer warranties.

    Contact information

    1601 E Lakeside Ave, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814