At the The Fidus Group we pride ourselves on our ability to develop and nurture long-term relationships with customers that are based on respect, integrity, dedication, and an unwavering work ethic. We are equally proud to maintain such a relationship with our employees, our manufacturers, and the community that we serve. When we undertake a project we expect a high standard of excellence from every member of the Fidus family. Our roofers, designers, builders, and project managers are dedicated to providing quality and professional contracting. Additional DBAs - Fidus Group, Fidus Group & The Fidus Group LLC. Additional email
Horrible experience, my roof still leaks! Even though I was promised one English-speaking person working on the job all the roofers were Spanish-speaking and I was unable to communicate with them that they were covering up giant holes in my roof that needed Wood sheathing. Finally the code officials came out and made them partially rip off shingles on both homes due to not enough nails in each shingle. They put 4 nails, the code calls for six and they promised eight nails in the contract. They started the job February 15, 2017 and finished February 21, 2017. Two days after the roofers left and the job was completed there was a thunderstorm and the roof leaked. I initially held back final payment while I begged them to fix the leak. What I don’t understand is why they didn’t tell me to call my insurance company to see if I could get any more money. I never even thought of a supplemental claim but they never helped me one bit all they did was deny repairs & file their claim. I was threatened and bullied, so I relented and paid & received a receipt. I had a sales contract and I was selling my homestead but just before closing, the bank discovered the Fidus claim of lien on the property. The sale fell through. James Supplee owner filed a lawsuit but I never received any bills, progress bills or invoices. At trial (I made the mistake of going pro-se) the project manager testified he tried to fix the leak but his crew did not know how to fix it and James refused to send anybody else to help even though he was making $11,985 for a 2000 square-foot home in Mandarin, and only paying these workers $500 flat each for the job. The project manager tried but his men did not know how to fix the leak, it was where the roof meets the sunroom, at the transition. When I signed the contract, Kevin told me that the leak was part of the house and that he would be able to fix it because they are a big roofing and construction company. I even asked him if I should get a sunroom company to look at the lake and he said no it’s part of the roof. I own 14 investment properties I knew about construction but when he said that it was part of the roof and that he would take care of it I made the mistake of believing him. I was so excited to finally hire a roofing company I could trust,I gave him a second roof contract on my investment property. These were the worst mistakes I ever made in my life. Fidus did not start for two months and during that time my roof leaked. James testified that the roof was completed April 7, 2017. What they do is they leave a few nails behind on every job so they can say that is the end of the job Or they come by to pick up the money and they say that that is the end of the job to extend the 90 days statutory time for filing the claim of lien. They are abusing Florida chapter 713 to take peoples houses. But they only do it if you have a lot of equity in your home and they do it most often to elderly people or single women like myself with equity in their home. You might not be one of the unlucky ones but you never know. James Supplee likes to sue anyone that complains and rightfully holds back final payment. If you are thinking about using this company, because I do see that he has some good reviews, I ask you before you do that go out to Saint johns county and Duval county court records. Just type in St. Johns court records on Google and it is free to look at and easy. Look at the official court site only. Just type in “Fidus” where it says “plaintiff” and hit “search” & you will pull up all the Fidus lawsuits that are on record. You will be shocked how many people this man has sued instead of working out a resolution. He has also been sued a lot to. I used to own Allstate alarm company for 30 years and I never sued anyone, or was sued. Sure there were times when my employees made a mistake, but the difference is I went to the customers home and talk to them, found out what the problem was and corrected it. And the customer loved me and respected me for it. My customers even invited me to their Christmas parties. What happened to me with Fidus should not happen to any human. The judgment from Judge Derke looks horrible and makes me look like I am the dishonest person. But if you had been at the trial and looked at the evidence that was presented you will see that there was conflicting testimony. Chris Rouseothe “leak expert” Told so many lies at trial his face turned blood red he squirmed in his seat and sweat was pouring off of his face but the judge just didn’t pay any attention. She had made up her mind when the attorney made me look like a liar by twisting my words around. Fidus