I didn't read down this far before I wrote the above. I covered all this in the prior question.
Description of Work: Unbelievable is the only adjective I can come up with to describe the work performed by Tami Rush, a Certified Professional Organizer (I never knew that Florida had such certification, but it does and she's only one of nine in the entire state). She started on the kitchen, so cluttered that no one even knew there were appliances in there. The dishwasher was used for storage, as was the oven, sink, and every available space. The only appliances actually used were the refrigerator and microwave, which was buried under piles of stuff. It is no exaggeration to say the counters were piled up with at least 4 feet high of miscellaneous items, many unopened purchases, and mail, magazines, newspapers. You couldn't see the counters at all. Likewise the floor: piles and piles of things, too numerous to mention, with only a tiny pathway to the sink, which also was filled with things. They had to be moved each time the sink needed to be used. In a bit less than 4 hours, Tami had transformed this "kitchen" into a functional, normal room. It was hard to believe what she had done. Nothing short of miraculous is how I characterize this job. The stove, dishwasher, microwave, toaster and other normal kitchen utensils are now available to perform their jobs. There is no evidence of clutter. Cabinets are organized, items are easily found, and for the first time in years, it is a joy to go in there and actually prepare and clean up a meal. I could go on and on; but suffice it to say, this woman is incredible. She is kind, caring, non-judgmental, a careful listener, and sensitive to the needs of the person she is helping. One does not have to fear they'll be forced to give up things they like, but Tami will help them find an appropriate place. She also helps to decide what to keep and what to let go of without any pressure. She uses logic, but always with a sensitive touch. I'd say this company, Professional Organizing Services, is for everyone from a real hoarder to someone who just has trouble organizing their things, from a home office to a bedroom closet or a garage that has just gotten totally out of hand and is an overwhelming, daunting task to clear up. And she doesn't charge for an estimate and Angie's List members get a 10% discount! Angie's List suggest I put in their phone number, which is 727-942-2069. Oh, and by the way, Tami actually returns calls pretty fast.