this is a buyers remorse consumer,todays date is august 10th,and on thursday,july 21st, the member laming contacted me at 10:45pm about a project,concerning builfing a complete screened in porch,47 x 27,on a concrete pad. she was in a complete rush to get it done,she wanted it done before the following thursday becayse she said her husband was in the mental health clinic,stating that he was an exwar vet who was mentally unstable and she was leaving beforehand of his arrival.iI still have the emails and evidence saved.she wanted it done,and didnt consult nor wanted himm knowing about it because she stated he tried to do it himself,and faulty installation had been left behind before he tried to take his life according to her,in any event,my contract states by law,simple projects under $5000 have an ETA of 30 days for completion,which is in the contract,and it clearly says,as the consumer knows,thzt barring weather complications,it should still be done within the time frame she requested. that saturday we started,got a few holes dug,amd the consumer stated to pull up her husbands work,and that since he was gone,use their tools and materials.havw that corded as,sunday,contract was digmed,and being flexible,we accepted a deposit 500 lower than what was contracted,and that was fine,being thst we mutually agreed to follow up with payments as the work progressed.monday five of the posts were cemented,and iI exp ained the the consumer and her sister,do Not go near the other posts as they had only been dug a foot into the ground,and that they weremt secured yet. she said no problem,but please hurry becayse her husband was arriving back from the mental health clinic on thursday morning.tuesday was a vomplete washout.two hours of work,and we waited three hours.the posts did not fall as we were sitting there,and told the member we might need more time,as a responsible businessowner,iI cannot nir will not create a life threatening situatiom having people using powertools in the rain.iI wrote the member later that evening have emails and texts saved,and said based on weather there was no way this project would be finished by wednesday.the contract clearly allowef time for this. iI offered to not only work there while she wad gone,but wait to be paid until she arrived back home,and wven made a documented offer for discount.then,iI receive a text essage back claiming work was subpar etc when it clearly wasnt,this is a case where one spouse clearly didnt consult with another,and iI actually have evidence showing the consumer and her sister taking the posts out.what happens is if posts fall,they fall in rhe direvtion there in,and from the hole. when we arrived back to pick up our tools,the posts were clearly on the outside of the hole placed down away from their site,as a way to try to get out of the contract and falsely claim shoddy work,bevause the consumer was in fear of her husband.then iI get a message back stating she wants refund,etc of $250 iI advised her iI could collect for breach of spevific performance,by not allowing me to complete the job as contracted to do so.iI took a real lump on the chin here,and left it at that. then,on august 4th,iI received a tect message from her husband stating please call me.iI did,and he told me she had no right to sign imto vontract for work,and wanted $500 back cause they were financially in over their head,and couldnt afford it,iI still as a professional offered to do the job at an even more discounted rate,but said hed take me to small claims court. iI sent an email advising of either parties rights and that iI could recover for breach of contract on their end,but that id rather leave it as is,and made attemots to finish the project at an even more discounted rate. 1:45 pm iI get an abusive threatening voicemail from the husband stating dont threaten me,etc,and that he was going to come down to our house and dwal with me.iI have the voicemail saved,and reported it to the berrien county sherriffs office who then gave them a verbal cease and desist order,which is in record. word of advice-when conteacting to do business,bith sides have responsibilities to maintain,dont bring personal problems to the mix.