rarely loses so beware. James has a fantastic pitbull lawyer who will file a lawsuit against you, support James in his lies, And have many meetings with his employees to go over the lies that they are going to say at Court. You will lose the lawsuit even though you did nothing wrong. That’s what happened to me I lost the lawsuit. They want to foreclose. They had refused to settle, the attorney said “we do not have to settle” “she has plenty of equity”” we will take your home.” I am facing foreclosure, and with attorney fees, I owe $85,000. I have reported him to the state Attorney general, and other entities and I am hoping that the results of these investigations will bring out the truth. If you value your sanity, it is not worth it to hire Fidus roofing. He will do good work on some jobs, all of his employees are not bad, But he has gotten too big and he has no quality control and he doesn’t care about anything but money. He doesn’t negotiate with you when his employees screw the job up - his answer is to file a claim of lien and threaten to take your house. If you don’t pay him he will file a claim of lien and you will be in court with a Lis Pendens that prevents You from selling or refinancing your home. Is this the way you want to spend your life? I have been in court for over four years fighting Fidus and I rue the day that I ever called them. The reason I lost the trial is because all of James Supplee’s employees lied for him. I was shocked at the lies. His attorney made me look like I was not credible and twisted my words around To put all the blame on me. The judge just did not believe I paid Because there was an ongoing dispute over the leak. The claim of lien was filed with a date of March 8, 2017 for the final rendering, and this is a recorded judgment now but when James Supplee testified in court, he testified that the final rendering was April 7, 2017. Obviously he cannot remember his lies. One employee who no longer worked for Fidus Told the truth, he said that his crew did not know how to fix the leak, and Kevin Gregory told him to just try, and when they couldn’t fix the leak that’s when James Supplee started to deny that it was his responsibility to fix the leak and then James testified that my sunroom was leaking, and that he was not responsible for fixing a sunroom. I have a good sunroom and it’s not leaking, and after hurricane Matthew and Kevin Gregory promised to fix the leak he said it was part of the contract and I signed the contract and then gave Fidus a second contract over $22,000 I paid Fidus and both roofs had to be tore off, it took months for my investment property to be completed and I almost lost the sale on that one. James has been filing the results of the judgment in his answer to my reviews, he wants to destroy the credibility of what I say. I don’t care that he has filed a judgment it’s a bunch of ******** and the judge really screwed up and that’s why I have an appeal pending. The judge was very sick at my trial she forgot half of the notes and in the depositions she even said to the attorney to send him his notes, because she couldn’t make heads or tails out of her notes. This is the kind of justice you get when the contractor can afford for his attorney to spend unlimited amount of money and then the attorney will lie and say anything in court to earn that $50,000 in Law fees, and tell lies and coach the employees to lie. The law was unfair to me and I just hope to God that somebody will correct the situation. I will be writing to many people as it gets close to me losing my home to foreclosure. the kind of trial that you really wanna risk losing your Horrible experience, my roof still leaks! Even though I was promised one English-speaking person working on the job all the roofers were Spanish-speaking and I was unable to communicate with them that they were missing giant holes in my roof. Finally the code officials came out and made them partially rip off my roof because I didn’t have enough nails in each shingle. They started the job February 15, 2017 and finished at February 21, 2017. I complained a lot about my roof, because two days after the roofers left and the job was completed there was a thunderstorm and the roof leaked. I initially held back final payment But after I was threatened and bullied, I relented and paid & received a receipt. I had a sales contract and I was selling this home and I purchased another one, and just before closing, the bank discovered a claim of lien on the property. The sale fell through. James Supplee owner filed a lawsuit but I never received any bills, progress bills or invoices. At trial (I made the mistake of going pro-se). The project manager tried to fix the leak But his crew did not know how to do it and James refused to send anybody else to help even though he was making $11,985 for a 2000 square-foot home in Mandarin.stated that they did not know how to fix the leak, it was where the roof meets the sunroom, at that intersection. When initially I signed the contract, Kevin Gregory told me that the leak was part of the house and that he would be able to fix it because they are a big roofing and construction company. I was so excited I even gave him a second roof to install on my investment property. These were the