Sample Plumbing, Inc is a family owned and operated plumbing service and contracting company. We have 10 employees who do everything from commercial and residential new construction, renovation, additions, and service. Stewart Sample is a state certified plumbing contractor (CFC1425683) and has been in the trade for 30 years. Sample Plumbing has been serving the Tampa Bay area for over 25 years with thousands of satisfied customers. We charge $130.00 per hour including travel time for any calls outside of South Tampa. Sample Plumbing is also the Tampa Bay areas certified installer of the "Watercop" leak detection system. Imagine you are gone all day at work your pipes under the sink start leaking and continue to leak for 8 hours now imagine you are on vacation and it is leaking for 5 days. By installing a "Watercop" in your home you can leave your house with peace of mind that if you unfortunately have a leak while you are gone all day or even away on vacation your "Watercop" is watching over your house and will turn off the water and avoid a damaging flood. Washing machine hoses account for millions of dollars in homeowners claims every year. The average cost of damage caused by washing machine breaking is $55,000.00. We offer free demonstrations and estimates of this system. Peace of mind is only a phone call away.