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McBrayer Land Surveying

Land surveying


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Angela P.
land surveyor
  + -1 more
First contacted McBrayer through the phone number listed on the plat approx. min-November 2012 to ask if they were interested in re-surveying the eastern property line of our property that was in dispute as they had just done a complete survey in 2009 for the previous owners. I played phone tag with a female there who did not identify what her position was there for a week. She simply stopped returning my calls. At that time we decided to let the matter rest until spring. I made another call to McBrayer during first week of February 2013 to get the process rolling and actually spoke to the young lady who admitted she "did not even remember my having called back in November". She did apologize and said they had had some family health issues at that time. We discussed whether McBrayer wanted to come out to re-survey the line. She said yes, if it was an error on their part, of course they'd want to find & correct it, there would be no cost to us. If line it was correct, there would only be a minimal charge. We left initial conversation end with she needed to contact the man who actually ran the surveys to check schedule & would get back to me. Two days later she called to verify whose name was on the original survey I'd mentioned. I verified it was previous owners, that conversation ended with still waiting for answer on schedule. One week later I'd still heard nothing so I made a follow-up call leaving a message to please call me with appointment time as neighbor was now putting up fence. No return call. Two days later I called again, left another message requesting if they still wanted to check their line I needed a return call by close of business with a firm appointment time. No call received. Gave them two days to call back. Finally by February 27th I left a final message telling them their services would not be needed due to lack of communication.
Description of Work: Was contacted to updated 1 line of the survey they had completed on my property for the previous owner since line was in dispute.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

    Contact information

    42 College St, Clahoun, GA 30701


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    Service Categories

    Land surveying


    McBrayer Land Surveying is currently rated 1 overall out of 5.
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    Contact information

    42 College St, Clahoun, GA 30701