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Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center

Landscaping, Lawn Irrigation, Lawn and Yard Work,

About us

Landscape nursery and full service landscape company. We also offer landscape maintenance services along with irrigation inspections and repairs. Landscape design and installation available.

Business highlights

14 years of trusted experience
Emergency Services Offered

Services we offer

Landscape nursery and full service landscape company. We also offer landscape maintenance services along with irrigation inspections and repairs. Landscape design and installation available.

Services we don't offer



Senior Discount


Emergency Services


2.89 Reviews
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Rating CategoryRating out of 5
Showing 1-9 of 9 reviews

Chris M.
landscaping, irrigation systems
  + 0 more
Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center has completed a complete overhaul of my irrigation system. They deserve 5*****! I recently purchased a 58:year old home in Winter Park. When sprinkler heads started breaking, I remembered Lafleur’s ad in the local paper. What a find! They quickly scheduled an appointment to replace the broken heads and to evaluate the system. Tio and his crew evaluated the system and showed me the numerous problems. It wasn’t a matter of some worn out sprinkler heads, but, a system that had been not updated, properly installed or cared for over the years. A day and a half later, it was updated, repiped, new sprinkler heads and even a back flow valve that the city warned me to install. All done professionally with clear communication and a good price. I am also confident that my irrigation water bill will be less now that I have a irrigation system that will not waste so much water. Thanks!
Description of Work: Irrigation system repair

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

david K.
landscaping, lawn service
  + 0 more
After calling and quickly getting an appointment for operations manager Jonathan Barnes to come out to my home, things went bad. Jonathan and I talked about possible issues, but Jonathan wanted the "owner" Lance to come out and take a look. I said fine, when will "Lance" be able to come out and look. Jonathan "in about 3 days". Well, its been about 2 weeks, and even after calling the "operations manager" Jonathan Barnes to follow up, keep lines of communication open, I still haven't heard back. Folks, don't waste your time and hard earned money/paycheck with this amateur, unprofessional company. "LaFleur Nurseries" is pathetic, and must have forgot the "word of mouth is still the best form of advertising".
Description of Work: residential front yard resod and likely at least 1 tree removed
Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Stephen P.
  + -1 more
I spent time with Lance LaFleur at the nursery to get ideas on how to proceed with adding a garden to my home. He said the next step was for him to visit my home to complete a full estimate. I scheduled a date and time for him to visit my home. I waited 90 minutes for Lance at the predetermined time, but he never showed up. I called him and he claimed we misunderstood the date/time, although this was absolutely untrue. He said he would come the following day at a prearranged time. I waited again but Lance never showed up again! I went down the street to Moreno Landscaping who completed the job.
Description of Work: I visited LaFleur Nurseries to get an estimate on adding a tropical garden to the rear of my home, with palm trees, mulch beds, and many other plantings.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Danielle R.
lawn service
  + -1 more
We've used them for over two years and have been satisfied with the work. Any time we have had a problem, it has been corrected. They aren't the cheapest provider out there, but they are great if you are looking for someone to take care of all of your lawn including weeding, trimming shrubs and trees, ect.
Description of Work: weekly lawn maintainence