worst mistakes I ever made in my life. James Supplee likes to sue everybody and if you were thinking about using this company, because I do see that he has some good reviews, I ask you before you do that go out to Saint johns county and Duval county court records, And see how many people he sues. Problem with Fidus is that instead of working with you to resolve a problem James has a fantastic pitbull lawyer who will file a lawsuit against you, support James in his lies, and then you have a chance of losing your lawsuit even though you did nothing wrong. That’s what happened to me I lost the lawsuit. They had refused to settle with me because Fidus Attorney said we do not have to settle, there is plenty of equity, we want to take your home. And this is what they do to everybody it’s all over the Internet and I am in communication with many other people that he has ripped off and soon he is going to pay for his crimes. In the meantime, I am facing foreclosure, and instead of owing $9100 I owe $85,000. I have reported him to the state Attorney general, and other entities and I am hoping that the results of these investigations will bring out the truth. If you value your sanity, it is not worth it to hire Fidus roofing. He will do good work on some jobs, all of his employees are not bad, But he has gotten too big and he has no quality control and he doesn’t care about anything but money. He doesn’t negotiate with you when his employees screw the job up his answer is to file a claim of lien and threaten to take your house. If you don’t pay him he will have a claim of lien and file his lawsuit & you will be stuck in court - is that the way you want to spend your life? If you try to go pro-se you will lose and if you hire an attorney be prepared to spend $20,000-$30,000 and if you lose the loser pays the other side’s attorneys fees. Chris Harris lies fir his client & the employees lie or they will lose their job. If you are an honest person you will not win. So why would you even enter into a contract with Fidus knowing that the odds are stacked against you? It’s just not worth it to use Fidus- I’m serious. I have been in court for over four years fighting Fidus and I rue the day that I ever called them. The reason I lost the trial is because all of James Supplee’s employees lied for him. I was shocked at the lies and then the attorney tried to make me look like I was not credible and twisted my words around to put all the blame on me. Chris Harris coaches the employees on what they are to say, unless you have a miracle in your pocket your life will never be the same if you hire Fidus. The judge did not believe I paid Because Chris Harris took out pieces of my deposition and piece them together to make me look like a liar and a confused woman, he is a very deceitful dishonest attorney but he found his niche representing James Supplee and they are both ripping off homeowners in Duval and Saint johns county. The claim of lien was filed with a date of March 8, 2017 for the final rendering, and this is a recorded judgment now - but at trial James Supplee testified that the final rendering was April 7, 2017 - He had no proof that the March 8 was a final rendering so he switched to April 7 and testified to that lie. It’s all very obvious even though he’s filed my judgment if anybody is interested in looking at the law they should go online and look at that judgment, then look at the recorded Claim of Lien and then look at the testimony of Fidus which is on the judgment. Two totally different dates and the judge just let it go by she didn’t care because I tried to be a pro se and she always listened to the attorney. And this was the date that was recorded in the judgment. I don’t understand how the law can allow that to happen how James can testify against something that is totally opposite on a recorded judgment & the judge believes him. One employee who no longer worked for Fidus told the truth-he said that his crew did not know how to fix the leak, and Kevin Gregory told him to just try, and when they couldn’t fix the leak that’s when James Supplee started to deny that he was responsible to fix the leak and then he testified that my sunroom is leaking, and not the roof & that he was not responsible for fixing a sunroom. I have a good sunroom and it’s not leaking, and after hurricane Matthew and Kevin promised to fix the leak - he said it was part of the contract and I signed the contract and even gave Fidus a second contract over $22,000. I paid Fidus for both roofs and both roofs had to be torn off, - it took months for my investment property to be completed and I almost lost the sale on that one. James has been filing the results of the judgment on my reviews, he’s trying to make me look bad as he did during the trial. So this is the kind of man you’re going to be dealing with so if you have a big project, I would think twice before using Fidus. He is an evil dishonest liar and he will stop at nothing to win. If you are unhappy with the job he will slap a claim of lien on you, And then a lawsuit to take your house. Many people think that because it’s their homestead that it cannot be touched, but that is not true when it’s a mechanics lien. A mechanics lien goes in front of your mortgage so Fidus can force the