1. Mr. Gandy was most unpleasant regarding the restricted use of my neighbor's driveway for his bucket truck truck. I did not care for the Gandy's complaints about my neighbor's request not to use his driveway. I did not like use of the word phrase "old worn out piece of crap" when referring to my neighbor's drive. 2. Mr. Gandy chose to appoint a worker as a climber for the oak tree take down. 3. I did not like his request to use of my equipment (a ladder) for his climber to access my one-story roof. Had his men broken ladder, he would have called it "crap" and never replaced the equipment and possibly sued me if an injury occurred. 4. The work crew was pleasant and very hard working. Photographs were taken with a Nikon D100 camera checked from Augusta State for a class I was enrolled in. The camera bar code #2590. Dates and times on the pictures are the original default. However when noted,I reset the camera for the current calendar and time. The time off-set is a 50-minutes adjustment forward.) 5. I was not expecting the stump to be left as I expected a complete tree removal to mean to take the tree to the ground. 6. I did not care for having my request to have the unremoved trunk trimmed with a cleaner cut ignored and dismissed. 7. I expected the work area cleaned up and neat at the end of the job or at least the next day with all debris cleared and tire tracks smoothed over. It was not. I did not like Gandy's action of kicking at the dirt and complaining was inappropriate. 9. I did not like the use of the phrase "I don't want hear him b****" when speaking of his tree climber and requesting a tip. Although I accommodated his request, I felt it was an insult just to see how far he could push the envelop. 10. He promised me he would stop by and talk to my neighbor about the drive and settle the issue. Gandy did not keep his promise.
Description of Work: Monday, 11/12/12 1. Gandy wrote an estimate for the complete tree removal of 1 oak beside my house at $1200.00. I accepted the bid. Sunday, 11/18/12 1. Gandy, owner of Tree Doctor, called my home at approximately 5:30 PM to notify me that his work crew would arrive at my house on Monday morning, 11/19/12 with a bucket truck. He asked if all was clear to use my neighbor's drive. I confirmed. 2. Approximately, 5:45 PM, my neighbor knocked at my front door, I answered the door and spoke with him. He stated that he did not want his drive used by the tree removal company. No trucks on his driveway. I immediately phoned Tommy Grandy of the Tree Doctor to notify him that the drive could not be used. Gandy asked me if I could put my neighbor on the telephone. I did and they talked. Monday, 11/19/12 1. My neighbor took a 1/2 day from work to assure no damage would come to his driveway. 2. My neighbor and I were outside in front of my house at 7:30 AM waiting for the work crew to arrive at 8:00 AM. The men came with a bucket truck at approximately 9:30 AM. 3. No work began. My neighbor did not want his drive used. Gandy came at approximately 10:30 AM. He spoke with my neighbor. Gandy complained unpleasantly about being denied access to my neighbor's drive with his bucket truck. 4. A work man was given the job of climbing the tree to bring the branches and tree down by Gandy. 5. Before the man ascended the tree, Gandy called for me and asked if I had a ladder for his climber to use get up on my roof. I did. He used my ladder. 6. The tree was dismembered limb-by-limb. I took action photographs for a class at was taking at the college using the college camera. 7. A bob cat, chipper, and dump truck were driven over my neighbor's drivedrive and used to collect the limbs and logs of the oak tree. 8. At approximately 12:30 to 1:00 PM Mr. Gandy found me at the far side of the house, told me that the job was done and that he needed his check. He stated that he had a job that afternoon involving a crane on the Savannah River. He and his men were headed for a lunch before the next big job. He left his bucket truck in front of my house to pick-up the next day. I wrote the check. He asked that I include a tip of $50 for his climber. I considered that unusual, but I did as requested. 9. In the after afternoon, I went to the river to photograph the removal of the tree on the river. 10. That evening when my neighbor arrived home from work, he asked me if I had paid Gandy. I told him I had. My neighbor pointed out the large spots of transmission fluid staining the driveway and the broken pavement. He also pointed out the tire marks indenting the turf on his grass lawn. 10. Beside my house, Mr. Gandy's men had failed to clean up the debris of the worksite and left a large roughly cut stump (17" x 28"). Tuesday, 11/20/12 1. I was up early waiting to phone Tommy Gandy, the Tree Doctor owner, about the driveway, the stump, and debris clean-up. 2.I thought 8:30 or 9:00 AM would be a good time to call given the arrival time of the previous day. At 9:00, I heard a truck outside my house. I went out the front door and caught Gandy and a worker before they drove away. I told him I was just about to telephone him. First, I mentioned the tree trunk to the worker; then spoke with Gandy about the my neighbor's drive. He complained about the drive and referred to my neighbor as unfriendly, difficult, and unneighborly. 3. He called the drive: "an old piece of broken down crap". And dismissed my question while he kicked at the tire tracks and debris his work crew left in my yard while complaining about a digging dog. When I asked to just have the tree trunk cut neatly, he sent his worker who was holding a small chain saw back to the truck and told me to call him about stump grinding at a cost $100. 4. He got into his his bucket truck and left. 5.I phoned Gandy at about 8:00 PM that evening. I mention that I knew the value of the large oak tree for fire wood. I told him that have a working fire place as he could see and that I could have used the wood. I stated that I decided not to mention the oak wood because of the difficulty and commotion which resulted with the driveway and getting the tree down. I asked him to talk with my neighbor about driveway. Gandy promised to stop by my neighbor's house the next day and speak with my neighbor. Wednesday, 11/21/12 1. It took me two days to clean-up the debris left by Gandy's tree crew. I worked outside all day cleaning and waited for Gandy to show-up as promised. 2. Gandy never dropped by my neighbor's house and made no attempt to contact him about his driveway.