ROOF-TECH is built around a core of people with good technical skills in production, and experienced management knowledge from several fields. At least one of our owners is working on every job we do. When a home owner is experiencing a leak in their roof, they are commonly directed to have their entire roof replaced. This is many times neither necessary, nor is it the best solution to deal with the existing roof leak. Roof leaks are usually caused by relatively localized defects that can be isolated & addressed. The advantage to repairing a roof as opposed to replacing a roof should be obvious - the cost involved in substantially less. The reason that many times the roofing contractor evaluating the roof leak suggests replacement, when a repair would suffice, is that many roofing contractors simply are not very experienced in locating the specific cause of the leak itself. So instead they determine that the correct solution is to replace the roof itself, when in fact the overall roof may have several years (or more) of life remaining! ROOF-TECH specializes in repairing roofs, which allows the home owner to maximize the life of their roof. 5 EMPLOYEES. COST IS DETERMINED BY THE JOB. NO TRAVEL CHARGES.