Response from Roomlifts By Antoinette
I am truly sorry Mr. (member name removed) was so dissatisfied with the two hours we spent discussing his space. The heart of what I do is to help people take what they have and make it better, and my services are primarily consultative in nature, although I LOVE being able to make hands-on changes and share in the joy of seeing the transformation. There are MANY factors involved in how much can be accomplished in a given consultation; and how much rearranging of furniture and accessories can be done on the spot varies widely among my clients. There was an unusual combination of factors in this particular consultation that greatly limited what could be accomplished on this initial visit. That was disappointing to me as well, because I am service-driven and always want my clients to feel they've been served well. However, in addition to the many other factors involved, I never force my ideas, agenda, or timing on a home owner. Interestingly, Mr. Hopkins asked if I would come back once he had completed some follow-up tasks and also had his favorite art work on the premises so we could hang it. I said I would be happy to. Apparently, either I completely misunderstood his intentions or he has had a complete change of heart. Either way, I wish Mr. (member name removed) only the best in finding the decorator or designer that is the right fit for him and his home.