sale of your home even if you Are current in your mortgage. I would think twice before using Fidus But if you still insist on using them, remember that when he does file the claim of lien you can go down to the courthouse and file a bond, this bond will be for the amount that you owe and 10% in legal fees. This way his attorney Chris Harris won’t run up the attorneys fees 50,000 $60,000. If the attorney Isn’t going to get a lot of money and James isn’t going to get the profit from the foreclosure, they will not sue and they will settle with you. Because their employees lie so much I recommend you running your video and a recorder to get all the information on your iPhone because you will need it when you go to court because they lie. Make sure you take before during and after pictures. If you do wind up in a lawsuit with him and you do settle, don’t let the court destroy the evidence. James is requesting that the evidence on his lawsuits be destroyed, what does this mean to you? Do you understand the significance of this? If somebody wants the evidence destroyed it means that they have something to hide. I have never heard of evidence being destroyed in a civil lawsuit in my life and he did have evidence destroyed in his St. John’s lawsuit. Go out and check. I have no reason to lie I’ve already lost the trial, I already have a judgment against me.
Description of Work: Initially I hired Fidus to just fix the leak because I was going to sell the house, but then the insurance company came out and told me that they would give me a new roof so I signed a contract for an entire new roof, and the leak was supposed of been part of the contract for heaven sake’s who would expect to pay $12,000 for a new roof and still have a leak afterwards?
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Susan S.
roofing, home builders, skylights
+ 1 more
The Fidus Teams did a fabulous job.....but the hero was Seth Augustine. Seth held our hand throughout the entire process. His customer care was the best. I am a Realtor and will certainly recommend Seth/Fidus to my clients and friends. Thank you.
Description of Work: Roof replacement
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Dane T.
+ -1 more
They did a wonderful job on the repairs. Great craftsmanship and responsiveness and we were happy with them.
Description of Work: Roof and gutter work.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Joseph K.
+ -1 more
Other than some delays in start date and material delivery, Robert Sims did such a stellar job picking up the work from a colleague - informing me what was going to be done each day, by whom, and making sure all our questions and concerns were taken care of. Additionally, Jaron Waters and Nate Morton were very pleasant to work with. They always answered all my questions, didn't mind me taking pictures of their work, and always had a great attitude!
Description of Work: Firewall rebuild, painting
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a great review!
Roslyn P.
+ -1 more
Good job, roof looks good and so far no leaks.
Description of Work: Removed chimney and repaired roof
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
We are so glad you are happy with your new roof! Thank you for choosing The Fidus Group!
Gary M.
+ -1 more
Great work done before I anticipated.
Description of Work: Roofing and soffit
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you very much for choosing Fidus!
Dave A.
fencing, roofing
+ 0 more
Awesome, from the front office to the crew!
Description of Work: Re-Roof and Fence
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
We are glad to know that you are pleased with our work. We appreciate your business, your kind review, and the A rating! Thank you!
Pam P.
+ -1 more
Satisfied with the people and professionalism.
Description of Work: Roof tune-up. After roof tune-up I had additional work done. I had 3 vents on the roof replaced.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thanks for leaving us a review! Happy to hear that you were satisfied with our service, hope your roof hold up for years to come!
Keith S.
remodeling, home remodeling, roofing, skylights
+ 2 more
Fidus was able to have a crew out earlier than when we had originally scheduled which was in our favor since we had a significant leak in the kitchen skylight. Tammy, customer service phone contact, was extremely helpful in this. A three man tech crew arrived first thing and after outlining what they were going to do and what we needed to do to mitigate dust and debris inside the house, set about wrecking out the old skylights and installing the new. The job took approximately 6 hours. Clean up of old shingles and skylight frames was immaculate. I've yet to find any shingle pieces or roofing nails. They made the effort to match existing shingles however since the roof was replaced 6 years ago the new shingles stand out. I expect these to weather over the course of the next 9-12 months and blend in with the older ones. I paid a bit extra considering the other bids I received however I believe that the work and warranty justified the extra, plus the high ratings on Angies List. I would recommend this company to anyone looking for repair/replacement of skylights and overall roofing needs.
