Angie's list Hello Customer Nice to meet you even knowing we have never met,,I'm very sorry you and your husband had a very bad experience with tile tactics llc,,let's start off from the beginning ,,the first phone call I got from your husband was about regrouting a shower, I came out the next day for a estimate,,at that time I looked at your black grout that was in your grout lines only on about 10 to 20% of your shower,,I noticed it was only on one out of three walls,,I've seen this lots of times before. So I walked around your house a looked at all your foundation and noticed your ground soil was up on your walls ,,so that allows moisture to breath up threw your footer an your houses aluminum walls,into the wall cavity s an bleeds out threw the grout joints causing the grout to darken down,,at that time your husband said that's not true and he doesn't be leave what I was saying,,and that he has never heard that before,,so at that time I told him what to do,dig the dirt off the wall,,then call us to come back an regrout ,,can't regrout at that time ,because the stains will come back. Have to let wall dry out,,so at that time your husband seemed upset cause we told him something stupid an not wanting to do the job,,but he called us a few months later. And said we were right an he dug the dirt back and fixed and fixed the moisture problem,,so we gave at that time of when we would come out an do the regrout,,when we came out to do the regrout ,as we were into the job of scraping the dirty grout out. We noticed the shower wasn't clean. It look clean but there was already at that point grout film and residue an soap and shampoo scum on the walls. So I called your husband into the shower. I showed him at that time that there was grout all over the tiles an it was into the scum,,I told him at that point too that the grout was super hard an wouldn't scratch out. That we were going threw way more blades then usual ,,he said at that time that he bought grout and tried grouting the shower himself before he called us , so by failing to tell us the customer tried grouting. We would of not excepted the job. Because he told us he used premixed grout. And that grout drys super hard and is almost impossible to remove,,so I scraped the grout off and showed him it was grout and I scraped sum of the scum off and why my hand was wet I rubbed my fingers together an it foamed up. An grout doesn't foam up,,so he walked back out to living room an got back onto phone,,so we finished scraping which took 4 n 1/2 hours which should of only been a hour job,,when we finished the job he inspected it an said looked good. An I told him at that time that it used way more blades then usual ,suppose to be 20 blades it took a 80 pack of case cutter blades an 5 Multitool at $9.99 each ,,so I told your husband at that time that I would keep the price for regrout a 100 if he would just help out with the blade cost. An he said ok. And for the rest of the money. I told him that white grout in showers it should be sealed to keep clean. So to keep him from ridding into town to buy some I looked in truck an sold him a quart of sealer,,two weeks later I got a call from your husband. Mad at me saying we messed your whole shower up an said that there was grout all over hard on your walls an was upset with me and said you two scrubbed the shower for hours and couldn't get none of it off the walls,and I need to get out there and fix ittt,,so I told him that we would be out that way between 2n4 and we would stop in, and I would call when passing the place. He said ok. We called after job in alachua fl when passing by back into town an stopped. No answer. And no one home. We waited 15 mins then got a call from him saying he was out riding his new motor cycle,,he was mad we didn't call but we did. We were only four mins up the road , when he got home he was upset. But we had it scheduled for between that time. We commented on his new bike to try an cool the air. Me an my son told him it was a nice bike,, an I just asked how much it cost cause I'm buying one. An he told me its none of my Business and he don't discuss his prices he pays with anyone,,so we took that as rude. And went in an took a tub / shower brush and water / vinegar went in a scrubbed an was in and out in 30 mins ,soon as the vinegar hit the soap scum with grout in it. It just scrubbed off. A basic regrout with out cleaning of shower runs about 175 and up ,, a basic shower cleaning and regrout starts at 225 and up. Customer just wanted basic regrout. And they received a the shower cleaning and regrout for a 100. And for the sealer that we sold you that you claim is toxic. It is not. It is a DuPont sealer ,sealers are made for showers/kitchen top / floors for kids an animals. I assure you it isn't toxic. But all sealers to stink and are very strong smelling for days. If you had a bad concern for it being toxic. You should of not used it if your nose couldn't handle the smell an wiped off where you sprayed it with your shower sprayer an called me an I would of of came an got it and gave your money back for it,,cause I only live a mile from you,,so when we were done the second time I called your husband into the bathroom an made sure he looked at the walls an floor to make sure they were clean good enough this time. An he looked at all and said looked great,,I'm sorry for no afterward check up call. But when a job is done an customer fully inspects the job and says it looks good. The job is done and complete. With the recession we lowered are prices 3/4 % to be able to stay in business , so we have to keep overhead to zero to stay open , I do all my work. All my bookwork all my estimates an calls myself,,we get about 4000 calls a month,, so I'm really sorry for not doing a follow up call afterwards.