Dear Member, Under normal circumstances I would answer a review like this by saying that we certainly apologize that we missed the mark on what you wanted done and what we promised to do, and that we would be happy to come back and get it taken care of (usually the next business day). However, since what you have published here is fictional and in no way, shape or form, even remotely discriptive of actual events, I cannot do that. The only valid statement are that you did hire us to clean and that the first cleaning charge was $350. We had no idea that you had any complaints about either the price or the cleaning, as you had us come back in 2 weeks to clean again. I only found about this 12 days after the 2nd cleaning when you posted your review here. The second cleaning's charge was $140 because it should not have been as challenging as the 1st one. So, I want to address your groundless accusations. But first, I think that it is terribly dishonest to post false reviews on these "social" type networks, just to disparage a company and in your case, no apparent reason. It devalues the purpose of sites like Angie's List for people who are looking for an honest assessment of a service company. So, I will counter with actual events and actual conditions which we encountered while in your service. I don't write fiction novels, you can't make this stuff up. I your statement that "only two people llive in my house", did you forget that both your son and husband live there as well? Let me address the "and it wasn't even dirty" part. You stated that "there was not much to do except to change the sheets and vacuum". OK, I'll begin with your 18 year old son's bedroom. He is a high school senior. This was the 2nd cleaning only 2 weeks after your initial clean. The team of 2 assigned to your home (we never send one person out) could not even enter his bedroom because there was no uncovered floor space to walk on. clothes were strewn everywhere. Overflowing the drawers, on top of the dressers, on the bed, and all over the floor. Most of them were dirty clothes. the team had to wade through that along with all of the debris, trash and dirty dishes. they picked up empyt liquor bottles of Crown Royal, empty beer cans, enpty cigarette boxes and cigarette butts. Food debris, trash and other waste that in all was enough to fill up a 33 gallon trash bag to overflowing! Then could begin to dust and vacuum. They hung baskets of clothes in the closet. I won't mention the bathroom and shower, as it was a gastly mess. And I have to wonder, your son is an under age, high school student, with many empty liquor bottles & beer cans in his room, and since the team had to wait 30 minutes for him and his girlfriend to get out of the bedroom in order to clean...what is wrong with this picture!? The master bedroom, your room, had clothes draped over the dressers & chairs and scattered around the room. The team spent 2 hours at the first cleaning just sorting, folding, hanging up and putting them in closets and drawers. And you state that they "only organized one thing"? The second time that we come to clean, your room was in the dsme disarray, but at least it did not have any empty liquor bottles or beer cans, so that was a plus. In the living room, your leather sofa had dried on food stuck all over it, which had to be chipped off and vacuumed. All around the couch there piles of crumbs and food scraps which were accumulated just from the 2 weeks since our first visit. In the kitchen, diried food was stuck to the floor, counter tops and table & chairs. The counter tops were piled with dirty dishes as were both sides of the sink. The diswasher had to be emptied to begin putting at least some of the dirty dishes in to be washed. There were enough dirty dishes left to run another 2 to 3 loads. All in all, the house was in horrible condition and your were charged a fair price for the work that was done. It was fully explained to you, upfront, how much the cleaning would be, based on the very challenging condition of your home, and you agreed to it. We did everything that you asked us to do, even more. We made your home habitable again. We used our equipment and cleaning supplies and never even saw your vacuum. we sent out a team of two of our best cleaners and not "someone who said that this was their first experience in cleaning". It would make no sense for us to do that, since we did an in home consulation with you and knew how difficult the job was going to be. They were long term employees as well. When the team supervisor explained to you that since you had them spend an extra hour on the second cleaning, which was beyond the arteed upon terms, you conveniently and expediently left the house and without telling them, paying them the extra hour, or giving them a key in order to lock your house. They had to exit out of the kitchen door and run under the garage door before it closed. While the supervisor was backing out of the driveway, she had the thought that maybe you didn't lock the front door in your haste to leave. Sure enough, you didn't. So the supervisor had to go through the front door, locking it behind her, go back out the kitchen door, activate the garage door opener to open it and then run back out beneath the closing garage door a second time. Finally they left, but were late to their next appointment because of all of the above. But at least they finally got out. What an experience for them! You got a vry clean and organized house and didn't pay them for a third of the time that they spent working so hard for you. And only to see that you wrote this fictitious account of their efforts for you. And "that's the rest of the story".