Description of Work: Skylight replacement in 2 bathrooms and the kitchen.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for taking your time to leave a positive and detailed review!
catalina W.
+ -1 more
well recently I send a bad review about this company, the paving to what my eyesight can appreciate is well done. All other negative concerns like broken sprinklers and landscaping are being taken care by Mr. Jason. I however expressed my feelings about being hussled by the secretary after just handling a check for half of the payment, and talking to Mr. jason about payment method for the other half. Today my debt has been paid in full and Mr. Jason is going to finish my landscape.
Description of Work: patio paving
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
We apologize that things were not to your expectation. We will do all that we can to follow up on all pending issues to insure that you are fully satisfied.
Pamela B.
+ -1 more
Two appointments scheduled and both were delayed on the days they were to happen. First visit was to explain the owner's need and second to take pictures to comply with GAF shingle law suit and provide estimate for possible re-roof and or partial roof replacement. Fidus representative on both visits promised professionalism and prompt service and to send pictures taken so that owner could file GAF claim. After many, many phone calls, emails and texts and continued promises from Fidus rep to send said pictures, none were ever received and no explanation was provided even after promising to send them when "he had time because he was so busy". I specifically stated at the first visit that I only wanted to deal with a professional company and he promised me that Fidus provided prompt and professional services. Totally unacceptable.
Description of Work: Was to take pictures and provide an estimate regarding possible re-roof and/or partial roof replacement in conjunction with current GAF shingle class action suite.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Catherine M.
+ -1 more
They matched the color almost perfectly to the rest of the house, which was impressive since the house is 10 years old. They cleaned up thoroughly afterwards. Replaced the sections of the pool enclosure screening that had to be removed to access the dormer. The screen matches exactly what was there before. There were no surprises. At the time of the estimate the owner explained the process and what to expect if they found rotted wood. Very professional company..
Description of Work: Stucco was bulging and cracked at base of a dormer. Fidus Group removed old stucco from bottom foot around entire perimeter of the dormer. They checked to determine if there was any rot inside the wall, and, thank goodness, there wasn’t. They installed a weep screed, weather barrier, and lath at wall base.They banded the windows in the dormer.They applied a base coat and stucco to the whole dormer.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you taking the time to review our work. We're glad you are happy with the outcome.
Kelly N.
+ -1 more
I obtained 3 estimates for 2300 sq. foot home needing roof replaced. I knew to only use a Master Elite Certified roofing contractor. They are a bit more expensive, but you get what you pay for and a roof is one of the most important parts of our home. Fidus Roofing was very professional. Roof completed in 2 days while I was at work. On day 3 they came by to review and do final sweep of nails from yard and clean up. Best part is the knowledge that I do not have to worry it the job was done right. Recommend Fidus to anyone needing a roof.
Description of Work: replace existing roof
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for taking the time to give us a positive review. We are very happy to to have the Master Elite Certification from GAF which gives you a warranty that other roofing contractors just cannot offer. We know you will appreciate this very wise investment for years to come.
Gena S.
hardscaping, roofing
+ 0 more
Our only complaint would be we were told the start date would be much sooner than the actual start date occurred. Once they got started, everything went well and we are very happy with our results.
Description of Work: Removed cement driveway and installed brick pavers. Also installed brick pavers up to front door. Very happy with the results and would recommend their services. We also used their services for a roof leak. This took a little longer to fix as the first time of the repair, evidently was not correct and they had to return. But they did eventually fix the roof leak.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for leaving an honest review. Often, things out of our control cause delayed starts, we apologize for that on your project. Please call on us again.
peter S.