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

  + -1 more
I truly believed Lance Lafleur and his crew would treat me well. Mr. Lafleur's enthusiasm, design, initial plant quality and installation was positive, but the promise of excellent customer service was broken. I paid Mr. Lafleur $11,000 (!!!) with the assurance he personally would come out every three weeks to oversee and check everything. Once paid, the tune changed. He never came. His maintenance crew came weekly but never noticed the weeds or that some plants weren't doing well and later died. I left voice and text messages asking when to expect him with no answer. I went out to the nursery and when I was told he was on vacation, I left my name and number, but still no response from him. I wrote a letter stating my dissatisfaction -and what a surprise- no reply. Though I finally got some replacement plants, I'm done with Lafleur nurseries. As a 5th generation former nursery owner myself, it's no way to treat a customer.
Description of Work: Lafleur nurseries designed and landscaped my front yard and provided weekly maintenance.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Pam K.
lawn service, irrigation systems, lawn treatment
  + 1 more
I would highly recommend this man too. I was so impressed. I saw his work. I noticed his work was so tidy in particular. They totally cleaned up my yard and trimmed everything. My yard never looked so good. I'm very happy with them.
Description of Work: We used Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center for lawn fertilization, irrigation and lawn and yard work.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Jeanette D.
  + -1 more
See above.
Description of Work: There were no services performed. Mr. Lafleur never showed up on the day he scheduled us for, which was Wednesday April 17, 2013. He was supposed to be at our home at 11:00 am and never showed or called. We called and left messages but got no return calls. Thursday we called Mr. Lafleur and spoke to him; he was very arrogant and never apologized for not calling or not showing up. We will never do business with him.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Richard G.
landscaping, irrigation systems, greenhouses
  + 1 more
Out of the many subcontractors we had working on our new home, Lafleur Nursery was the only one that we experienced one issue after another. 1. Lance Lafleur set up a date/time for my wife and I to take a 45 minute drive to Sanford only to learn Lance Lafleur or his wife were not present. We were told that Lance was running late. Twenty minutes later, Lance arrived and did not apologize for his tardiness. We were then told his wife was not going to attend the meeting but she would design the plans later. 2. As we walked around the nursery, we immediately noted everything was in disarray and some of the plants and trees did not appear to be healthy. Lance assured us the plants and trees were fine just some wind damage. 3. We moved to FL from NH and we were very explicit to Lafleur we wanted a "tropical" design with palm trees, orange birds of paradise, hibiscus, and citrus trees. Lance Lafleur tried to convince us to plant Maple, Oak and Birch trees which we were very much against. We were very clear that we liked to have a Canary Island palm tree in front of the house. 4. We were suppose to meet the following week to review the plans as promised but Lafleur failed to meet that deadline. 5. Day before landscaping installation, we get a call to meet Lance Lafleur at the house to review the plans. Lance Lafleur just walked around the lot saying he was going to plant shrubs, trees and it would look good. No plans or clear identification of what he was going to plant. We had no idea what he was going to plant. 6 Day of installation, we noticed a Birch tree was installed in front of the house; we asked for a Valencia Orange tree and got a Red Navel Orange tree; shrubs installed around the AC Units and Pool Filter which has to be removed afterwards under the recommendations of the Building Inspector. Pool was lined with Hibiscus plants and two White Birds of Paradise and Ginger plants.Just about everything we had requested was not honored and we suspect Lafleur got rid of his junk plants etc. 7. Day of installation, Lance Lafleur asked what we wanted for the front of the house. I was surprised he didn't factor in the front of the house and we agreed he would install Mexican Petunias. Later in the afternoon, he demand another $200,00 for planting Mexican Petunia plants. When the builder inquired why we had pay an additional $200, Lance Lafleur lied and told the builder he never asked for $200.00. BOLD FACE LIAR! 8. After the winter, we noticed the Birch tree was in very bad condition and appeared to be dying. Lafleur requested photos of the tree, watering, pest control, fertilization schedules and then refused to respond back. We contacted Lance Lafleur and he openly accused us of purposely killing the tree. We had to seek the advice of another nursery in Oveido to assist us and were able to save the tree. Fact is the irrigation to the Birch tree and 2 other trees were never turned on from the date of installation. We also learned the birch tree Lafleur planted is a White River Birch tree which requires lots of water and strives better in colder climates. 9. We also noticed some of the plants such as the Ginger plants were all planted in full sun and had to be transplanted. As a matter of fact, we totaly removed all the plants along the pool and had to purchase and install new plants. 10. Never got the Orange Birds of Paradise as we requested but got two White Birds of Paradise which require more maintenance. 11. Irrigation heads were installed on each side of the pool pump had to be relocated. 12 We asked for green vegetation to climb the brick wall in our back yard. A year later the plantings are not climbing so we brought a sample to the another nursery only to find out Lafleur planted Asian Jasmine which will never climb. Once again, we asked Lafleur to make good on this and he requested photos and measurements. After two weeks he responded saying because we submitted a negative review on another site, he would not correct his mistake. Further he demanded he pay him $200 for the work done last year. I informed Lance Lafleur that I would filing a complaint in Civil Court and with the Better Business Bureau regarding his services. Lance Lafleur boldly responded in an email message dated 11/23/12: "you can proceed as you wish, just keep in mind that we had no contract with you and the contract we had signed by the builder reflects exactlly what we had delivered." How is that for professional customer service? In closing, Lafleur Nursery is NOT the place to purchase and/or install landscaping. Knowing what we know today, we were better off gong to Lowes or Home Depot for a better selection, professional advice and better pricing. Lance Lafleur is very unprofessional, dishonest and frankly I am of the opinion that he is not as qualified as he wants you to believe.
