Focus Pest Management is a new Pest Control Company to the North Georgia, Metro Atlanta Area. Our Company Logo has been registered with US Trademark & Patent office, so rest assure, we are here for the long road. John Kauffmann is the owner/operator of Focus Pest Management (FPM Services) He has been in the Pest Control Industry since 1991. Pest Control is his passion for more than 20 years. John currently holds Certifications in Structural Pest Control w/ GA. Dept. of Agriculture & FL. Dept. of Agriculture; Lawn & Ornamental Horticulture w/ GA. Dept. Of Agriculture; Nuisance Wildlife Removal w/ GA. Dept. of Natural Resources. Focus Pest Management was created not only to provide Pest Control Services but, to provide multiple services to their clients so they could use one company to take care of multiple service needs. Our company accepts all major credit cards such as Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express. *We honor our Active Military & 1st Responders by offering 20% OFF any service. *Our Seniors 55 and above receive 10% OFF any service. *We also offer 4 month 0% financing. Our Household Pest Control Service uses Botanical Insecticides on the interior of the structure to provide the safest means of control. Insects such as: Ants, Roaches, Spiders, Pantry Pest, Scorpions, Fleas, Ticks, Wasp, Honey Bees, Yellow Jackets, Carpenter Bees, Carpenter Ants are part of our Household Pest Control Program. Our Lawn & Shrub Care Service takes care of Fertilization, Lime (Soil Ph), Aeration, Overseeding, Disease, Weed Control, Insect Control for Billbugs, Lace Bugs, Mealy Bugs, Scale, Aphids, Imported Fire Ants, Fleas, Ticks, Mosquitos etc. Our Animal/Wildlife Removal Service provides Humane Trapping for animals such as: Beaver, Fox, Gray Squirrels, Flying Squirrels, Rats, Rodents, Mice, Raccoons, Opossum, Skunk, Moles, Voles, Chipmunks, Birds, Turtles etc. Animal Exclusions/Repairs are provided for animals such as: Bats, Birds, Deer, Snakes, Lizards etc. All Repairs/Exclusions are backed with a 1-3 year warranty w/ renewal options. Focus Pest Management is Licensed; Insured & Bonded. We are a member of GPCA, GWCOA. Our company slogan is "Customer Service is our Focus" We stand behind that slogan by offering services that we hope will exceed our customers expectations. 24 Hour Emergency Service Available.
Additional Service Area: Habersham, Hall, Lumpkin, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, Union, White & Whitefield Counties