+ -1 more
The contractor (Kevin Gregory) climbed on the roof in the area of leakage. He found several loose shingles and a small spot needing caulking. He performed the repairs and took before and after pictures to show me the work When I asked the cost he said to remember Fidus as my 20 yr old roof would probably need to be replaced in the next several years.. I would definitlyrecommend this company.
Description of Work: Inspected roof after heavy rain to determine cause of leak.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for taking your time to write a review! Yes, remember us when you are ready for a new roof. We can offer a lifetime - LIFETIME - warranty because of our Master Elite status with GAF. Less than 10% of roofers in the US can offer that warranty.
Peter S.
+ -1 more
Takes a few years to know you have a good roof job, not only no leaks but all looks as good as day one! A very handsome roof. James of Fidus personally involved himself with the entire process. He had advised us that we should go for maximum storm protection (they verified roof structure) including using peel and stick membrane instead of felt, one more full barrier. Shingles ave a 50 year non prorated guarantee, partly based on Fidus certification. Very clean job, swept yard with a magnet to find wayward nails. Showed up early each day and finished on time. In spite of hot weather, the men worked with good spirit and attitude. Great crew. Even the individual laborers had an appreciative, gracious manner. From time to time James checks back to be sure we are still happy. We are. Even climbs on the roof to look. We have recommended Fidus to over ten friends, and most of them used Fidus and all who did reported back to us that the job was done right and priced fairly.
Description of Work: Replaced entire roof including copper work and chimney cap
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you very much for the kind review. We're glad you like our work, it does look very very nice!
L B.
+ -1 more
We were very pleased with this roofing company. They did an excellent job with our roof repair for a fair price. They showed up to work when they were scheduled to do so and stayed on our project until the work was done. The owner, office staff & roofers were all very courteous & professional. We were kept informed every step of the way. I would not hesitate to recommend this company. We have not always had good luck with contractors in St. Augustine. FIDUS is an exception. When the time arrives we will use them again & will, as necessary, seek their recommendation for other skilled companies in the area. Mr. L Brummel
Description of Work: Repaired a leak in the roof
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for taking the time to review. If you would, we'd like to know what we can do to get our B rating of quality up to an A. If there was something that wasn't excellent, please feel free to give us a call so we can exceed your expectations.
Nels F.
roofing, skylights
+ 0 more
Fidus was the only roofer that would bid the project. Others no bid it because of past experiences in the complex. Fidus has success in roofing other quadraplexes. Roofer had a good sales pitch and promise of personal involvement and guaranteed warranty. The price did hold as advertised. His license and reputation was somewhat complete. Job was late starting and although 5 days were projected, it took weeks to complete. Fidus was conscientious about retrieving nails, but the other debris was falling into the skylights, into the house and the length of nails penetrated the roof so far it makes the attic a dangerous place. The debris generated and left was incredible. One rainy night, when the promised skylight replacement (you'd think that they would know what size to order and have ready) did not fit, they put a pack of shingles on the oversize skylight cover. It blew off and rain and debris soaked the bathroom on a Saturday night. A worker was sent out the next day but complained that it was his day off (to fix something he did to damage our property). Initial walk-thru produced about 45 discrepancies. Attention to detail and finish quality is not a strong suite. Several trips and weeks later the warranty was honored. Now, months later, a neighbor showed me leaking and dry rot in his attic, which has been repaired twice by the Fidus. Fidus did not source the leak, or the damage, or strip it down to the bare wood to see the actual leak damage. A third trip may have repaired the job, but there is no sense of confidence and security now.
Description of Work: Replaced roof for a quadraplex condo, in which each owner paid for service individually.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Lauren A.
+ -1 more
I can't believe how thorough and how much they invest even when I wasn't sure if I was going to go with them yet. I had 3 other quotes, but Fidus went so much more above and beyond! Excellent!!
Description of Work: New roof, awesome!!
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Our goal is to meet and exceed expectations, glad to see that we did that for you. Enjoy your new roof for many many years! We very much appreciate your kind review.
Jack S.