Description of Work: We purchased our new home in 11/17/2011 and Lafleur Nursery was contracted by the builder to complete the landscaping. We were assured that Lafleur Nursery was a professional organization. Lafleur was contracted to design and install: plants, trees, sod and irrigation system for an agreed price of $7,000.00 According to Lafleur; his wife; Mitchell is very good with the computer and would provide us with a set of professional plans and a maintenance schedule. Plans were never delivered or if they ever were designed as promised. Even after installation, Lafleur Nursery never gave us any assistance with the proper maintenance of the landscaping. We had to rely on another nursery in Oveido to get us through this nightmare. During the construction phase of our new home, we have met some real honest, professional and helpful people and then there is Lance Lafleur.....a real phony who can talk the talk but certainly cannot walk the walk. There are so many professional nurseries in Central Florida willing to provide you with friendly, professional advice, Lafleur Nursery is not one of them.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Vonnie O.
landscaping, lawn service, irrigation systems, lawn treatment, greenhouses
  + 3 more
LeFleur was hired in Sept. 2010 to perform the above services. LeFleur comes on strong and confident. He talks the talk. Don't let that fool you. He advised that he could fix our irrigation system, which I would think you would do before planting a lawn full of seed. Not LeFleur. He planted seed and then tried to fix the irrigation, which left circular ruts in our front yard. LeFleur said a four wheeler ran through the yard, but after investigating, my husband discovered the sprinkler heads were doing it. Finally, he called in another company to look at the sprinklers. After almost a year of trying to give him time to get our lawn corrected, we hired another company to lay sod. We purchased many plants which they planted, but once they were in the ground, no one seemed to care if they lived, unless they were totally dead and could not be avoided. I will give him credit for replacing them. We had to ask him and/or remind him over and over what we wanted. For example, what kind of flowers/bushes we wanted around the pool. I told him red, he brought coral, even after I had been at the nursery and pointed the red flower out. We bought a magnolia tree from him. He planted it and forgot it. When I mentioned that I thought it was dying, and pointed out the black soot and chewed leaves, he said he'd have it sprayed. Now, remember, I mentioned all of the things I'm telling you at least twice to him if not more. The tree never got taken care of, I followed up myself and took care of it. If you recall the wind/rain storm we had at the beginning of April....he never showed up on the day he was scheduled, we cleaned the storm mess up ourselves. He didn't call to say he was running behind, or ensure us he would be sure the lawn got cleaned up. We have an acre yard. He gave his crew of 2-3 men 20 minutes to mow and trim. He doesn't listen and he doesn't remember what you tell him you want done. Mr. LeFleur also told me at one time that his "bigger" accounts were more important to him, and he would get to us as soon as he could. Finally, 95% of the time he said he would be at the house, or have something done, he never showed and either nothing was done or done. He never had the courtesy to let us know what was going on. After a frustrating effort trying to get what we paid for, we cut our losses and let him go about 4/12/11.
Description of Work: The services that were supposed to be performed: remove old lawn and put in new lawn (front of house), fix lawn sprinklers, clean out and landscape overgrown flower beds, landscape around pool, and keep up lawn and gardens weekly.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


    Contact information

    6275 Sr-46, Sanford, FL 32771

    Service hours

    12:00 PM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM



    State Contractor License Requirements

    All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

    *Contact business to see additional licenses.

    Service Categories

    Lawn Irrigation,
    Lawn and Yard Work,
    Lawn Fertilization & Treatment,
    Landscaping - Lighting


    Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center is currently rated 2.8 overall out of 5.

    Sunday: 12:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    Monday: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM

    Tuesday: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM

    Wednesday: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM

    Thursday: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM

    Friday: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM

    Saturday: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM

    No, Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center does not offer free project estimates.
    No, Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center does not offer a senior discount.
    Yes, Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center offers emergency services.
    Yes, Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center offers warranties.
    Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center offers the following services: Landscape nursery and full service landscape company. We also offer landscape maintenance services along with irrigation inspections and repairs. Landscape design and installation available.

    Contact information

    6275 Sr-46, Sanford, FL 32771

    Service hours

    12:00 PM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    7:00 AM - 5:30 PM