+ -1 more
We recently had a brand new roof installed at our veterinary clinic. James was excellent at communicating what to expect during the process, and worked with us regarding scheduling due to our appointments. The crew was polite, clean, efficient, and they were always courteous of the clients entering and leaving the building. The job was done within the time frame estimated, and we paid the price that was given in the estimate. There were no hidden fees, or add-ons. The cost was more than reasonable. We are very pleased with their services and will absolutely use them again, and refer them to others. It was a pleasure working with James and his team.
Description of Work: Installed a brand new roof to our clinic.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for the kind and generous review! We're happy to put a new roof over all of your little loved ones!
Robert H.
remodeling, roofing
+ 0 more
Went perfect. Will be an ongoing contract.
Description of Work: Provide roofing service a general contractor.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thanks for the quick review! We look forward to doing more work for you in the future.
Jennifer C.
+ -1 more
I recommend James with the Fidus Group any chance I get. James took time and guided us with the best type of roof for our location. We received the most amazing warranty that will add value to our home should we ever sell and it simply came with the roof with no additional cost or work for us. We are located 2 blocks from the beach and the permitting requirements are very strict...James knew exactly how to do everything by the rules and his guys were in and out in just a few days...the cleanup was so thorough, you'd never know we had workers at the house...except now we have a new, beautiful roof. James is a real expert and is more professional than any of the others I had out to bid...he even helped with providing our insurance company a wind mitigation report so we could receive the most discounts. Fidus truly goes above and beyond their competition to make sure their customers are completely satisfied. Thanks Fidus!
Description of Work: Fidus Group put a new roof on my home.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for taking the time to write a review. Glad we were able to work on your home and get you such a good warranty. Enjoy your new roof!
John H.
+ -1 more
The job went great, the workers were fast and professional. The job was completed ahead of schedule and the price was very fair. I referred The Fidus Group to my neighbor and they also did a fantastic job on her house. I would not hesitate to recommend this company to my family and friends.
Description of Work: Re roof on my house, my neighbor's house and another family member.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for the time to write the nice review!
Jon H.
+ -1 more
Couple thought they wanted a metal roof, but after reviewing all the options with James at the Fidus Group they choose a standard shingle roof. They were delighted with the performance of the crew and they way in which they took care to clean up.
Description of Work: Provided a new roof for a neighbor
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for taking the time to write a help review!
Cathy J.
+ -1 more
I called the owner of Fidus, James, to see if he could send someone out to look at it and give me an estimate. James offered to come that day, in fact he was at my house within the hour of my call. He inspected the problem area, gave me an estimate and called in to set the appointment for the repair before he left my house. His employee showed up on time, was courteous and professional and cleaned up after himself before he left. About a week later, after some very heavy rains I realized that there was still a small leak in the same area. I called Fidus and they sent someone right away who was able to spot the problem and fix it immediately. I would definitely recommend Fidus to everyone who needs roofing work done. They are professional, the price was exactly what was quoted, and they backed up the work that they did.
Description of Work: I had a roof leak that needed to be fixed.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Response from Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC
Thank you for the review, and thank you for letting us know how things were after the heavy rains. I'm glad we found everything that needed fixing and really glad that your home is now well protected.
All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.
*Contact business to see additional licenses.
Service Categories
Pavers and Hardscaping,
General Remodeling,
Sunrooms and Patio Enclosures,
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling,
Gutter Cleaning,
Remodeling - Modular & Mobile Home,
Basement Remodeling
Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC is currently rated 4.6 overall out of 5.
Monday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC accepts the following forms of payment: American Express,Check,Discover,MasterCard,Visa
Yes, Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC offers free project estimates.
No, Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
No, Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC does not offer a senior discount.
Yes, Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC offers emergency services.
No, Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC does not offer warranties.
Fidus Roofing & Construction LLC offers the following services: Roofing*Construction & Remodeling* Pavers and Screen Enclosures (Roofing Lic. #CCC1329903) (Building Contractor Lic. #CBC1258848)
Contact information
301 Kingsley Lake Dr. Unit 501, Saint Augustine, FL 32092